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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I think they should tax that stuff worse than they do cigarettes, and I dont smoke. Then eventually no one would sell it or buy it.
  2. Wait till you miss one, you will never hear the end of it, trust me.
  3. ha I'm in that same boat, bought a half dozen last year, lost two shooting at deer, and one from a miss in the yard. I hate loosing/breaking arrows! Oh and WNY, I only shoot 3 at a time, just cause thats what I always did growing up.
  4. "your up your stand-got to get down and stir up things around you, not good" Thats why its important to know where your buddies stands are, that way you just go up wind of him to get the job done and he can deal with it.
  5. I think that part is refering to a laser sight not a range finder. Its a realatively new product though so it would be worth making sure it is ok to use.
  6. Seems like you might want to clear it with the DEC first. The intent of those products is to induce feeding, therefore I would be leary of using them at all. It would not matter if there was none to feed on when they got there.
  7. I'm at the point in my practice season where my brain and my body are having a disconnect. I'm telling my arms and hands to link up and they ain't doing it for me. lol Oh well, thats why I shoot from 20 and 30, its easier and makes me feel like I am a great shot. haha
  8. I have a suggestion, HOLD HIGHER!!!!! lol I strech it out to 60 but spend more time from 50 in to 20.
  9. So any of you slackers want to get together for a money shoot? lol JK, Alot of excuses, get shooting guys!
  10. Yea I actually don't mind him most of the time. He's just fun to poke fun at.
  11. Looks to be about 17 maybe 18 wide? Whats the hoopla for that?
  12. Can't you just hunt from the ground? Find a good spot to break up your background and stand in front of it. And stay still when you see deer coming.
  13. Stan is a good hunter it seems, just funny to look at. haha Raglin is a funny guy too.
  14. Glad I'm not the only one who has noticed that. Must be a southern thing. Too much fried food maybe. Speaking of fried food, anyone ever see the one Primo's show where the big fat guy stops to get a bucket of chicken before he gets in the blind? Man that was a funny one, he was nawing on a chicken leg and hunting at the same time. lol
  15. Can I hunt from say 9am till 2pm? cause its a 4 hour drive for me and I don't want to miss supper or wake up early. lol Last year I got up to go on a Phesant hunt and left my house at about 2am, lol that was an interesting drive. ???
  16. Whats up with Pott's googly eye, how the hell does he shoot and hit anything? Must be tough being that guys camera man, excuse me Stan, what camera are you looking in?
  17. Why does that Hank Parker guy talk like he has marbles in his mouth, does he realize he sounds like a tree fell on his head? Schhhwhhacker broadheads...lol
  18. Geno, this is good for you, this way you will recognize us when we come to hunt with you on the Island this fall. See you in a few short weeks. I will wear the same shirt, its a little tight but I can squeeze into it.
  19. Things were much different back then, luckily for us we found the good faith tour bus and we joined on as singers in the choir.
  20. I always get a kick out of the "worked so hard" line in the show's, what is so hard about hunting in a tree stand? haha
  21. Geno, it was a nice trip he and I took as kids. At the end they let us kill a Giraffe and eat it, they are good eating. LOL My favorite steve863 joke on here!
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