I have a couple Tru Ball wrist strap releases. Mine are pretty old; I think I got my first one in 1999, the other was given to me by my uncle (similar vintage) as he didn't like it.
I wouldn't be opposed to trying something different at some point.
I'm in Canadice.
I imbibed a little too much in the Good Stuff last night and am struggling right now. It pains me as I know soooo much better but something about just being HERE gets me wonky. The extra hour this morning (as opposed to tomorrow morning) is a help though.
I have one of these........(and it's friendly to my right handed buddies!!)
They've gone up in price quite a bit since I bought mine 10-12 years ago. She's a VERY solid rig.
Not all the hunters are out of the woods yet tonight, I'm thinking they're a few with bloody hands right now or are tracking a "Stevie Wonder" blood trail.
They'll be chiming in, shortly.
Mine isn't here yet but could be tomorrow. I sent him an email this morning (he told me to bug him about it!) and he said it was sent and I should get it soon.
We had been emailing back & forth last week about his upcoming weekend hunt. It was a Youth Hunt and he and his young hunter scored on a nice doe. He sent me a picture and it's really cool!
Uncle Sam better have a package for me tomorrow..................