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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Congrats to your buddy. Nice buck!
  2. Sorry to hear about the bad shoulders. I have some shoulder issues as well, so I do know where you are coming from. I shoot a 7mm/08 and recoil is substantially less than the 30-06. And there is no arguing with the dead right there, results, I've had with two bucks, using the 7mm/08!
  3. You got another "good luck" from this hunter, as well.
  4. Congratulations! Beautiful buck! Persistence payed off nicely! Way to go!
  5. Want me to take a little walk on the other side of the ridge, and maybe push one down to you?
  6. After getting a buck yesterday, I've been thinking of doing something similar, filling my DMP. Since I didn't get one with my bow earlier, I may go with that. The crossbow is still looking to go out. And my old TC Thunderhawk Shadow hasn't barked in a while. Also, my 12 year old grandson still has his Jr. Archery tag. So maybe I can get him to fill that too, if the weather will cooperate . But the rifle is done for this year. And I will be carrying my new "dream rifle" next year!
  7. With the snow and wind, I decided to head to a ground blind, on a south facing slope. Where my grandson and I had seen a couple shooter bucks fighting during bow season. It was a half mile hike in through drifted snow, as the logging road was impassable for my ATV. When I got to my spot, I could see where the deer had been digging for acorns and there was a ton of fresh sign. Got in about 12:30 and didn't see a deer until 3:00. Two spike horns came in below me and started to feed. I watched them for a bit, before a big doe came out of the thick stuff below and started to feed as well. I thought about taking her, but decided to wait until my grandson was with me tomorrow. Then up above me I hear a buck grunt, look up the hill and a shooter buck is coming down to check the doe! She runs to within ten feet of my blind, stops, and is looking at the buck. She takes off behind me and the buck starts chasing! I mouth a baaa, he keeps running. So I almost shout, BAAA!!! He skids to a stop at 20 yards and a 140 gr. Nosler BT from my 7mm/08 Savage Axis, drops him in his tracks! 8 points, 170 dressed and scarred and broken, with split ears from fighting. This is one of the bucks my grandson and I watched fighting! I'm so happy to get him as this has been a up and down season for me. Till today.
  8. Nice 8pt. down ! It's been a kind of tough season for me this year. I've been doing a lot of zigging and the deer have been doing a lot of zagging. But was very happy to meet up with this buck today! Will post story in harvest thread.
  9. About a foot in the hills above Albany. Drifts are three feet or more in places. Bare ground in the wind scoured places.
  10. I truly admire your determination to go the distance and recover your deer. Your words here and on the phone tell me you are a very caring hunter. We need more like you in our ranks. Congratulations on your well deserved buck!
  11. Seems like you are well prepared . Now just get out there, take a slow look around, a deep breath and enjoy every minute ! Best of luck to you.
  12. Welcome! Glad you found us!
  13. Yup, did it exactly like that for years! Them I saw someone use a foot long piece of string with a loop on the end. Run end of string through the loop, slip it over the BH, pull tight and push all back where it came from. When finishing the gutting, grab string with all the rest and front and back is all out clean and slick!
  14. Pinch, cut around, pull out slightly and tie off with a piece of pre cut string! Takes about a minute. Never saw a need for anything else.
  15. My heart tells me "it's deer season, get out there"! My head says "don't be stupid ". Think I'll listen to my head this time. The deer will still be there when conditions improve.
  16. Did you try a shot of starter fluid in the carb with choke on when pulling? Wish you were closer as there are a couple very good small engine repair guys in this area. Hope you find someone close. And those old beat up looking machines, are usually much better than these new shiny ones.
  17. Took a walk out back this morning and have tons of branches and a few trees down. Due to heavy, wet snow freezing in the trees and then the 40+ mph winds. Not at all safe in our woods right now, until this wind subsidies a bit. About 10 to 12 inches of snow and thigh deep drifts. A few scattered tracks, but the deer seem hunkered down for the most part. May try to still hunt some sheltered spots later on. Got some clean up around the house to do first. Getting back to some of the out of the way set ups, on the back of the properties, will now be much more difficult .
  18. Shoot what you like. Like what you shoot. Long as it's legal, it's all good. One hunters trash, is another hunters treasure .
  19. No hunting for me today. My lifelong friend and hunting partners wife went to the ER last night with a heart problem. She has been admitted and they are doing a bunch of tests. Been up most of the night. I'm hoping and praying, she will be ok. Kinda puts things in perspective for me. But 5 plus inches on the ground in the hilltowns of 4H and still coming down hard. Winds gusting over 30mph. Roads are VERY slippery . Had to pass on a shot on my #1 shooter buck at last light yesterday . It was very close to the end of legal shooting time if not a little past it. He was almost 300 yards out. Though I have shot that far at targets, I am not comfortable shooting that far at a live deer. He deserves better than a poor shot from me. My 7mm/08 is more then capable of making that shot. I am not. But will be doing a LOT more long range shooting , before the start of next hunting season. Good luck to all out there, and keep yourselves safe.
  20. grampy

    My big 9

    What an awesome buck and great story! I absolutely love seeing and hearing stuff like this. I know your Dad was there with you, with that huge smile that you know so well! Sending you a heartfelt congratulations and a BIG high five! Nice job my friend.
  21. Congratulations wooly. That is "big mama" right there! Welcome back.
  22. Congratulations ! Wow, what a beautiful buck! And I'm sure Dad was there. Nice job.
  23. Rifle......3 in the gun......3 in my pocket Shotgun......5 in the gun......5 in my pocket In 43 hunting seasons, I've never ran out of ammo! But have gone to my pocket a time or two.
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