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Biden’s newest executive order , bans term China virus

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On 1/29/2021 at 7:26 AM, DoubleDose said:

That's great.  In corporate America, you have folks regularly filing "offended" complaints with HR to destroy the careers of others; particularly those they see as obstacles to their advancement. 

What a God awful , depressing experience that must be trudging to work there everyday . We’re not long past when work disputes were settled in the back parking lot , keeping things “ in house “ is still a big thing . 

As a boss only twice did I have to have a discipline a guy, closed door lots of F bombs ,chest puffing and red faces , they conceded and all was well . Shared a hunt and campfire with one this season .

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What a God awful , depressing experience that must be trudging to work there everyday . We’re not long past when work disputes were settled in the back parking lot , keeping things “ in house “ is still a big thing . 
As a boss only twice did I have to have a discipline a guy, closed door lots of F bombs ,chest puffing and red faces , they conceded and all was well . Shared a hunt and campfire with one this season .

When your life depends on the guy next to you you tend to deal with differences much differently than when you’re in the next cubicle.

If our conversations were ever recovered at work “grab her by the pussy” would seem G rated!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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55 minutes ago, Nomad said:

What a God awful , depressing experience that must be trudging to work there everyday . We’re not long past when work disputes were settled in the back parking lot , keeping things “ in house “ is still a big thing . 

As a boss only twice did I have to have a discipline a guy, closed door lots of F bombs ,chest puffing and red faces , they conceded and all was well . Shared a hunt and campfire with one this season .

That's life in a Fortune 100 company.  What you described would be immediate grounds for termination, employees would say they felt threatened and would be in fear at the workplace.  I'll share a crazy but true story of a manager I know:

Manager has an employee that is completely incompetent, not capable of doing the job, and produced zero result in 1 year.  Manager and his Supervisor have a meeting with HR to discuss options.  HR advises Manager he needs to immediately have a meeting with employee, advise employee they are being put on probation, they have 6 months to improve or will be terminated, and that all their work and errors will now be documented for their HR file.  Two days after the Manager/employee meeting about probation, the Manger is called into their Supervisors office for a meeting and the same HR rep is present.  The HR rep advises the manger that he is under investigation for creating a hostile work environment.  The complaint was the same employee and the hostile environment was the HR plan and that none of the other employees were being treated that way.  Yep HR stabbed the Manager in the back.  Want to know why things are so expensive?  Corporate America carries a ton of dead wood because managers and companies fear litigation and reputation, so no one gets fired.

Edited by DoubleDose
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