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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. We are living with complete uneducated idiots . It sucks that these people seem to have their BS agenda taken serious by the media.
  2. I took the stairs instead of the esculator the other day.
  3. I've been dyeing to get out and shoot , so far its been in the basement every night and once or twice a week at the local 20 yard indoor range.
  4. A guy i work with has the heated wire system and it is triggered by a thermostat ,his runs on the roof,through the gutters and down spout.
  5. No leaks here ...yet. I plan on putting up the heated wire system this spring so we don't have anymore of this build up in the future.
  6. Its not the falling that hurts ,its the sudden stop at the end.
  7. Im addicted to shooting my bow latley ,i wish there was an indoor range to shoot at tomorrow.
  8. They want to push electric cars because they are so clean .The amount of pollution created to build those piles is astronimical but the government gives out money to people who want to buy one. Go figure
  9. Congrats to him ,it says alot about a person .
  10. No complaints here from Rupert , he could play fetch in the deep snow until he dropped of exhaustion. He worked up a nice snow beard tonight while playing.
  11. I won't even click on it , that stuff really makes me mad.
  12. I was still eating through my belly button so i don't remember it.
  13. Rupert took a leak in the driveway last night and was half way back in before he pinched it off.
  14. Our dog has us even more trained than that.
  15. You have to rub the sore area ,hard enough to make you cringe some what, after that ,use the palm of your hand to push the lactic acid towards your heart so it can be filtered out of your system.
  16. http://wivb.com/2015/01/22/report-speaker-of-the-new-york-state-assembly-to-be-arrested/
  17. My wife and i also saw it last night and i also noticed how quiet it was when leaving ,especially for a packed theater.
  18. It does sound like she has some built up energy , which is normal for pups and need tons of play time. Next she starts trying to get you to play just walk away and come back in a minute. The hardest part about training a dog is actually getting their full attention, once you figure how to do that the rest is a cake walk.
  19. I started training my coon hound Shepard mix at 11 weeks old. I snow blowed the whole driveway 2 days ago and he never left heel the whole time. It's all about consistency, all dogs can be trained.
  20. Nobody would get stranded if people would pull their heads from the rearends when driving in a storm.
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