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Everything posted by First-light

  1. I have 2 on 68 acres. Could I use more...sure but I can't even keep up with the two checking cards and stuff. I've been hunting a long time and like the element of surprise. Don't get me wrong technology is wonderful but sometimes nature is better off left alone.
  2. Oatmeal, banana and coffee with 1/2 the caffeine blah blah blah I'm getting old.
  3. I have power lines going trough my property. That is what it looks like. Every so often they will come in and spay all the trees and vegetation with poison. Make sure you are aware of this. A ton of berries grow on the easement and my kids and I were going to pick them until we found out the power company came through and spayed a day earlier . usually they leave a note but that year I didn't get any. They also check with helicopters. Had one in my field hovering 50 feet off the ground, didn't know what the hell was going on until my neighbor told me about them.
  4. The year I bought my land (2007) I had the shell of the cabin built. My brother in law went over to hunt opening day of bow which I believe back then Oct 15th. I can remember him freezing that night he slept over it got down to 12 degrees that night. He saw a lot of action!
  5. I'll be the first to admit I suck at long shots on deer. I don't like taking them more than 20 yards. Let them come in quick, I get ready and let'r go. I actually moved my stand this year 20 yards closer to the thick cover that most of my 30 yard misses have come from at some real big deer. If I spook them well maybe I'll just have someone else shoot them for me. lol
  6. Soak those filets in Gin overnight. Really cuts the oil in the Blues makes the meat taste great. Old salt from Nantucket taught me this.
  7. I would stop on by and get a bit more friendly with them. Then I would explain the situation just so they know whats going on. If he was that nasty I could see him mouthing off about you and killing the relationship with the owners. One thing you could do is stop by when he is there. Just to let them know you put up a stand in a certain area. Make sure he is in ear-shot and see what happens. That should clear the air real quick!
  8. Have a 2007 Tahoe and the information and gear selection went dark on me. Looked it up online and found this company Circuit Board medics. I removed the dash cluster and shipped it them. From door to door (overnight shipping both ways) it was 48 hrs that included the time to fix it. Cost was $119.00 plus shipping ($72). Well worth it for any circuit board problems. Just my little bit of FYI for today.
  9. That is one scenario I would not like to be in. You know you're not finding gas along the way. I guess that is why they were trying to get the tankers off-loaded in a hurry. Police escort for fuel trucks.
  10. Piss on the ground. The land I bought had three nice wood blinds. Each one had a funnel with a hose that went into the ground. 5 gal pail was buried, mini septic tank!
  11. Glad you're on the mend.
  12. I painted my basement floor with epoxy paint. They have a bunch of great colors and also threw some specks into the paint while it dried. Throw a area rug down and your good to go. Pretty cheap and quick way to go.
  13. 2-3 times for me. I'm just a wreck when a nice one comes in and I have to shoot. The longer it takes the worse off I get. Now the other thread I posted about how quickly it happens is for gun hunters! lol
  14. I always order my license online. This year they mailed it out twice so I have duplicate sets of all my tags. A first for the online method
  15. I bring a kid to camp almost every year. He is not a kid anymore (21) but I can remember one late season hunting December. It was his only weekend to hunt. I did a small push to him. Three doe come out but he doesn't get a shot off. The last of the three was a yearling that stopped looked at him and ran up not more than a few feet away. The deer starts jumping around trying to get his attention and almost head butts him. He said it was the most amazing thing he has ever saw in the woods. He actually started to shoo the deer away and it finally left. I asked him did it ever cross his mind to shoot, he said no way the deer was just so cute and so close to me I couldn't.
  16. We have had 3 dogs at camp at one time. I own the camp and I bring my dog, my brother brings his and my niece bring her dog. They range from 40lbs to 70lbs. So there is a lot of commotion in the cabin. The thing about scent control I think is BS. We leave most of our stuff outside on the porch. Bring it in at morning to warm up. The one thing I will not put up with is pissing and shitting in the house. That is where I draw the line. Thankfully they are all pretty well trained.
  17. Still waiting, usually get one every year. I enjoy doing the survey just adds another piece to the hunt and helps out the DEC.
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