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joseph you are a simply a little boy talking out of your behind. Probably still using a computer to get your jollies off. If you believe you can just tell teens not to have sex and they will listen you should go get your head examined. The abortion laws should be decided by the woman who make the choice. NOT A BUNCH OF MEN! To argue that why not kill children or young kids is just a joke that I and many other pro choice supporters will not even argue. Most of the time the fetus would not live if it was born premature, even weeks can put a damper on things. So how is this considered A human life? IT COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT THE HOST ie. THE MOTHER! As grow pointed out look at the orphanages in this country and foster houses. Why put a child through that. I firmly believe if you are one to get rid of abortion you should be willing to adopt kids and be willing to pay for the children brought into this world because you stripped the mothers rights.2 points
unfortunately over the last few decades...they do know who they're dealing with2 points
this is where I get a bit crazy, Why bring a child into the world that is unwanted. And who are these people to tell a woman what she can and can not do with her body. I personally think the gov supporting abortions is money well spent. it is much cheaper to abort a child then support it for its whole life. Abortions should just be simple choice, not something regulated by the government. Obviously if the government is putting money toward it they will have some say but I am pretty conservative and this I 100% disagree with. A human life is the most sacred thing in the world why, bring a child into the world if the means to take care of it are not there. And some will argue just give it up for adoption...thats another choice JUST LIKE abortion. Some are for it others against. I personally do not give a crap what these dumb religions think about human life, because throughout history all of them killed more people for the sake of their religion than they care to talk about. Any person who is against abortion is a sick human IMO. And you should mind your own business....whats next raped woman have to share custody with the rapist after she is forced to have the baby...OH WAIT that is already law in certain places in this country. Imagine your daughter or wife getting raped and she will not be allowed to have an abortion. I bet you would think differently!2 points
Sits... come on now I won't even go there Oh hell...Sure Lets have all these babies having babies as we watch the bleeding hearts cheer them on...That is... on one side of there face while bitching about government hand outs on the other side....Then We can watch the foot race in the opposite direction that occurs by these same ppl when all these unwanted...Now fully developed and aware children hit the state run orphanages...Because their beliefs are great until they see the outcome... Then no one wants to deal with drug addicted...deformed...mentally challenged ..non perfect kids...Oh lets us all now forget the umpteen News reports of abuse in these places and the Foster system.. Hey but all these righteous ppl..... that know what is the absolute right thing for others to have to live through ...well they can sleep well and comfortable in their little worlds... There that's my view on this subject2 points
2 points
The teacher said that she was "totally devastated" when she saw the picture. If she was "totally devastated" by a picture of a gun then she is not rational or stabile enough to be teaching children. Unfortunately the current education system breeds this type of irrational thinking. It is a blatant attempt to indoctrinate children. Its gotten to the ridiculous point where, if a child showed up at school with a copy of Playboy in his back pack, thats okay because children are naturally inquisitive. If the same child showed up at school with a copy of Outdoor Life, that had a picture of the latest hunting rifle on the cover, the police would be called, the child's parents would be called, the kid would get suspended and the school would call in counselors to further freak out the kids all in an attempt to implant an irrational fear of guns in children's minds. These "educators" should be ashamed of themselves.2 points
damn city folk.....must be scared of dem der country folks with their bad teeths and all dat dag gum stuff.2 points
Here's a few pics from our latest outings hunting with my Redtail hawk Moka. So far we're up to 48 rabbits for the season. Still have the whole month of March to hunt with her. Genny Light Pro Staff..lol.. Here's a couple videos from our outings. Take care Dave1 point
Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than a nice fresh one with a heavy base and no chews! I keep remembering that quote of yours Wooly- something like touching a boob (maybe not the word you used) for the 1st time. Never gets old...1 point
