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Ted Nugent ----- A Poacher ???

noodle one

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Rocker and celebrity hunter Ted Nugent will have to pay a $1,750 fine after pleading no contest in Calif to baiting a deer and not having a properly signed tag.

Nugent was seen killing a immature buck on a February episode of his Outdoor Channel TV show " Spirit of the Wild".

Ivestigators found that the deer had been eating bait called "C'mere Deer." Baiting wildlife is illegal in Calif.

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I saw that on another forum. Well celebrity status or no, I do not condone law breaking regardless of whether I agree with the law or not. I did have to laugh at all the excuse-making that showed up on the other forum.  ::D


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If there's any hunting celebrity who makes my blood boil, it's Nugent!  I know a lot of hunters out there seem to idolize this guy.  Why?  I surely will never know!  He is exactly the type that we don't need portraying hunters.  He seems to think that he is a spokesman for hunters in this country, and what does he go out and do?  Gets himself a rather serious game violation, that's what!!  I don't like the fact that this might tarnish the hunters image even more in the eyes of the non-hunting public, but I can't say I feel sorry for the idiot one tiny bit!  Jim Zumbo was practically black listed from the hunting industry a couple of years ago, and he surely didn't get busted for a game violation either.  If the same doesn't happen to this creep for this incident, I will know that something isn't right with the industry AND the hunters who look up to this guy! 

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steve863; Who are you to group the rest of us into this "we" category? You don't like Ted, ok fine. I happen to think he's off the wall but a good guy who's done more for hunting and gun rights in general then most ever will. Seems to me if he broke the law and steped up to the plate instead of draggin it out one way or another then the anti's or Ted haters are the ones making more of a big deal out of this then it is.

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steve863; Who are you to group the rest of us into this "we" category? You don't like Ted, ok fine. I happen to think he's off the wall but a good guy who's done more for hunting and gun rights in general then most ever will. Seems to me if he broke the law and steped up to the plate instead of draggin it out one way or another then the anti's or Ted haters are the ones making more of a big deal out of this then it is.

Nope, I don't like him.  I find it quite interesting and revealing that a lot of hunters out there do.  I guess that doesn't say much for these hunters either.  This incident just proves that he talks a good story, but does otherwise, and this isn't the only time either.  Yes, we all can make a mistake and can even get a game violation if we are not careful or simply just by an oversight, but no one will tell me that NUGENT has any excuse here.  Absolutely NO reason for someone of his stature and connections not to know what the law is in the area where he is hunting and even filming the hunt.  I'm sure he will have other defenders here also, but I for one ain't going to buy any of it.  Nugent would be the first one to throw something into the face of someone he thought was on the wrong side of what he supposedly believed.  He's the guy with egg on his face now and hopefully will have to face some of the music.  I surely won't be burying my head in the sand like some other hunters like to when it comes to criticizing our own.  If they deserve criticism, they will get it.

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He claims that  30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene.  The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine.  That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. "... but if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd killed all the hippies in the foxholes...I would have killed everybody." - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990"

Are you sure you want him to represent you as a hunter... the man is a racist, draft dodging womanizing peice of crap nut job. I don't care what he does that can be considered good, it doesn't make up for all of the bad through out his life.

He had 11 counts against him but pleaded to 2 for this, yea thats stepping up to the plate and admitting wrong.

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Was he hunting over the bait or did they just find it in deers system and it could have ate it somewhere away from his treestand? Im not a big Ted fan, but he is hardcore pro hunting so he cant be all bad. I just wonder, cause unless I am incorrect, baiting and or feeding deer is illegal here too, yet every outdoors department or store has several of these baits for sale, obviously someone is buying them and using them or they wouldnt be on the shelves. Now if you buy one of these mineral blocks or this cmere deer and put it out a half mile from your stand now, if you shoot a deer in bow season and it has some of these minerals in its system, I guess that means your baiting them too??? if so there is alot of baiters that are no better than him, they just didnt get caught===yet.

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I just wonder, cause unless I am incorrect, baiting and or feeding deer is illegal here too, yet every outdoors department or store has several of these baits for sale, obviously someone is buying them and using them or they wouldnt be on the shelves. Now if you buy one of these mineral blocks or this cmere deer and put it out a half mile from your stand now, if you shoot a deer in bow season and it has some of these minerals in its system, I guess that means your baiting them too??? if so there is alot of baiters that are no better than him, they just didnt get caught===yet.

