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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Pure on the right ,Z28 on the left . The Pure is such a sweet bow it makes my Z28 feel like a turd , I see an E32 in my future.
  2. What did you guys and gals do with this beautiful weekend? I worked yesterday and had the bows out for a couple hours today which was really nice . Tons of chores I could have done ,but they'll be waiting for me another day.
  3. I looked at the lawn today ,that was as close as I got to cutting it.
  4. Reading those comments and you can tell ,people have no idea what it actually is or how its used.
  5. Did they give any examples of the technology the students were trained in?
  6. I'll pay more for an American made product ,or even one assembled in America ,we gotta keep the cycle of money in our own country.
  7. My comment was aimed towards the manufacturing process and not the operation side. Lithium is mined in China and creates an enormous amount of pollutants into the environment do to the refining process.
  8. Those electric cars are a joke ,do a Google search and find out how much pollution is created to mfg. the batteries for those things.
  9. We used to call it pogey , we had it down to a science . 2 guys would stand at the stop sign and pretend to be starting to fight each other ,once they realized everyone had a firm grip on the marks bumper they would laugh and keep walking , leaving the unsuspecting mark to drive away with kids in tow .
  10. We were just talking about this subject at work , out of the 4 of us ,no one could remember the last time they had a snowball thrown at their car while driving in the winter . Where have all the youth gone
  11. We basically did anything except sit still , always on the move and could switch objectives in no time flat.
  12. Rupert waiting patiently for his new buddy to become mobile and chase him around.
  13. I'm strictly a spicy garlic guy , the wings were delicious .
  14. Thanks everyone ! Wife said it was my choice for dinner tonight , i chose buffalo wild wings , i'm easy like that.
  15. I would love too! My hangovers seem to last too long these days for that kind of partying.
  16. A few years ago we gave my mother in law a sonogram picture and didn't say anything ,just stood there smiling. She was confused but super happy at the same time, like she might have suspected we were joking but wanted a grand baby so bad . Once we both busted out laughing ,the gig was up.
  17. Those are very cool pictures ,thanks for sharing.
  18. Red,yellow and green pins on my bow , I mark the trees according to my pin color with colored duct tape for 20,30and 40 yards . It really speeds things up when a deer comes up quickly.
  19. I have the same one as the OP posted . I use it for ribbon marking trees around my treestand, I use it for target shooting when I'm in the fields and not a range. Our 3D league allows them too.
  20. One of those idiot birds got stuck in the birdhouse hole at my parents house . So funny listening to my dad swearing because he had to get the ladder out and climb the tree to dislodge it.
  21. The mature bucks only leave rubs on the pines where we hunt , little guys hit the hardwood saplings .
  22. If you're old enough to decide to run from the cops then you're old enough for the punishment for running from the cops.
  23. I'm the guy on the street that will walk a few houses either way of ours and pick up cans or garbage or branches in the road . The neighbor however let's her garbage can blow over and let stuff blow down the street and leave the can for the garbage men to pick up. Worst thing I've witnessed was a McDonald's bag full of trash on the 290 from the car in front of me and then the drink cup followed. I couldn't believe it.
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