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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I have much respect for Charlie A. as a photographer, outdoorsman and writer. As far as his rut predictions go, I have found them to be hit or miss. Much more reliable, is tha calendar dates of November first to the fourteenth as the best two weeks to be in the deer woods for the rut. You can expect anything to happen at anytime, during those two weeks year in and year out.
  2. Sounds like a nice weekend. Have fun in the woods! No better place to be!
  3. What......no jiffy pop popcorn, cooked over the fire? Goes great with cold beer!
  4. The only ones wearing a big smile over this are the insurance company lobbyists. Seems to me more political than biological decision.
  5. Nice is right! Good luck in the fall!
  6. Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Hendrix, Crosby Stills Nash and Young for the rock side. Hank Sr. and Jr. together, George Jones, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggert for the country side.
  7. Taking wildcat's advice, I used the federal premium 140gr. BT in my 7mm-08 and have fantastic results. Have tried many other options and all shot well from my savage axis, but those federal BT's shot the best groups. Rob, Perhaps your friend is just a bit jealous of your new gun?
  8. Yum.........Bet it all tasted even better than it looks!
  9. Adds a whole new meaning to rattle bag doesn't it.
  10. Speaking of ignorant! I would say more but it seems he already knows everything. So I won't.
  11. #1 is deer for me. I'm thinking about or doing something for deer hunting all year long.
  12. I'm not trying to represent myself as a Math Professor, but numbers don't lie. Shoot more than is born and you will have less!
  13. Just shoot the dang coyote's and keep your mouth shut about it. No need to put out poison. So no eagles were harmed making this post!
  14. Love that avitar Trad!
  15. grampy


    A bit more than last year, but no banner year for sure. WMU-4H
  16. He was so excited to get a buck on his cam. By his excitement, you would think that little buck was a booner!
  17. It's been a few years since there were this many apples on our trees. Had a pretty stout thunderstorm last week that knocked a bunch off the trees. The deer have already cleaned them up. We have a few more acorns this year too, but not a banner year for them.
  18. She would have my vote!! Grow in 16!
  19. grampy


    Welcome and glad you dropped in.
  20. Welcome! Nice to have ya drop in! Look forward to having you share your stories and experience. I really enjoyed trad archery, but have not done it for many years now. Good luck to you in the upcoming season!
  21. I'd say he is big enough and wide enough, to make the hit list!
  22. Richmondville is not far from here. Got a buddy over there, he and his sons shoot at least one slammer buck each year off their farm. We used to go to the races at Fonda all the time. Good time! Who won last night?
  23. Go to an archery shop to let them figure your draw length. Tell them your price range and then actually shoot as many bows as you can. Let the bow pick you. You'll know when you have the right one. As said above, don't worry so much about brand, concentrate on fit and feel. A good pro shop will also help with arrow selection for the bow and accessories like type of release. A well established shop will have the expert advice to help you get going on your bow hunting journey. Good luck and check back to let us know how you made out.
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