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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/15 in Posts

  1. My trusty old spot land me a a good bird again. This makes 6 years in a row w at least 1 longbeard at my favorite spot
    6 points
  2. Americans in general are losing work ethic with every succeeding generation. Immigrants aren't taking jobs from deserving Americans; jobs are available to those who want to actually work.
    6 points
  3. Taking three handicap hunters out in the am, wish us luck!!
    3 points
  4. Somewhere out there,a big old gobbler is wrapping his gnarly feet around a limb for the last time...
    3 points
  5. If a person happens to point out that Baltimore’s criminally inept government has been run exclusively by Democrats since 1967 (with one Republican mayor since 1947) and features not a single city councilor who isn’t a liberal, he may be called a lazy apparatchik. Because not everything, you see, is reducible to mere party politics. Now, if an economic renaissance sparked by the progressive policies of Stephanie Rawlings-Blake had lifted Baltimore from poverty, I imagine Democrats would be eager to claim credit for the accomplishment. Entire political debates are predicated on the effectiveness of partisan ideas. We blame presidents for recessions they probably have little to do with, yet according to liberal pundits, the party overseeing a city riddled with poverty, failing schools, high crime rates and racial tension bears no responsibility for what’s happening. The president disagrees. Sort of. After a night of violence and looting in Baltimore, Barack Obama spoke to the press and said that “we, as a country, have to do some soul-searching” — by which he meant “they,” as in conservatives, need to get on board. Obama said that solutions to mend Baltimore’s suffering are sitting right there in Washington — unpassed because of ideologically inflexible Republicans. “And there’s a bunch of my agenda that would make a difference right now,” Obama claimed before going on: “Now, I’m under no illusion that out of this Congress we’re going to get massive investments in urban communities, and so we’ll try to find areas where we can make a difference, around school reform and around job training and around some investments in infrastructure in these communities and trying to attract new businesses in.” What piece of legislation have Republicans obstructed that would have helped keep families together in Baltimore — right now? Which proposal would have created jobs to turn the city around? What law has Obama lobbied for that would have made Baltimore’s police department — which has been answering to one party for decades — more compassionate or effective? Is there a criminal-justice reform effort that Obama’s been spearheading all these years that we’ve all forgotten about? Yes, the war on drugs is a disaster. But Democrats are complicit in that war, too. And Democrats are also in charge of a city school system that has huge failure rates, despite the fact that Baltimore’s school district also has consistently ranked in the top five among the nation’s 100 largest school districts in spending per pupil. Like most big city districts, there is no accountability. It’s Democrats who consistently sink conservative education reform ideas (ones that in many cities are popular among African-American parents) for their union patrons. For that matter, when did the president ever offer comprehensive legislation that would have brought “massive investments” to inner cities or reformed how government functions in urban communities? Was it when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House? Or was it after? As Obama noted, the citizens of Baltimore (and all of us) have an alternative. They can care more, just as he does. “But that kind of political mobilization, I think, we haven’t seen in quite some time,” he explained. Rather than resort to counterproductive violence — the kind of violence numerous leftist pundits were justifying — Baltimore can vote for candidates who reflect and act on their concerns, candidates who will demand the police be accountable to civilian oversight. There are African-Americans in elected office and power positions throughout the city, so surely, there is no active racist faction undermining the ability of blacks to participate in democracy. Right now, they need better Democrats in Baltimore. Where does the blame for the civil unrest lie? In plenty of places. Some of those places have absolutely nothing to do with politics and can’t be fixed by any Washington agenda — imagined or otherwise. The tribulations plaguing cities such as Baltimore are complex, having festered for years. But does that excuse the bungling of Democratic Party governance? Does it change the fact that massive amounts of spending have done little in the war on poverty? And if Democrats claim that they are uniquely sympathetic toward the poor and weak, that welfare programs can never be reformed, only expanded, and that perpetually pumping “investments” into cities is the only way to alleviate the hardship faced by citizens, it’s more than fair to gauge the effectiveness — not to mention the competence — of those allocating and overseeing those policies. Because Republicans may be horrible, but they aren’t running Baltimore. Patriot Post
    2 points
  6. General motors committed sucide. poor managment in both the Union higher ups and corporate managment killed that company. It basically folded a few years back and was reinvented thru a government secured bail out
    2 points
  7. Getting back to the original topic, I will say that it is no longer acceptable to act out rage and discontent in illegal ways. There is no excusing burning and looting your neighbors businesses simply because some injustice has been done to someone you don't even know. There comes a point where these things start to be honestly viewed for what they are: simple excuses for illegal and violent acts. I have no sympathy for such acts anymore. It isn't really rage and discontent. it is simply "party time" at your neighbor's expense.
