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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Guy I know ,hunted a piece Near his home for years and years . It was sold and new owners posted it, one day while he was hunting it he ran into new owners . They said “ sorry we own it now and you can’t hunt it .” He told them flat out that he was going to still Hunt it . They said , “ well then We’ll have to call the DEC .” He told them “ don’t do that that’s how hunting accidents happen . “ I don’t know whatever became of it . I’ve known a number of cops, combat veterans, guys who’ve severed time , a number of guys who’ve been shot ,all manor of tough guys, be he scared me the most .
  2. Turned out ok size, got heart and both lungs . Came home because I can’t get deer across drainage ditch, friend from behind my spot got deer with his ATV . So since I can’t get to most stands or bring deer across without swimming ,I’m home cleaning gear ,drinking beer and thinking deer.
  3. That’s awesome 46rkl ! Back on stand awaiting more too , just remembered drainage ditch was to deep this morning . No biggie I walked around to the end , except now drag will be an extra 500 yards , two may be a bit much !
  4. Perfect day out, fresh tracks everywhere , still snow cover . Saw 5 doe come but only 4 left . Time to put some meAt in freezer .Shes small but she was lead one and saw me , so couldn’t take chance waiting . Here all day for first time in gun. 30 yard shot , fell right over . It’s nice when you can take their pics from stand!
  5. Well after 30 years of marriage, If I’m home, she says” can’t you go hunting or something .....”
  6. The old “ cleaning my gun “........ Ok first unload ,tiriple check , field strip ,clean parts . done that hundreds of times never once has pointing it at my wife and pulling the trigger been part of the process . Besides where does he clean it ? Nice weather on my patio , but mostly in the basement in my gun room .
  7. Three young bucks this morning. Just walking around open woods, as late as 10:30 , same small six from last night came into about 20 yards . Wish a doe would show up . Sure was windy, called for 12 mph more like 25 .
  8. Windy , a week into gun and again young bucks just walking around the open woods .
  9. Yes more questions then answers . Was he bear hunting ? Or a deer hunter with a .357 who came across a bear ? For bear, and I’m not too knowledgeable here, I think hard cast Buffalo bore,instead of your basic deer round .
  10. Where in 8H ? Vaguely if you want ,I’m in the Cand/Bloomfield area .
  11. Six point selfie other then the two young bucks, nothing till last light ,something moving behind me, hoping it came up my way, but it was wise . In my only hang on, pack clip wouldn’t release from stand strap I hang it on , Orange vest was tangled up in harness strap , my safety line is tied off to one of the climbing sticks. As I slide knot up I must have pulled stick up a bit because climbing down I found it was kinda sideways .....
  12. Fork and six for twenty minutes S close as ten yards , till a snow mobile in the field 100 yards away some by . They ran out other side of woods . I hate hate them in gun season !
  13. I agree shot placement is key, yet minor calibers without a doubt yield more lost dear . There is no debating that according to guys who’ve tracked thousands of them .
  14. Back in the 70’s we used bread wrappers .... Today I just use Muck boots and one pair of socks .
  15. Right,when I started in the mid 70’s I think NYS had close to one million deer hunters, compared to what half that today . And doe tags were party permits three guys to one doe tag, today I can get five for 8H . We have far more deer and far less hunters and still guys complain about Xbows, kinda funny for those of us who’ve hunted 40 years ago .
  16. I get what your saying , however, a book by the guy who stared leashed tracking dogs in NYS, and has been on over 1,000 tracking jobs, says he gets more calls for deer shot by .243 then all other calibers combined ! So to me that certainly , says something about calibers and there effectiveness.
  17. Safe act II as it was written four years ago, will be a surprise to many of the , “ I don’t care about ARs and high capacity mag” gun owners . Manitorty liability insurance for all gun owners, manitorty safe storage so if you don’t have a safe soon you will , or face arrest if a gun is stolen from your home , micro stamping of primers , serial #s on all bullets sold in NYS , so I’ll guess no ammo markers will make NY ammo....... renewal of pistol permits every two years , no sale or transfers in NYS any gun not “:child proof “ . I can hear all the Fudds now, but , but, but ......
  18. Fisher Space Pen . Writes on wet a paper , upside down, from -30 to 250 degrees ( in case you’re in Turkey Feathers hut ) . Some guys keep their pen in an inside pocket so it stays relatively warm as well . https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Space-Pen-Bullet-Clip/dp/B0002ZQB4M/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1542905269&sr=8-4&keywords=fisher+space+pen
  19. Ok I’m going with this . : )
  20. Good for,your son ! My daughter ( RN) is off today , but she often will trade shifts for nurses with kids of their own . She’s got four years on and that actually gives her seniority on her floor . 28 years working for the FD, I think I worked 3/4s of the Thanksgivings ,I’d either get there 4:30 ish or leave at 3:30 . Just the way it was no biggie . Dont Hunt Turkey day anymore, always did if I was off. Today meal,time is 5:00, so that means 5:30 by past practice , and I’ll be full by then anyways .....
  21. And a time machine ! Very nice buck congrats , I’m out of likes for the day .
  22. I’m not against change or looking at new ways ,however, I’d hate to be the guy who didn’t get a buck tag for his normal spot. ” No worries you can drive 50 miles to another zone and try to find a spot to hunt .”
  23. It’s often a race, getting through the last layer before the flow starts.....
  24. There may be two bow / crossbow hunters within a half mile of me in any direction , so no .
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