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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Hunted with two of my sons yester ( opening day of gun ) . Youngest son was sitting at south end of laneway about 700 yards from my pond blind location . Oldest son was in a double stand in the woods about 400 yards from my location . Heard the 1st shot about 20 minutes before legal time . over 15 by the time that it was Sunrise . I had a lot of visibility looking towards the woods and to the East of me . Actually , it was too much to watch . Wasn't seeing anything and my youngest son sent me a text at 11:56 saying he had just shot a spike . It looked more like a 4 point want to be . Around 3 pm I saw 3 anterless cross a trail 160 yards towards the woods. Blip and they were gone . I texted Matt to let him know . At 4 pm , Matt texted me to let me know that he was getting down , was going to check out another stand and then walk through the thickets to see what he might kick out . At 4:20 a deer came hauling butt out of the thickets and up the field . I thought it was a doe as I was looking through some limbs and it was over 100 yards away . I texted Nick to let him know . He got back to me and said that it was a buck and came into the laneway about 6 yards from him while he was gutting his deer . It was raining and I made the walk up to my car to get the ATV to get the deer up to Matt's truck . I parked my ATV under my SILs back deck and left . I was soaked .
  2. I haven't heard any shots in hours. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  3. I doan see no steenkin rifle . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  4. My youngest son just shot a spike . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. Sister in law called an hour ago and said there were 4 deer behind her house grazing in the pasture lot and then headed for the gully . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. Haven't seen a thing . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  7. I have heard 7 shots since 642 . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  8. Will be heading for Geneseol shortly . Two of my son that hunt are going there also . I wonder if the guys that lease the property next to my SILs property will be hunting . Never see them . I almost want to bet on how soon early shots will ring out . Legal time is 7:07 am .
  9. Definitely YES ..........
  10. I will be heading for Geneseo in a few minutes . It's a 50 mile drive .
  11. I have almost 1/2 mile to walk to my stand . If it is raining hard when I start walking , I will do it carrying the rifle in the gun case .
  12. fasteddie

    The Drag

    Dom - You better havej something on the bottom of the crutches to keep them from singing in the soft ground !
  13. fasteddie

    The Drag

    My dilemma would be field dressing a deer in a downpour . Then again , if I got one , I think the adrenaline rush would take over and it wouldn't matter .
  14. It sucks to be me . I was in a double chair blind in Mendon from 10 am until 4:45 . Never saw a damn thing . I was awake all the time . It was quite windy at times . When it rained , it rained sideways ! To make matters worse when I was hooking up the trailer I took a small slice out of the side of my right index finger . Since I am on coumadin I bleed like a hemophiliac . It took a while for the bleeding to stop . I am done with Bow Season for this year .
  15. I will be carrying my trusty NEF single shot 25-06 ............
  16. I haven't seen anything. I wonder if the deer are prepared for gun season . Hm?mmm Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. The rain was coming down sideways for a while. Rains hard and windy Lets up and starts again .Haven't seen any deer . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. I had to pee so bad that my eyes were floating . Didn't want to leave the blind. Took the quart zip lock bag that I had the Ever Calm in and used that. What a relief. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  19. The wind has picked up and the double chair blind is whipping a bit. Haven't seen any deer yet. I am not going to change locations . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  20. Sitting in a double chair blind in Mendon. Not a lot of shooting lane to the side but the deer had been crossing this grassy field. I had seen them from the stand in the top of the picture. No rain yet but it is windy . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  21. I am going to leave for Mendon a about an hour and try to stay the day . Weather looks to be crappy all day and some high winds at times . Havn't taken a shot yet this season and the X-bow is aching to de-cock on a deah ( Prince Andy's pronuncian ) .
  22. I didn't hunt today but I did go to my SILs property in Geneseo . I put the Hub Blind on top of the 6' high platform and had a heck of a time doing it alone . Trimmed some shooting lanes and then walked to the woods . Pulled cards from the trail cams . A couple had dead batteries as I hadn't checked them in a while . The field was wet and soggy . Six inches of water in some spots . The woods was holding a lot of water also . It has no where to run . I took some Posted Signs and the staple gun with me and replaced the ones that someone tore down . Did a lot of walking and my legs feel like butter . It's rough getting old ! All set for a rainy gun opener ...........
  23. I can't get a break . Today is the only day I can go to Geneseo and put up the Hub Blind on the 6' platform and rain and snow are in the forecast . I don't have much of a choice and will have to do it today . Since much rain is forecasted for the Saturday opener , I want to be able to sit High and Dry !
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