    2 points
  8. Highly educated for what? A field where there are opportunities? Or one that seemed liked fun.
    2 points
  9. It's so much easier to blame your position in life on other people, the government,your race,lack of education or an endless amount of other excuses. Than taking responsibility for yourself and improving your position.
    2 points
  10. If they studied harder and did their work in school instead of f*cking around maybe they'd have better jobs. How about people start taking responsibility for themselves. Enough is enough this is getting ridiculous! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. well I mentioned I was in the process of starting a deer foot plot seed company and it will be live the end of next week. Please go to my face book page and give it a like! website will be WWW.DEERAG.COM Running a current contest, prize will be a bag of DoubleBeam Brassica. Thanks everyone! www.facebook.com/customwildlifeseed
    1 point
  12. Shoot straight be safe and good luck to everyone
    1 point
  13. Ya my bladder blew it...lol...What a fun morning...they roosted where I thought they might and I had toms up on the ridge just hammering away in front to the side and behind me...I did some tree yelping and then I heard them moving some toward me and others to the neighbors...there was one 5:40 shot across the street and down the hill and then I heard two shots up at the neighbor to my east and another to the south...by this time I could see birds moving down the hill and 100yards out...they were at the clover trails and Gobbling...had calling behind me and it turned out to be a hen.....everything went quiet when the call of nature reared up....I couldn't wait any longer and at 8:45 I reached down to grab my gun sling and reattach it...as I sat back up a glimpse of red caught my eye and there was a hen staring at me. Freezing didn't work...she'd seen the movement in the blind then tucked and ran...I raised the gun just in case and sure enough a big long beard was behind her and farther out...he saw her run and had his feathers tucked tight and head straight out....there just was no shot he was moving too fast and at the limits of the 20ga...Figures...then another shot below me as I stepped out of the blind... Wow it was the most active morning I have hunted here as far as shots and #'s of Toms gobbling...all the other birds I heard were on us before fly down except two. I am so surprised I heard anything for I managed to walk the trail under were they were roosting to get to the blind and I spooked deer from step one all the way to getting into the blind ...running and snorting and snorting and snorting...I spooked up 4 different groups of deer...from the sounds of them running west/east and south to get away. No bird but a great opener non the less... PS.... TIME STAMP ON SITE FOR ME IS 1 HR BEHIND
    1 point
  14. Well considering a couple was just awarded 10's of thousands dollars for a dog barking over the years...A good video camera and turning the dog in would help...dogs chasing deer illegal...dogs being aggressive illegal dogs doing damage illegal...I was told by officers to get it on "film" and that was before they had such good cell phone cams. When going after the owner a shot to the wallet does wonders to instill brains. I have taken a for ppl to court for their dogs running my land...
    1 point
  15. Why the hell would you sit there that long with that cat sneaking up on you ?
    1 point
  16. Wasn't worth a life, that is for sure. I will be the fist to say the Govt. is way to deep in our business and I have very little trust of the system left, but I can't imagine resisting even an unlawful traffic stop or vehicle search. You gotta just know it is going to escalate if you resist.
    1 point
  17. Good luck and be safe!
    1 point
  18. Read this article about H1b Visa. http://www.computerworld.com/article/2879083/southern-california-edison-it-workers-beyond-furious-over-h-1b-replacements.html Also read below about the law of supply and demand in regards to labor http://smallbusiness.chron.com/laws-supply-demand-affect-labor-market-58242.html The effect of inexpensive labor from abroad has depressed U.S. wages even as jobs have been lost. The Third World has a virtually unlimited supply of labor, which is becoming more skilled with the passage of time. why was my statement dumb? please provide facts as to why the law of supply and demand is no longer relavant I’m not saying there isn’t some lazy American that won’t work. What I responded to is why the middle class is shrinking. If you really want to understand read up on NAFTA. It was put in place mostly likely about the time you were born. Also read up on globalization. Wildcat junkie is correct at pointing out the concern about outsourcing. Certain jobs can’t be outsource (burger flippers / retail sales / Construction / farm), but all these jobs can be impacted by a vast increase of immigration. Immigration that is subsidized by the American taxpayer in the form of free healthcare, social welfare programs and the like.
