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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by boo711

  1. I got an email today at 3:52 from Sen. Rand paul saying that the big things are universal background checks and mental health issues. Want complete background checks on all firearm sales so they can track exactly who has what kind of guns and how many. He also says 46.6% of Americans are diagnosed with some sort of mental issue. If that happens fed gov't wants it so you get firearms taken away for life. I don't know how I get these emails, they always go to my spam but I get a few from him every day. Probably from some poll or gun repeal form I filled out. I haven't seen anything concrete of what happened today but wanted to pass this along
  2. I used to own a house and some land that bordered state land. I hung a stand once 2 days before gun season opened. Went to the spot opening morning and all that was there was my chain and lock on the ground. Ive used a climber ever since. But I know some guys that have had no problems leaving them. Guess it all depends on the guy that is walking through the woods and sees it. I was under the impression you couldn't leave stands up on state land. Icouldbe wrong though. I know you can't use tree pegs though or trim any branches. Was with a buddy once when we got stopped on our way out of woods one sat morning. He got a ticket for using the tree pegs on state land.
  3. I just talked with someone at assyman barclays office about this bill. Barclay is against it and put out a press release saying so. Guy also told me that it does not have any co sponsors from the assy or the senate. Which he said is good. No co sponsors is a good thing for this bill never getting passed. Said right now bill is in hands of insurance committee and has been since Jan 29. Said with no co sponsors it will probably stay there to. I am going to keep calling assyman to let them know this is not good!!
  4. I just emailed silver and I called that assyman Ortiz last week. I left a message with his secretary. Will call back if I don't hear from him soon. Going to call my local rep too!
  5. Welcome. My brother has some property in red field. Beautiful area up there!
  6. I just called to talk to Mr. Ortiz. He wasn't there so I left my number with his secretary so we will see if he calls back. She was surprised when I told her I was from upstate, but that I was not the first one to call
  7. Done. Praying for her and her family!!!
  8. This is the hunting camp my family uses
  9. If it is a female could be looking fora place to have those baby's in the spring. I had one a few years ago that made a home under the concrete around my pool. Trapped her and brought her down to the state land and let her go. Didn't realize she had 5 little ones in there with her. All but 1 ended up in the pool. I would try to trap her now before the family comes along. Good luck
  10. Where are the wind turbines down that way? I don't venture to far outside of Penn yan, just to where we hunt. Haven't been to Naples in over 30 yrs. Things could have changed in areas. The land we hunt is all vineyards around it so we haven't had much of a change
  11. We have had some good luck last few years in penn yan. An 8 opening day this year, an 8 opening & 2nd day of season last year and a 9 pointer opening day year before that. And a good mix of does in there. I personally have been hunting there for 26 years, my family for probably close to 40. Bucks have gotten bigger last few years. Always seemed to be a lot of small basket racks or odd racks. Like an 8 pointer with 5 pts on one side & 3 on the other. Never anything real huge years ago even for other hunters we came across. Food sources haven't changed either primarily grapes so kind of odd. Acorn crops could have something to do with it. Lots of oaks down there
  12. Most of my bow hunting and some gun hunting is done behind my uncles house in baldwinsville. Majority of my gun hunting is done in Penn yan.
  13. Steve b, if I see a spike or 4 pt in the woods I am going to let it go. But if I see a nice 6 or a nice 8, I am not going to try and guess what year it is. Would even pass on a small 6. But a NICE 6 I am going to shoot. And definately going to shoot the 8. I didn't have to worry about that this year. Only saw 5 does all season. Everything else had horns just nothing in range all season. Bow or gun. Just glad people in my huntinggroup got something
  14. I used to work but my company closed. Just started going back to school to finish my degree so that is why I didn't just buy extra at the store. And it wasn't that I "need" the meat. Just have a family who truly enjoys it. And I truly enjoy hunting. And I don't pay for a licence. Bought a lifetime when they came out. Wasnt trying to stir the pot. I wouldn't shoot a spike or 4 pt for example. But wouldn't pass on a nice 6 or 8 either was basically what I was meaning.
  15. Qdm would be great for this state. I would love every buck in the woods to be a trophy. But I also know if I see a nice 6,7, or 8 pointer walking my way, that is a good size deer I am going to put the meat in my freezer. And I know quite a few other guts who feel that way to. I use that meat to feed my family, 1 or 2 less things I need to buy at the store per week. If people want truly trophy bucks they need to do a state wide antler restriction. Nothing less than a 6 pt;
  16. I went to dicks yesterday. Gave them my coupons and score card. They took off discount & I paid it ans walked out of store. Didn't get all hunting stuff though. Wonder if it depends on the store you go to
  17. I'll let my uncle know. He shoots the 295 grain and works in syracuse on the blvd
  18. Well maybe with all the taxes we will get from our new citizens that were illegals yesterday that can pay for the new bridge. I crossed it in July and it was looking a little worn. Don't remember it being like that 20 yrs ago when I was at Niagara u. Good luck with what ever you choose. Again I wasn't trying to sound negative or like an anti. I just think in something like this only 2 people will make out. The gas co and the state. Not the landowner. And that is a shame!!
  19. There is post titled NY public comment starts today I the political forum. I would read that before you decide what to do. Makes you really think. I have some friends in pa whose relatives have drilling rigs on there land. From what I hear they are not even close to making the money, hey thought they would. I don't know if you you can really trust the gas companies. They just want your land. I also have a brother who works for an environmental company. He has done a lot of research for work and for his masters at suny esf about fracking. I am sure he would be able to give you some info about it. I am not trying to be an anti. I just don't think people understand what happens to there land. That 60 acres you have or any one who signs a lease will be replaced with rigs, trucks, 24 hours noise, etc. I would just really do some research before you sign. Go to pa and talk to some people. You can't miss them. They are the ones with the big rig on there land with an exhaust fire burning out of the stack. & your land will never look the same again
  20. I have to share this! Great way to put it.
  21. Could get the article but not what she wants to ban. Anybody see that??
  22. Any one know the hours of the outdoor show the weekend at the NYS fairgrounds
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