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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Sorry, but that's not the way it should be done. If I was the landowner of that property I wouldn't have gone berserk on you, but at the same time would not have granted you permission either. If you want to ask for permission to hunt someones land it should probably be well before the season and most definitely NOT in the type of situation you just described. If you want to hunt it should be done properly, not by just jumping out of your car, ringing the landowners bell to ask for permission and then taking shots at the deer that just happen to be standing around.
  2. Thanks for the info. Interesting that they'd put such a check point inside NYC limits. Coming down the Hutchinson and going over the Whitestone Bridge has never had any such check point that I have ever seen. Could be an alternative for those who don't want to deal with such a stop.
  3. So, you were going to ring his bell to ask him if you could shoot one of those deer??
  4. They couldn't possibly stop every car that passes that way. What made them stop you? Were you hauling an ATV or had something on your vehicle that made them think you were a hunter??
  5. I get that they are volunteers, but I think their last sentence is not what someone who called them wants to hear at a time like this. It's like someone calling on a doctor only to be told that they should go out and get a medical degree.
  6. In TF's photo those deer ain't hanging or in a beer cooler. They are on the ground with a tarp over them right next to a port-o-potty.
  7. Oh my!! You guys need to start processing yourselves. No way would my deer be laying under a tarp with 100 others. I just finished cutting up my kill from this weekend. It ain’t rocket science and you know it’s your deer that’s in the freezer.
  8. When the deer aren’t moving on a cold day you go back to the truck and warm yourself up with some of your Mama’s homemade minestrone soup. Mmm Mmm good!!
  9. You'd be amazed how many people you'll see buying hunting licenses at a Walmart on opening morning of the gun season. One year a number of years ago I bagged a buck first thing on opening morning. A friend who was hunting with us had brought along his backtag, but didn't realize that he left the carcass tags home. So we went to the nearest Walmart around noon or so to get replacement tags. There must have been 50 people on line waiting to buy hunting licenses. What the hell were they all waiting for? I guess some folks wait until they put a buck on the ground before they bother to go buy a tag to put on it?? Amazing!!
  10. That's for tree huggers camp, not deer camp!
  11. Only restriction is to try not to fart too much in my blind. I have a buck tag and a couple of doe tags. Any deer that might come by will get shot at.
  12. I heard Biz is setting up a Go Fund Me account with the proceeds going to him for anyone who wants a more favorable prediction. LOL
  13. If the deer fell and died under a downed tree or in some sort of depression in the ground, 10 inches of snow could practically cover the deer where you'll need to step on it to find it. I've had that happen to me once. Snow fell so quick it covered up the deer in no time.
  14. I have 2 older tang safety Ruger 77's and although the triggers aren't great they aren't too bad either so I never bothered to adjust them. I would recommend taking the gun to a gunsmith and having him adjust it. You don't want to mess with the trigger where you could potentially make the gun unsafe. I had a trigger adjusted on another gun that is my go to deer rifle by a gunsmith and it was the best $40 I ever spent.
  15. There is absolutely NO decisions to make for me. I will be using the same gun that I have been using since 1985 when I bought it. A Remington 700 in .270. I have other guns capable of taking deer, but I am not the type to be switching to something else since this gun has done the trick. Some guys take gun A on a rainy day or gun B on a sunny day or gun C for brushy areas. I am certainly NOT one of those people. The same gun will get the nod no matter what.
  16. Not sure what you mean by "humped" or "jumped" the ladder stand, but this video gives you a good idea how one should be put up.
  17. Moog helped him draw up the new will and instead of asking for monetary payment he will be inheriting the Weatherby's.
  18. There is no way I'd recommend it to anyone for ANY deer hunting situation in comparison to the scores of much better calibers available. Plus, go to a Walmart or somewhere else if you were in a pinch for some extra hunting ammo for it. Good luck.
  19. There are scores of better cartridges out there why would one limit themselves to something like a .44 mag?? I would rate a .44 mag down near the bottom no higher than a 2. If I choose a .30-06, .270, .308, etc. I could kill a deer at short range, long range and everything in between, so why limit oneself to a pistol cartridge? Makes very little sense to me.
  20. Maybe if you grunted instead of grinted he would have come your way??
  21. Hmmm, well that photo would tell me that their packaging is not too great.
  22. The only time I've ever used a butcher to process a deer I've taken was on a couple of trips out west. This is going on 25 years ago now and they vacuum packed the meat for me even back then so I would think any butcher worth his salt these days would be vacuum sealing for their customers. Maybe it won't have any benefits in preserving the meat for a longer period of time, but I think it would be a small investment for a butcher to buy and use an industrial strength sealer. I think it would only speed up his processing by using one.
  23. I only listen to the ones who use baby wipes!
  24. Fine, everyone will do it their own way. From my experience those that have rinsed out the inside and not wiped it completely dry as you guys suggest suffered no ill effects. The water would have obviously dried out on it's own, but I don't remember too many going thru the trouble of drying it down with paper towels and such. Let's get to the other issue of where you'd have better odds of getting sick. Do you think the odds are greater getting sick eating restaurant food or eating that deer that may not have been wiped down? I know where I'd put my money.
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