    1 point
  19. As I have said before. Live within your means. Forcing an artificially high minimum wage will do nothing to help these folks. All the increases in the cost of doing business will be passed on to the consumer. The people that will really be hurt at the people that are currently making at or just above the selected new minimum.
    1 point
  20. One down here around 8 this morning, working on one for my hunting partner now.
    1 point
  21. Back on the '70s, my Dad was a foreman for a steel mill contractor at US Steel "South Works" in Chicago. They had a slip on Lake Michigan where they loaded barges with slag. One year they set up gill nets on the midnight shift. My Dad came home with a plastic (unused) garbage can full of smelt! We cleaned smelt for quite a while. I liked the small ones best. The bones would cook up so you could eat 'em like French fries
    1 point
  22. That doesn't change the fact that manufacturing jobs are all being sent to 3rd world economies & the United States is quickly becoming one. The countries largest private sector employer pays most of its employees minimum wage level in ones that rely on socikal programs got survival. Sounds like socialism for the corporation to me.
    1 point
  23. This may sound harsh but I am so tired of the race card. Every time there is an event involving an African American it turns to race, and people like Al Sharpton make a living keeping racism alive. when you seen the President and the Mayor make Sharpton a council your asking for trouble to ratchet it up. Now are there wrongs being done to people by SOME police Yes, not all. Now look at the people of color who are not qualified to do the job 1st comes to Mined the President and the Mayor of Baltimore, now I don't care about there color they are just not able to do the job elected to do. This Country has made head way on race related issues but Al Sharpton destroys that head way. The other think I take issue with is Slavery and Americans have this hanging over our head if you disagree with a person of Color your a racist. Slavery happen same as the Holocaust it was wrong lets move on. A racist Country WHAT we have a African American President and DOJ not to mention other position across the country, but if you fail on the job please stop blaming race. If you march and loot and rob your a thief looter and a criminal, no matter what race ethic background or religion you are. If you don't like what's going on do something before you use events after the fact. Last but not least most of these places have been under years of Democrat Liberal rule, if they want to fix it look at the elected official's and see there way of governing is not working. If only all those that marched or looted came out and Voted for the future of the cities and states. Stop Voting for Color of someone's skin or someone's party or sex and Vote the best for your community. Remember Abraham Lincoln was a republican, so stop giving your voice away by voting the status quo.
    1 point
  24. Some of the black folks who worked at the businesses that were burned down no longer have a place to work thanks to the THUGS ! Now these folks are jobless ......
    1 point
  25. 3-5 birds starting ripping on roost at 5. Hit the deck and quieted right down. Nice day to be in the woods. Hopefully I can fire them up again
    1 point
  26. Thanks man an same to you!! Sooo close and yet so very far!
    1 point
  27. LMAO !!! Who's the good looking skinny dude in the middle ?
    1 point
  28. Good luck out there! Ill hopefully be out on Sunday to try my luck.
    1 point
  29. Man I must be living in a sheltered part of the state.. For My land is teaming with all kinds of native plants and wildlife...We have all kind of amphibians...wild flowers and herbs..... every kind of berry...trees of every sort...just not wht oak...... I can't walk my ground that I'm not dodging red newts and hellbenders...even the occasional pygmy rattler...... all types of mammals and raptor..owls..game birds ..and wild flowers. I work the wood lots and plant many small areas....I have seen added things like pheasant and fishers move in...more bald eagle fly over...the porcupine sighting have increased and we are now near over run by rabbits. The deer and turkey are abundant and every once in a while I get wood ducks and mallards visiting the wet area along with those crazy looking woodcocks Our neighbors pond gets the breeding geese....Only decline we have seen are the grouse. But they were so plentiful a few years ago you'd be given heart attacks as you nearly stepped on them walking the woods. My hunting has gotten better over the years with the exception of localized movement changes some years
    1 point
  30. I'm sorry i must have missed the memo but when was it decided that a job at a fast food franchise isn't meant to raise a family on or live on? I wasn't aware of the law or constitutional amendment promising Americans cheap fast food. Fast food employees average 29 year old and restaurant and food service employees make up the largest sector of public assistance users. I say stop bitching and pony up a few more cents for your fast food.