According to NYS law it's illegal to bait, but you CAN put out food plots, so technically baiting is legal with some things, but not with others.  Nugent has no excuse.  He tells everyone who wants to listen to him how American hunters and shooters are law abiding people and anyone who might have any doubts he has little use for.  He should make doubly sure that he upholds this image he touts about hunters and shooters, most especially since he is in the limelight and acts as a representative for them.  He has failed on all counts. 

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I think some of you guys are sounding nuttier then he is. Never said I wanted him to represent me, I said he has done alot for hunters and gun rights. Typical of haters to twist words around and dig up all the dirt they can to pit hunter against hunter. Same thing the anti's do. Look how you guys are trumping this hate up, pathetic.

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No kidding, Doe!  And those ear tags not only had the price, but the deers serial number, complete family history, and how many viles of sperm samples they have in storage from him.  It's QDM, after all!! LOL

Really hate to tell you but all the hunting shows do the same thing. They all hunt ranches, large fenced in areas, or over populated leases. Everyone of them is just as bad as Uncle Ted.

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Well, here's the thing. Nugent is not the first of the hunter-heroes to break the law in a frantic effort to be able to make deadlines with successful hunting footage or articles. Remember Roger Rothaar and Noel Feather and many more. None of them should be excused, and they are just as rightfully scorned as any poacher should be. Those before Nugent have been driven off to obscurity for their crimes. Will Nugent? Time will tell.

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I think some of you guys are sounding nuttier then he is. Never said I wanted him to represent me, I said he has done alot for hunters and gun rights. Typical of haters to twist words around and dig up all the dirt they can to pit hunter against hunter. Same thing the anti's do. Look how you guys are trumping this hate up, pathetic.

Whats pathetic is how people look to the nuge like he is some kind of god with out looking at all of the stuff the he says and does. I don't know why putting the truth out is digging some thing up and could be considered pitting hunter against hunter. Sounds like you are fan.

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Some kind of God huh.

Dude, what the frack is wrong with you? He's just a man using what fame or fortune that's come his way to benifit the sport in some way. I can apriciate any celebrity that's not a ***** anti. You got a problem with that?

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I find Nugent entertaining most of the time and I agree with some of his political views, but I dont look at him like a god. I dont look at anyone like that. Im sorry to hear that he broke the law and there are no excuses for it, but I am glad to hear he stepped up to the plate and took resposibility instead of trying to use his celeb status as a way to get out of it or something like that.

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Some kind of God huh.

Dude, what the frack is wrong with you? He's just a man using what fame or fortune that's come his way to benifit the sport in some way. I can apriciate any celebrity that's not a ***** anti. You got a problem with that?

Got that backwards. Should be: He's just a man using hunting, shooting etc, to have fame and fortune come his way. Great self promoter whose most every move is calculate to get him paid.

He screwed up with this one.  He supports no second chances for lawbreakers - guess that means other then himself. Anyone so loudly supporting law and order has no business going hunting without knowing the laws. And no responsible hunter goes afield without knowing what animals are legal to take.

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I'd have to agree with SteveB's post and WNY's post.  I like watching his shows, I'm not a fan when he hunts over bait stations, maybe because I never had the opportunity.  Regardless, he did break the law and as a hunter it is your responsibility to know the law in the state your hunting and purchased a license in.  In addition, ignorance is not an excuse.  Is it going to make me stop watching his show if its on, Nah, I'll watch it.  I'm not a fan of his music btw :)  And to Fantails comments, he has been a great promoter for 2nd amendment rights and hunters rights which I am 100% for.  I guess chalk this up to another thing I'm on the fence to.

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I have to laugh at some of these replies, because I simply can't relate to Nugent's hero status at all. It was exactly his style of music that drove me to begin listening to country music ..... lol. That chaotic screaming and shrieking with squealing notes that were never intended to come out of a guitar left me completely out of the rock scene for quite a few years. So the man has no celebrity status with me. For me this story is just about another lawbreaking poacher that happens to have hunting shows, which also aren't all that special or entertaining for me. No real controversy to any of it for me. You caught him.....now fry him.  ;D  End of story!


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Ted Nugent was a great guitar player. I remember back in the 1960s when I first heard him with the Amboy Dukes in Detroit. 