Well lets hope all the politicians are there when they do..... 1 problem solved.1 point
its not a rite to bring a child into the world its a responsibility! Until people realize that, we are going to continue down the path of destruction.1 point
I gotta ask, how precious is human life really. I mean most conservative right to life folks keep telling me that every life is precious and that every birth or conception for that matter is a miracle, yet in the next sentence they will tell you, ahh Afganistan we should nuke the whole damn place?1 point
dont lump us all in together. Many of us belong to a party because generally it more closely aligns with our values then the others. But there are many things I disagree with that my party supports. Why we should do away with the party system in general. But I do find it interesting that you want govt support for those who fall on hard times (welfare). So do I. But then you want that person sterilized to collect the check? So if I'm a 25 year old non-working parent. My spouse dies and I fall on hard times, I'm not given a chance to collect myself, possibly remarry and then start a new family? It's amazing how simple some of you believe welfare is. If it was so cut and dry, we wouldn't have the mess we do now. Did you know in Michigan a lottery winner continued to collect unemployment after making millions because lottery winnings aren't considered income? http://www.globalpos...erdose-get-rich the answer is to fix the loopholes, drug testing, and checks/balances and limits on our social programs. But when the bleeding hearts see the welfare abuser finally put out on the street... we scream injustice, and "oh what can we do to save these poor soles?"1 point
Havent they made empty threat after empty threat for years? Including when Bush was in office? They are incapable of hitting us with anything at this point anyhow.1 point
Grow. you threw me off with the first sentence about deliberate decissions since Carbon was speaking to mistakes that were happening. I understand your comments now. Personally I am torn on the abortion topic. I am strongly against late term abortions but I feel in the cases of incest and rape it is a no brainer and should be allowed. I believe there used to be a social stigma to getting an abortion like many other aspects back them that are generally accepted today. Welfare used to be a stigma as well but many wear it as a badge of honor today. Everyone does make mistakes (Lord knows I have) but it seems like society is all about sweeping things under the carpet and pretend they didn't happen and they definitely don't learn from them.1 point
I would pay more for better education. I have been paying more and now we are 16th in the world when it comes to education, we are tied with Poland...I heard a Polish guy tell a joke the other day and it went something like this. How many Americans does it take to screw in lightbulb, Answer>> 3 one to hold bulb and 2 to pick up step ladder and and walk in circle with it, HA, HA, HA...1 point
you can take the lies written to control the masses and use them as toilet paper! That would be the best thing for this country. If anyone remembers this country was found on the separation of church and state. Thats why people got on boats and crossed the atlantic, to escape the oppression of the church run government.1 point
Oh, I was not saying you were entirely wrong or negating what field data you see while in the woods. I personally have never seen or recall seeing a doe with dark hocks in spring or summer months at all. For whatever reason, maybe the estrous urine is darker than their usual urine which causes it to turn the hocks dark? Who knows… but from what I know/read or heard is that not every doe bred takes and that a doe bred can cycle again and in other cases she can cycle more then once. The rut/breeding season is highly based upon fawn survival and often if a doe feels her young would not be ready to make the spring and be old enough for the following winter months, she has a way of aborting those fawns prior to birth. Plain and simple deer breed in the times they do to ensure optimal survival for their young. If a fawn is born to early, there may not be enough foliage for it to feed in the spring and survive those few early weeks coming out of winter and if its born to late it may not be strong enough and old enough to survive the upcoming winter. I don’t think it is uncommon to see a deer with dark glands at this point of the year BUT that’s my opinion and like everyone else that’s all the it is lol. I want to try and find that episode of DNDH but if I cant I will video it and post it, it actually is very interesting. They specifically say that a doe will cycle more than once and its proven that the same doe can cycle a few times. Even as late as Feb and March. Bucks will know when she cycles and it will cause rutting activities such as scrapes, fighting and if antlers dropped fighting will take place with 2 bucks on hind legs. Very interesting stuff…1 point