    1 point
  31. Not what im saying. America aint a thied world. But take the whole 15 dollar minumum wage. Fast food jobs making that kinda money is crazy. Those jobs arent meant to take care of a family. Used to be for kids. Or a story about a janitor in the schools crackin 100K a year wth... how does a public school janitor make that kind of money. Or when the mta held new yorkers hostage over their contracts. All that happened is we wound up payin more for a fare. In certain fields when they get increases the unions fight for taxes go up or prices increase with no gain in value.
    1 point
  32. I would encourage everyone to go take a look at these two new bills and write letters and send emails to you Representatives in support. They are bills to stiffen poaching laws, something NY is very behind on. Senate Bill Number S4727 Assembly Bill Number A7171
    1 point
  33. Waxing your bow string is an essential part of bow maintenance and knowing How to Wax a Bow String properly is as critical as the wax itself. This applies to all types of bows including compounds, crossbows, recurve and longbows. Waxing your bow string will extend the life of your bow string by keeping it from becoming frayed, damaged by dirt or water and will help to keep the strands from becoming dried out and less flexible. Waxing your bow string is very simple to do and only takes a couple minutes of time. Here is a quick rundown on how to wax a bow string. The first thing is to make sure that your bow string is clear of any dirt or debris. This can be done by wiping with a clean dry cloth. Another little trick is to take a scrape piece of bow string serving material. If you do a half wrap with the bow string serving and lightly pull it down the bow string you will see dirt and old wax being removed. Next you want to take your tube of bow string wax and rub it up and down on your bow string. You want to make sure the bow string wax is sticking far enough out of the tube that the tube itself is not contacting your bow string. Letting the tube rub on the bow string will cause premature wear. You want to apply a good amount wax but be careful not to overdo it. Ideally you want to make sure the bow string wax covers the bow string with a thin coat. While doing this you only want to wax the exposed portion of the bow string. You want to make sure that you do not wax any of the bow string servings. Now that you have wax on your bow string you want to take your finger and thumb and just rub the wax into the bow string. The heat and friction will cause the bow string wax to melt and make it easier for the wax to penetrate each individual strand and cover the entire bow string. Some will recommend to use a piece of leather instead of your fingers but I have found that you can build up quite a bit more heat with leather. By using your fingers you will not add excess heat to your bow string which could contribute to premature wear. If your fingers get hot you will stop and your bow string will thank you. Once all of the wax has been rubbed in you can take the cloth you started with and wipe off any excess wax that might have built up. This will usually be where the bow string meets the servings. By keeping your bow string waxed it will last longer and perform better. It's a great idea to regularly wax your bow string. How often will depend on how much you shoot your bow and the age of your bow string. In general the more your shoot and the older your bow string is the more you will need to keep it waxed. Stay tuned for more helpful archery articles from 60X Custom Strings. You can contact us at [email protected] or visit our blog at www.60xcustomstrings.com/blog/
    1 point
  34. The new Field and Stream store in Henrietta had a variety of mucks last time I was there too.
    1 point
  35. You absolutely need to call the DEC. They could be known guys in the area that have been busted before. Usually law enforcement knows EXACTLY what door to knock on first. Regardless if they shot or not, it is illegal to be doing anything associated to huntiing out of season (AKA: carrying a gun and a decoy would be the same penelty as if they had shot the actual turkey). If nothing else, it sends a message to people when the DEC do start knocking on some doors (and they will if you have proof on a camera). Do not let it go un-reported. If everyone who encountered the same issues you did reported it, we would have a much better hunting experience. Unfortunately, most people turn a blind eye which just reinforces bad habits!
    1 point
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