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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Actually, they do. Some of these morons go on to commit the school shootings and other terrorist acts and become Martyrs for the left.
  2. A favorite. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  3. Or politics in general, I shall not mention names. I like the beer thread, in fact now that you brought it up....................... A lot of people posting in the "Live From The Stand" thread, I don't think I have seen either of you post on that one yet. I have nothing to post in "Live From The Stand". One, I don't always have reception and that doesn't bother me at all. Two, who want's to hear that I didn't see a deer while sitting this morning, but on the walk out a decent doe and I had a stare down for what seemed like hours, but only minutes before she bounded off without even a snort.
  4. I'm not sure what "Hanging In Your Background" means. It doesn't sound like you own your own site, so that makes things more confusing. Is it possible for you to explain that term? When I ran my site, I used a CAPTA that even I couldn't read, people had to confirm registration via E-Mail, and I also placed a robotsdottxt file in and I didn't allow any bots. Not even the usual web crawlers like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. . That sure cut down on the "lurkers" which are usually bots. As a rule, never use passwords that people can figure out. Use a series of numbers, letters ( lower and upper case ), and symbols. These days there are tons of crap all over the place on how to crack a site or someones personal information. But, with the way most rely on technology ( most times we don't have a choice anymore ) you have to understand that bad shit can happen. If you post in the web, and don't understand the risk, then perhaps you shouldn't post on the web.
  5. Those weren't tags, they were next round chips. Heading out in the morning again. Good luck to anyone out there tomorrow.
  6. Looking forward to seeing some pics of your trip Storm914. Any idea when you will get this trip in the books?
  7. ^^^ This right there! I have hunted some areas near Benson and Speculator where driving back roads I left seeing houses behind for an hour. Pretty desolate areas, and you feel it. Also Storm914, you mentioned driving the main routes close to urban areas. So another question is, what's your plan on staying in the area? A hotel/motel? A cabin? Pure hike and hunt?
  8. There are people who do well in the ADK's every season, but most live up that way and get more time in. I have always just considered seeing a deer up there a successful trip. What area you plan to hunt? Many people on here might help out with some decent public land. I am going up next season for a week. Renting a cabin and hunting as much as possible. The dates we have planned will be early bow, but may also go into the regular season, won't know that until next years season dates are posted by DEC. It's going to be tough with only really 4 days to hunt, but it's the adventure part that's just as important as killing a deer to me.
  9. Sorry Otto, just read this. To answer that, the First Shot Daily Pics was started in 2016 by StoneAM, and was supposed to be about one shot daily, but none of us followed what the thread was supposed to be about. I started it up again for 2017 and figured it would be the same. The Real TC III also started a thread last year about only taking one shot as in a hunting situation, hence the "SHOT" that counts. It went off the rails as well. So I started this thread with the same goal, take one shot like you would hunting. So, basically, this went off the rails as well. The "FSDP" is more or less now about shooting groups, while this thread was still supposed to be about one and done, 'The Show That Counts". Some just don't read the manual. LOL!
  10. Many companies offer blaze orange packs. Have for years. https://www.fleetfarm.com/detail/fieldline-boneyard-blaze-orange-backpack/0000000231932?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2avQjtDr3QIViY3ICh0BDAqUEAQYBCABEgJ1lvD_BwE
  11. Been looking at Google Sat Maps. That area is pretty thick. Thinking of buying some TOPO Maps.
  12. I tried the baking soda, and even the powders that claim to eliminate odors in the past. The powders build up and make more bacteria and stink IMO. Wash those socks in apple cider! Clean out the boots with apple cider! Now you are legal bait because your feet smell like apples but there's really no bait, just a smell! Or just hunt barefoot.
  13. I got it today via phone, never saw the TV Alert as I was too busy grabbing the bug out bag and loading up all my firearms. Right now I am running off a solar powered generator in an undisclosed location using a proxy server.
  14. This is pretty dang good! Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  15. Grilled a steak, baked taters, and leftover wax beans. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  16. Take your current arrow in along with the arrows you want cut, and most good bow shops will match them.
  17. If I owned land, or had a lease I wanted to let the bucks grow, I would go with at least 4 on both sides. I only add my opinion based on many on people here stating a 6 might only be 1.5 years old. I would sit down with the people you share the lease with and figure out the end game. Asking on a web site might get many varied responses. You guys need to decide hot to hunt that land, no one can really tell you how to hunt it.
  18. Happy 21st Joe! Take a break from hunting and go do what everyone should do on the 21st, get slobbering drunk!
  19. I don't hunt in the rain with a bow due the same reason others have posted. Rain washes blood away pretty fast. A bad shot can lead to no recovery.
  20. Cool cam pics. As much as deer are easily spooked, they are also very curious creatures at times. That's why if you jump a deer on a stalk, I would sit tight for a bit and see what it does. They love to circle around.
  21. Stuffed meatloaf ( garlic and cheese ), fries, and steamed wax beans. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  22. Nice pics. Glad you got out even if just hunting with a camera. Shows some grit after what you went through.
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