my stands... I support the government in helping people who come up on hard times...working people who are now unable to work. not some ghetto rat who pumps kids out like a bunny. I know people who would leave their chemo treatments and go right to work, It can be done. These are real Americans not the leeches. I agree with people being sterilized, IMO in order to collect welfare it should be done along with mandatory drug testing. As far as the death penalty I support it when there is solid evidence. I do think our judicial system is loaded with corruption and some people are wrongfully imprisoned, but on the other hand I have always said if you are an honest hard working GOOD person it is almost impossible to be tied into murder crimes where the death penalty would be used. Further more I would like the death penalty used more frequent! all rapist should be killed as well. There is obviously a lot more to why I think the way I do. Like I have said before I am very conservative, but I do sway a bit on certain things. Abortion is one of them. The majority of republicans want to get rid of abortions but on the other hand don't want to help the poor. Something has to give...and it not praying the sperm away or telling kids not to have sex. THAT DOES NOT WORK, if it did we would not be in the predicament we are in now. Believe me i have worked my whole life and I love the results of hard work and it drives me crazy to see people who are so lazy. BUT can you blame the person who accepts the handouts...IMO NO. Blame the politicians who want to give it to everyone. I love going to work every day, but i can see the reality that some dont and if the government is going to pay them what they are making and in some cases more then they will get from going to their miserable job... WHY WOULD THEY WORK?1 point
No I did not.... there are different levels of life....I find it interesting the blinders the humans walk this earth with...you do realize that even viruses have life: Non-cellular life (viruses) [note 1] Cellular life Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia We go around killing billions of lives daily. In this process of yours/our daily routines. I ask do you ever wonder....if that bacteria you Cloroxed could have evolved into some thing special? Better yet... what could that.... lets say deer you killed and ate to sustain your living organism have POTENTIALLY developed into?...could it have been the first cog in a wondrous evolution ? I watched a group of deer yesterday...cleaning each other scolding new comers...teaching there young to survive and having what looked like nothing more than a tender moment....Yet ppl here have no problem discussing culling deer from a herd as a betterment to the herd because they weren't perfect.. Now that is just something to think about out side of our own bodies...what about the cells every single person in the world kills in there own bodies...brain liver even cancer cells....because those cells all reproduce and have a particular function in their development....just like the cells that reproduce in a woman's womb do when they attach. Imagine what potential all the cells one kills in a brain due to drinking ...smoking drug use could have had..Hell there could have been thousands of Einsteins out there...or thousands of Jeffery Domers...but no one bats an eye...even though we know what these activities do...because those cells are not self aware...any more than the ones in a womb are....Yet they still had life1 point
Where do you stand on the tax payer funding fo the care for those that choose to have that baby and multiple babies? How do you feel about govt. mandated sterilization for those that repeatedly have those children and expect tax payers to fund them? Where do you stand on the death penalty?1 point
1 point
Thanks, please don't report me in the poor spelling thread.1 point
exactly... in those younger years i remember hitting 3-4 clubs a week and if i had work the next day i would get off the train at 6 or 7am and right to work i went, home from work 1 hour power nap and it all started again that night. OMG those days are long gone for me lol. i traveled a lot, went to many islands, many spring breaks, the good ole days. when hunting season is here its like the world stops for me, its all i do and think about. i dont regret it, you only live once and the things i have seen, heard and been words couldn't even sum those events up. Now i have my hobbies and i love it. although i did go to IBIZA off the coast of spain last august in 2012. Prob the most insane thing i have done and it was amazing and beautiful all in one. i had to cross that off my bucket list before it was too late and boy was it worth it! in that one week i crossed about 6 things off my list lol1 point
