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Everything posted by MACHINIST

  1. Man I didn't want to read that.I haven't found any yet and I look myself and my gear over pretty good every time i go in the woods.
  2. And hopefully kill some of them GD mosquito's and black flies.It does suck because I know it messes with crops for people though.Last few years we have had bad apple crops where I hunt and the blame went to a late frost
  3. What WJ said.I havent used mine for turkey but I think I may this coming weekend.I want to get as light as possible and the gobbler lounger is 2 or 3 pounds heavier than he hammock
  4. Went out with my nephew this morning.First spot we had a gobbler a few hundred yards onto a neighboring property.By the time the sun came up the mosquitos were so bad you couldn't even breath,I had forgotten the bug spray and our head nets so we packed up and headed to the truck and got sprayed down.After that spots fizzled we went to another place I hunt and in the field we watched a tom pushing a hen down to the ground,as soon as he tried to get on the top she would jump.There was 2 other hens watching the show also.Not to be a killjoy or anything but we did our best to help the hen get rid of her pesky suitor but after we parked and went through the trail to that area he and she were gone,The other 2 hens were still there but he was long gone with his main squeeze. There is a brush choked field off the other edge of the property so I imaging he went in there.Slow but fun day,cant wait for this heat and humidity to go down a bit!!
  5. Go stand where the mystery animal is and have your cam take a pic.I am thinking turkey,it looks like he is strutting toward the left to me.
  6. I like having 2 tags,I also would like the population to grow.So that being said I would give up a tag but keep the season the same to let the numbers grow.
  7. I wasn't giving him crap,I was saying the pic is more than likely legit and the date is just wrong.
  8. Yea also February,pretty sure NY has never had that much grass in February
  9. I think we will have some better action soon.I don't know when they breed but what we typically see around here is the first week is hot,second not so much and then the third week gets better.I really think it has to do with all three things coming together,Hunting pressure(remember we have the youth weekend and the opener so that's 2 weeks of people scouting)Weather and breeding.Now I am not saying with the pressure the youth season is bad,in fact I think its a great thing to do.So please don't think I am
  10. That would have been a awesome sight!!
  11. Nothing,its tough but if you make it to hard on him he may not want to go again.
  12. Man one of the best days I have had in the woods to date!!! It all started at 4am this morning when my friend charlie meet me at my house to head to my property.We got out there and go set up on either side of the ridge.When the woods started to wake up we had gobbles all around us from 100 yards to 400 yards.After about 15 mins I heard a bunch start flying down .I was facing the north and had a swamp to my west that isnt really deep but they dont like to cross it.The other side was 85 yards and deosnt the Tom strut right past on that side to use the high spot right behind me.I couldnt move or he would have saw me and if he went about another 100 yards he would walk into the barrel of my friends shotgun.Well I am totally expecting to here BOOM when I hear spitting and drumming right behind me at 10 yards!!! He strutted back and fourth for 20 mins while my friend was watchin and thinking WTF is he doing shoot already.He went down towards the swamp shere my friend couldnt see him and the damn bird does the same damn thing to him that he did to me only at 20 yards behind some small pine trees.After the tom left we regrouped on another tom that had hens in the field,we set up on them and the tom answered my calls by cutting me off for a half hour np tmoving other than strutting back and fourth on a hill in the field dancing for his harem.I decided to make a move to the north to a logging road that they usually go through later in the afternoons so I thought its worth a try at 8 am.We got set up and I started calling and immidiatly had him answer along with another tom to the east.After 5 mins I knew the tom to the west was coming in.I couldnt let out one sound without him cutting me off so I stopped calling.Thats when I saw him strutting through the woods at 100 yards coming towards us in a "S" formation.He was heading right towards me till he got to a few downed tree so he turned north to go around them.BIG MISTAKE!!! My friend dropped him at 45 yards.1 inch spurs 22 pounds and a 10 inch beard So when I start giving high fives and congrats to my friend he says hey look what I sat on when we came here!!! Then I get a call from my friend that he killed his first bird.Did it all by himself also.20 pounds 3/4 spurs and a 8 1/2 inch beard Heres a pic of both hunters So his wife yelled at him not to get the new car all bloody,he had to drive home like this!!LOL
  13. TP????? I would need a towel so a could butt floss myself after that!!
  14. Honestly I hated he first pair I had because they didn't seem to fit right.I returned them till one year when my redheads started to leak.After alot of convincing from the guy at bass pro I gave them a shot(mainly because he said if I wore them in the woods and still didn't like them he would take them back) That was it I now where muck boots for my early season boots till my late season knee high boots (Lacrosse) wear out and I will probably replace them with mucks also
  15. I thought I updated this the vest us sold.anything anyone is interested in make a offer I would like it gone
  16. SUNDAYS REPORT: We went down to a friends camp that does a youth hunt every year,there was 4 youth hunters in camp.Saturday night we went to a local farm that gives permission to the youth hunt for access and we roosted a group of birds that had a gobbler in it.Sunday am Myself,Reed(nephew),a father and son(they don't hunt but wanted to see what hunting was all about) and a friend of my friend who called for us.We got set up and soon they started gobbling,we thought they were coming in from our right so Reed and I switched seats.After a few mins I say a group walking away from us that probably saw us moving.So we sat and called for another 20-30 mins with not a thing happening.The caller and I decided to try and cut the other group off,we got up and had a group 30 yards away in a gully take off that we didn't know was there.We hunted the rest of the day and only had a few gobbles right around noon at a different place.All in all we had a great time,he said he got amp'ed up when they were gobbling close and cant wait to go back out....another one successfully hooked into huntin!!! I also have a great pic of Reed taking a little cat nap late in the day Sunday but I wont be mean and post it,well maybe later I will!!HAHA
  17. SATURDAYS REPORT: I went out Friday night and roosted some birds,they roosted well into the neighboring property so we set up on the edge hoping they would come our way either on their own or by being called in.So Friday at 430 I picked up my nephew and we made the hike out there.What stunk is we walked right past another set of toms that gobbled all am and that were on my friends property,oh well.So then the tom I had roosted started hammering away,he was alone as far as I could tel as I didn't here one bit of hen talk and we were fairly close to him(100 or so yards).I had him cutting my light calls off so I shut up and wanted to wait till he was on the ground.That's when a few real hens came out of the roost and started talking to the west of us and that was done,he pitched down and headed that way.So we set out after him but they went across the road.We then tried to find the other toms we heard but had no luck.At 9 we drove to another property and saw a good size group in a field so we made a plan and went after them.We made a big loop and stopped about 75 yards from the field edge in some pines and started to call.they wouldn't budge,just feeding and strutting around till behind us we heard a couple of gobbles that were super close but just over the edge of a hill and we couldn't see them.they must have either been a few different birds or one strutting back and forth gobbling from different locations.He wouldn't commit to come in so I decided to just stop calling and and see if that would work.It made him fire up more and more so i decided to do some leaf scratching.He stayed there till quitting time.After not hearing him for 20 mins we got up and left the other way just in case he was still there.
  18. If you have pics of them messing with your cam I would be on the horn to the DEC.I would also say that they send pics via email so DNFW your cams!!
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