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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. It does make the conversation easier to follow if you use the quote or at least the members name in responding so the readers know who it is directed towards.
  2. I grew up gun hunting, got into bow at about 20 and ML about 18 years ago. I enjoy them all. I probably won't buy a crossbow unless it expands my opportunity to hunt, because, at the end of the day, I am not a bow hunter or a gun hunter or a ML hunter. I am just a hunter and will take as much time as they will give me to do it, I really don't care what is in my hands. all the seasons offer unique challenges and hold different memories and focuses for me. The bow season is a more solitary event. The gun and ML is more of a social event. I think because of the lone nature of bowhunting it is easier to stay focused on yourself, get wrapped up in what you want (in general). I grew up hunting in a group, a deer camp mentality. There wasn't the prep that goes into seasons now. tree stands were the exception not the rule. We didn't have this immediate access to others that the internet provides but I don't remember there being the hunter vs hunter issues back then.
  3. you can't follow the state markers and yellow painted blazes? Even if he took the signs down I doubt he removed the paint.
  4. Don't know. The Polaris was CVT and I had her topped at 15 for the first couple months.
  5. What age do you suppose they typically start their decline?
  6. The one I bought my daughter had a throttle stop. It limited how far the throttle could be depressed. by only giving half throttle it did limit the available top speed.
  7. Don't worry too much about the age range thing, but please make sure their feet make it down to the foot rests flat footed.
  8. My daughter had a Polaris 90cc. It was not actually made by Polaris but had all the looks of the sportsman. It was used from the time she was 7 until she out grew it. ran great. never had an issue. hers was oil injected and had to keep up on the brake adjustment but that thing would do 45mph
  9. I was really trying to start this as fairly simple. Figured if we could get initial agreement that it was 2.5 or older. Lol
  10. Best course of action. State land is usually very well painted, marked and maintained I'm the areas I hunt. On the order of at least every two years. I would walk the state borders and you may find out that he either removed the markers or the road may have been shown incorrectly. Usually the boarder(the STATE's markers are pretty close and easy to follow.
  11. Well I see so many threads every year that talk about how old a buck (or doe) is based on "how grey the face is" "how big the antlers are" "he's old and on the decline" and on and on. There are many articles and charts out there that talk about body characteristics of the different age class bucks. But lets talk about once the deer of your choice in laying on the ground. The easiest thing to do and very accurate to determine if your deer is at least 2.5 years old is look at the teeth. above 3.5 years old it gets subjective and has some variables that influence the tooth "wear'. The most accurate way is to have the tooth aged similar to counting the rings on a tree,(Cementum Annuli Technique). This is presented pretty well and pretty easy to understand. It will give you some more reliable info on the age. http://www.huntingmuckalee.com/agingdeer.html I am a member of QDMA and am not plugging the next ones for the sake of plugging. I have the following and they are great resources if you want to make a better "educated guess" If you are interested in having a goo "hold in your hands" resource I would suggest the following https://www.qdma.com/shop/3-poster-combo-buck-antlerless-and-jawbone-removal If you are really into it, look at this. These really show you in 3D how the teeth will look at 2.5 and younger and likely look older than 2.5 https://www.qdma.com/shop/deer-aging-tool
  12. Congrats, And that, ol' buddy, is what "IT" is all about!!!
  13. I avoid this issue by using a have a heart trap and catching a woodchuck prior to the hunt. I leave the trap at the bottom of the tree, drench the chuck in doe urine and at shooting light, let him loose. great sent covered trail leading right to me. I tried it with squirrels once but the shooter of a life time never offered me a clean shot as he followed the scent covered squirrel up the back side of the tree. Don't over think stuff....Belo hit it on the head.
  14. estimate the angle and shot to the top of the ridge and the horizontal can be calculated (TRIG) . then the level part to your stand. or if you have some features you can find on Google earth to locate your stand (or a coordinate) it has measuring tools. will be fairly close. close enough to let you know if you are dancing on that fine line and need to get more info. I see you have a ranged distance in the OP. any guess on the angle from horizontal?
  15. Possible I guess but from what I understand it had more to do with the hunter education courses and the requirements that the instructors had to teach a curriculum for a certain amount of time. Since no special course is currently required under a muzzleloader category, they could get people in the woods that way. Just wondering if anyone has taken the archery course this year? Were crossbows included as a topic? (in an attempt to get the instructors their time? ) I would bet it ends up being included in the bow license and the bow course.
  16. With that big "mirror" on your wrist shining like a beacon it may not be "possible" to get a deer within 100 yards...lol cover that thing up!!!
  17. when did he do this? 8N had left over's not sure if they are still on the "available" list. Left overs were only supposed to be available at the retail agents. Regardless, you call them for a WMU not on that list and I guarantee you aren't getting them mailed to you.
  18. I do this with other marinades as well. it helps if your sealer has a "wet" setting when you are doing a lot of liquid.
  19. I would go with HORIZONTAL distance. all other aspects of code and law are in horizontal distance. (set backs from property lines for a shed or structure) I can't see why this would be any different. You may get an officer that give a break based on the slope distance but to me it isn't worth it. Especially since you could end up in front of a judge that isn't a hunter and deals in precedence.
  20. Cost a buddy $10 on a bet with me when I told him why he missed high by not bending...lol. look around, who has their belt off?
  21. Probably trying to finish up house projects to clear them for the season.
  22. shooting at steep angles changes trajectory. not bending changes draw length you are pulling. If you want to verify the draw length. take a belt. slip the buckle over your thumb and (for a right hander) hold you left arm out like holding a bow. The buckle over your thumb like a ring. hold arm level and with your right hand take slack out of the belt and anchor the belt to the corner of you mouth. now bend at waist like shooting out of a stand. nothing moves. Stand back up straight and just lower your bow hand to make a similar shot without bending. What happens to the belt?
  23. We have about 70# of venison in the freezer in various forms (steaks, straps, sausage and ground) it is what is used at camp for the season. You never know what the next season will bring so if you store it properly and use it, I don't see an issue. Pretty ballsy of you, honestly, to judge what someone else should keep for inventory.
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