If the govt knows all of this why don't they shut them down. Oh wait yea we'll just follow them and maybe they will lead us to a bigger fish, just like the 9/11 hijackers, oh wait they lost track of them...oh well...lets move on to the next screwed-up operation...hopefully it won't bite us in the you know what.1 point
As long as their not wearing headphones, drinking 32oz big gulp, driving with no seatbelt, baiting deer or some other ridiculous thing then the govt won't bother.1 point
well whats going to happen when local LEO's hear shooting of more than 7 rounds per mag, could end up being another Wako..1 point
1 point
My wife was curious, now not so much. :-) Last night after I shot the yote, a fox tripped the sensor about an hour later (even after all that shooting and commotion!). My wife was not happy. I hadn't gotten back to sleep yet, but she had. I need something that repels foxes, but not yotes. Foxes are fearless around here and persistent. They hit the pile 4 or 5 times a night on the nights they do come by, and they're very hard to scare away. So unfortunately I had to promise that tonight I will leave the sensor off all night. That will be quite painful, I think I'll sleep worse with it off wondering if something's on the bait than I would if it were on and I knew I'd be alerted. Oh well, what's a night or two of no yotes in return for a happy marriage, Right?? :-) Zhe Wiz1 point
Them dummies will just enter the wrong cooridinates and blow themselves up.1 point
They will only do what China allows them to do, otherwise they would have crossed the DMZ decades ago and routed us right outta there. We are still Chinas biggest customer and I thinks they will keep N Korea from missbehavin, atleast for now.1 point
1 point
It might explain the recent upswing in drug activity in Delaware County. Fully auto rifles? Yep, still illegal. Magazines with over 7 shot capacity? Also now illegal. (If) they don't have proper sanitation, then that is probably against the law as well. The informant described battery and abuse, that's not legal. While these are still assumptions, they are not all unfounded. The guards being armed is reason enough to have them looked into.1 point
The world is going berserk. This is the kind of thing that they worry about. With the world falling apart around their ears, they are freaking out over a picture of a gun. On another forum of this site, I was asked to produce quotes that the aim of the anti-gun crowd is the complete elimination of all guns. My gosh this story and all the other ridiculous ones like it throughout the media speak so much louder than some quote. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that these people will not be satisfied on gun control until private gun ownership is totally eliminated?1 point
1 point
Ya It is funny how it always seems to work that way, where you lose someone close to you, and all of a sudden you have great luck, and ya the emotions were really high, one of the best moments was right after I killed the buck and was walking out and my dad walked up on me and we had a big huge, and some tears were shed back to camp with the whole family1 point
And of course the state got there cut.......1 point
If I understand the proposal correctly, with a "hunting" license you will be able to: hunt deer, bear, small game, turkey, archery, muzzleloader and trap? That's what it looks like when you read it in one place, but in another it looks like archery and muzzleloader will be separate? If that is true then do they plan to do anything for people who currently hold lifetime hunting and archery/muzzleloader licenses?1 point
1 point
one of the best. Spooky at dawn and dusk and scary when the owls fly into your face though.1 point
Congrats on a dandy ADK buck!!! I'm pretty sure your Grandfather had something to do with your luck, I know the year I lost my Dad I killed one of my biggest bucks ever...The emotions were high that day as I'm sure you know.1 point
They just released a safe act on pop tarts. 7 plot arts per box capacity, 10 is illegal... I mean c'mon, these people are seriously losing it! The boy had ADHD and plainly said he was in no way trying to make a gun. These anti gun liberals think they are so level headed but in reality they are complete idiots making our society even more scary knowing these types of people walk amongst us. I'll tell you, I'd rather a world full of good guys wih guns mixed with some bad guys with guns then to have a world with limitations on our guns and having people like these teachers and various anti's breeding amongst us. These people are a whole new breed and they seem to be multiplying. Scary...1 point
I also am rebelling against high-tech hunting. I've already gone too far in that direction with the super bow that I bought almost 20 years ago ..... lol. But seriously, I want my success or failure to rely more on what I can do than what I can buy. I would just as soon get these electro-tech wizards out of my hunting.1 point
Everybody likes to save money, but the devil is in the details...1 point
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