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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. I'm curious how the insert fit in the carbon shaft was. I've had arrows that will lose inserts. fit wasn't snug to begin with. they'd fall right in. I typically use BSI glue for inserts. works well. Gorilla glue is good too if it's the impact tough formula that can take the shock of impact.
  2. yea just go equal strokes on a larger flat stone or diamond grit sharpening pad. it should be wide enough to set two of the blades flat on it with full contact. sharpen each side equally to maintain broadhead balance. then if you can weigh them and match them with arrows for consistent weight between ready to shoot/hunt arrows. G5 sells a stone for their Montec heads (what you have). they're the easiest because same angle is always maintained.
  3. nope... I mostly shoot mechanicals is why. I've seen it done before but it's always at close range of around 20 yards. doesn't sit well with me. too much can go wrong. why add to the list.
  4. this is a really good analogy. time of peak breeding doesn't change much year to year. rutting activity observed can. it's possible that doe are getting bred right now but they are very very few and far between.
  5. mine just got here day before season. cutting it close. can't complain though we got our DMAPs hand delivered. going on vacation though so it'll have a big old blank spot.
  6. looks like a nice adventure. youth weekend coming up! Good luck to you and your son. don't burn out that one outer hole stand either if you can help it. continuously bumping deer and then not seeing anything on stand is reason to change things up I'd think.
  7. sounds like you're figuring things out. back drop helps. sometimes you have to draw early. sometimes you don't.
  8. I have a little knowledge but haven't really been schooled on recurve design. just enough to tune and know that some are built to shoot off the shelf and some are not.
  9. not all sample sizes I disagree with. statistically they're probably okay with some sample sizes, despite the general public doesn't think so. it goes along the premise that 30 or so jawbones were used to get doe herd data last year for my WMU, yet I have about a 100 from last year pulled and dried sitting in a box in my garage (that they were told about). there's good DEC staff here in NY but some really need to not openly admit numbers are sum what fudged due to extrapolation and then not make efforts to easily collect better data.
  10. aren't those this years tags? usually have a little overlap with running through last years venison during this years season. can't imagine that freezer will stay empty long. looks like you've got some DMPs to fill.
  11. i agree there's more in that soil than dirt and urine. what's the point of them being deliberate and taking much more time to use their tarsal glands though? any deer hunter that gets a whiff of tarsal gland gets a message whether it's the same message deer get is another thing. I agree that they feed off each other especially with the presence of more mature versus young bucks leaving scent. Similar to when a young buck prematurely harasses doe before they need to and a more mature buck will ignore much of it until breeding truly draws near. I still think the primary factor is length of day when it comes to actual breeding. Rutting activity observed is different. ....my thoughts for conversation.
  12. nothing is easy peasy until we as a country get to a point where you don't need to get permits from Florida, Utah, and NY. forget the fact that permits are restricted and issued differently throughout NY. blows my mind while "gun control" folks don't just push this versus trying to ban the object or other stupid crap that will do very little.
  13. I might a little.... mostly film others though especially new hunters. SONY cam going up in the tree with me at some point. Nikon that is about 3X more money will only go out with me in a blind. I wouldn't want to drop it out of a tree or have it get wet. films in HD though. we'll see.
  14. I'm surprised your hand didn't stink after. I hate those things when they go where they shouldn't and don't take a hint when try to relocate them to somewhere else safe.
  15. i'll be out even if it's an unexpected white out snow fall. raining is fine too. I've got to get some last minute intel tomorrow night on a particular buck. then trying something new for middle of the field hunting out of a ground blind. no messing around with the recurve. will need compound with some range.
  16. "custom" recurves always seemed fast to me compared to "production" recurves. I don't use feathers but shoot synthetic fletches. they seem to do well. I do give them a little flick with my finger to knock the droplets off them though. I shoot off the shelf so solid vanes are out for me.
  17. if you're on deer eventually you should see a buck.
  18. nice buck for anywhere in the country. 5.5+ yrs old. I'm not the best at score but think he's definitely 150+". Anyone should want to harvest that deer. Most hunters in the country will never see or get trail cam pictures of a buck that big or that old.
  19. I will probably. however, if it works out to where doe family groups come in at once I won't shoot and clear a field. I'm stuck to weekends only this year. I use time on stand to also scout with glass in the beginning of the season from a distance. still would be a spot to get a crack at a doe or more working to a main destination food source. it works out well. Sunday evening's are tough to poke a doe with work the next morning as I do the butchering. sooner the better though when it comes to doe and where our season falls in the year.
  20. other thing that is less feasible is to have a good quality string with quieter materials. not a last minute adder to your bow before the season though.
  21. obvious stuff like a well tuned bow, all bolts and screws are tight, arrows in quiver fit snug (despite I take it off while in stand), limbsavers or dampening bands on limbs, limbsaver everlast string leeches on string. drop away rests are QAD with a brake in them and felt on the launcher fork. they don't slap/contact the riser shelf when dropping. keep strings waxed. I also shoot a slightly heavier arrow. sometimes i'll put a band or smaller limbersavers on the top and bottom of the riser. all compounds have string stops too shimmed and adjusted to just barely make contact. makes as light contact with the string as possible while still making contact as long as it's oscillating.
  22. 2nd picture is hard to judge but I'd bet both pictures are of a buck that's 2.5 yrs old and both pictures aren't of the same deer.
  23. I haven't gotten mine yet. I should be getting it. I've even had DEC call me up to make sure my info was up to date for it. Bowhunter log is one of their citizen science things that I plug often. Although I really hate the assumptions they make with the data no where to put button buck info and fawn info everything is antlerless. I understand the reasoning that it's hard to tell the difference between a yearling doe, a fawn, and a BB. At least give the option for record something more specific if you're sure. another program they're rolling out is AVID that is more inline with browse surveys. I don't know how well this will work but I'm excited to see how it goes. this would provide them real info as to if the deer are too many then the habitat can support. should be much better info than their extrapolated expected harvest numbers based on people interests and not deer/habitat interests.
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