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Everything posted by rob-c

  1. You know your old when 10 is late . Not judging agreeing …
  2. 40 ? Mine was actually in my 20’s . I married young (I was only 20 couldn’t legally drink at my own wedding) . I knew I wanted a family house etc. at a young age and my friends just wanted to party. So I parted ways early and have no regrets doing so .
  3. I left for work at 1:30 , got here at 2:30 and have been plowing since . Drive in wasn’t terrible and it seems to be letting up now . We did get off snd on freezing rain though . Be safe everyone ..
  4. Gotta love weather forecasters 1-12 , now that’s nailing it down
  5. Yep scheduled day off for me , but I’ll be in running a plow truck tomorrow .
  6. I’ll be curios after the Toyota has been out for a bit to see what the aftermarket tuners wring out of the TT6 .
  7. With the Ram’s coil spring rear there’s not any truck out there that will beat the ride . Correct me if I’m wrong , but the twin turbo 6 didn’t have the low end punch the ram does ? If so that interesting .
  8. Well judging by the interest this will go several pages , bunch of old fogy’s on here . Do you know if this works while wearing contacts ?
  9. Still have my 870 , but the slug barrel has not been on it in years. I have thought about putting the slug barrel back on and using it . Heres a photo of my dad with his Ithaca deer slayer , pretty sure this is late 80’s.
  10. No you do not , I assume your looking at data for the 243 ? Heres some data from Hodgen https://loaddata.com/Cartridge/243-Winchester-Hodgdon-Rifle-Data/7710
  11. Glad I could help with you parting with your hard earned cash. Go slow and pay attention to what your doing and you’ll be fine , reloading really isn’t that hard . For the effort the rewards are 10 fold. The fun part is working up loads and finding that load that the gun likes. Then after that it’s kinda boring as your just loading go have ammo to shot .
  12. You’ve got some work to do , but man that’s a nice garage .
  13. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/what-great-ammunition-shortage-says-about-inflation Welp guess I’ll find other products to buy that are not price gouging their customers . To bad too I was a big Alliant powder fan and Speer bullets for my reloading . Here’s a list of brands they own https://vistaoutdoor.com/brands/
  14. Very nice , how about instead of anodizing you have it dipped in camo .
  15. Good point , I know in my town if a shed is larger than 10 by 10 you need a building permit .
  16. I’m in the same boat, inherited some money and we’re leasing one more year to save more towards property. I also eventually want to put a small cabin on it but will be going the rout of a RV. Now is probably not the best time to be buying one but I would think in a year or two prices will come back down . Hell all those who bought one over the pandemic may want to unload it by then.
  17. Oh I agree that most can handle the virus , but one also just doesn't know if you’ll be fine or end up on a vent until you get it . 3 guys I work with all had it , two were vaccinated and were moderately sick . The other was not vaxed but younger and fit , but he said it kicked his ass and it’s the sickest he’s ever been and wouldn’t want to wish that on anyone.
  18. The person I know he got Covid bad went in to hospital and was put on a respirator , had a heart attack and then his kidneys shut down ( this was last week when he died ) . My son works the Covid unit so I assume from Covid .
  19. I agree with 95% of what you posted , but myself and my wife know people that were healthy that have died from covid. And my son is a nurse at strong and he’s had 14 Covid patients die in 10 days over the last week and a half all un-vaxed.
  20. There’s 4 or 5 brands of fixed heads that are heads and shoulders above others with their flight , toughness and holes that they leave in deer . Honestly there’s really no reason to shoot mechanicals any more , and I shot spitfires for many years .
  21. No doubt Tota heads have great reviews and a following . I had it down to them and the QAD exodus. I went with the exodus mostly because I didn’t want to deal with sharpening . But you can’t go wrong with either .
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