And here seems to be another example of the hypocrisy of baiting. It is fine in one state and and a violation in another. Some states with CWD allow bating, some don't. Other states with no CWD (like NY) don't allow baiting, and other states do. So is this a violation of ethics? No, it appears to be just dumbness and not reading the rules of the state where you are hunting. He hunts so much on game farms, it probably never occurred to him that it was illegal.

I personally don't like the rock and roll style, gonzo...screaming in your face, spirit of the wild, kill and grill...machine gun mentality when it comes to hunting. The best thing about a TV is we can turn it off.

Doc: I don't think it is fair to lump Roger Rothhaar and Noel Feather in the same pot. True, both were busted, but Rothhaar was set up.

A hunter who he marginally knew came to his house and asked for his help to drag a big buck out of the woods at night. Well, the guy did not have a license. CO's showed up. Rothhaar was ticketed.  I mean if somebody came up to me during the season and asked for a hand getting a deer, (I've done it a lot of times) I wouldn't ask to see their license. I spoke to Rothhaar and his wife for hours on the phone after the incident happened.

Noel Feather is another story. This guy bought big bucks at a deer farm, shot them and took them across a state border. He made and sold videos of the kills, pretending they were wild deer taken in a different state.

So I think we need to be careful about painting everyone with a game law violation with such a broad brush as all equally bad. 

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He screwed up with this one.  He supports no second chances for lawbreakers - guess that means other then himself. Anyone so loudly supporting law and order has no business going hunting without knowing the laws. And no responsible hunter goes afield without knowing what animals are legal to take.

Exactly!  He has not only done hunting shows, but has been on other mainstream TV and radio programs talking about law and order and what he would do to lawbreakers.  Generally you DON'T see the other hunting celebrities doing such things, so NUGENT stepped in a bigger pile of dung here than most of the other celebrities who may have broken the law since the others weren't known to anyone other than hunters.  He screwed up big time here, and the other side now has even more proof that not all hunters and gun owners are always law abiding citizens.  All they need to do is point to him.  If he who claims to be our representative is dumb enough to break laws, why should the public then trust any one of us??

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Some kind of God huh.

Dude, what the frack is wrong with you? He's just a man using what fame or fortune that's come his way to benifit the sport in some way. I can apriciate any celebrity that's not a ***** anti. You got a problem with that?

Yup I said it, people (not you fantail) look at him like he is a god. Tell me you have never heard some one say, Uncle Ted for President? That kind of blind support of some one that has alot of skeletons in his closet is scary. And now he has brought negative attention to OUR sport so he needs to go. Oh and haveing his lawyer enter a plea deal isn't stepping up and taking responsibility is it, its sounds more like skirting the problem to me.

Good post steveb and steve863

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Doc: I don't think it is fair to lump Roger Rothhaar and Noel Feather in the same pot. True, both were busted, but Rothhaar was set up.

A hunter who he marginally knew came to his house and asked for his help to drag a big buck out of the woods at night. Well, the guy did not have a license. CO's showed up. Rothhaar was ticketed.  I mean if somebody came up to me during the season and asked for a hand getting a deer, (I've done it a lot of times) I wouldn't ask to see their license. I spoke to Rothhaar and his wife for hours on the phone after the incident happened.

Noel Feather is another story. This guy bought big bucks at a deer farm, shot them and took them across a state border. He made and sold videos of the kills, pretending they were wild deer taken in a different state.

So I think we need to be careful about painting everyone with a game law violation with such a broad brush as all equally bad.

I don't know all the details of Rothaar's situation. I only know that he was caught in an illegal act, convicted of that, and poof..... we don't hear of him anymore. I'm sure that we will hear all kinds of justifications of Nugents legal woes, in fact we already have heard some. But as far as I am concerned his public status probably has more to do with the origin of his illegal acts than any kind of justifications. These guys that turn their passions for hunting into their income, do walk a different path, and their extra scrutiny and tighter requirements for legal purity are generally justified because they are the ones that put a public face to hunting and warranted or not, they do become ambassadors for the sport and the people in it.

As far as Nugent's guitar playing capabilities, he may be very good at what he does. I simply don't like what he does .....  ;D . His era signalled the end of rock and roll for me. I do not recall hearing anything about him prior to R&R taking a turn toward that shrieky, screaming, acid rock, crap, so I have no fond memories of him at a better time. And of course that is all just personal preference, but I mention all that by way of explaining that he holds no star or celebrity status with me. So I repeat: You caught him ...... Now fry him. Just like anybody else.


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