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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I'd be counting the days to get out after those bucks! Very nice, good luck and hope to see you in a pic with one!
  2. I'll bet it's nice and dry on those rainy, snowy days! And out of the wind too! Hope you get what you're looking for out of there. Very nice!
  3. Although I've hunted that high up, I never felt very comfortable doing so. Mostly stay on the ground these days.
  4. grampy


    Happy Birthday!!!
  5. Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with family, friends and fun!!!
  6. I don't think too many QDM properties would have public hunting. After the expenses and work of plots and propery management, most are kept private. But perhaps you could find a lease property to your liking. Quality land access is the most challenging aspect of hunting these days.
  7. Nice pic's! Nice bucks! That 10 in the lower right is VERY nice! Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working well. Good luck this season!
  8. I too have kept a detailed log for well over 20 years. And in our area of 4h, I stand by November 1st. to the 14th. for having the best buck movement year in and year out. The best three days being November 9th. 10th. and 11th. for having bucks on their feet and actively searching out does. This is the time when you see bucks standing out in the middle of fields, running across roads and being a little less cautious than normal. Intensity as always depends on weather as if it's very warm, more activity will happen during the cooler period of night time hours. I agree that there are flurries of activity that happen in October and later in the season, that vary year to year. That is why you hunt every day you can. You just never know what will show up any time during the season. That's what keeps me out there all season! Or until I tag out.
  9. Nice NY buck and video! Love the home grown stuff!
  10. I'm a HUGE Panthers fan, so I'm hoping for a different outcome than most of you tonight! Good luck to all NFL fans and their teams this year!
  11. grampy


    Welcome, glad you stopped by! Got some real nice folks here, so pull up a seat and join right in!
  12. grampy


    Welcome, glad you dropped by. Just have a seat and join in any time. Lots of good folks here.
  13. Funny how our local Agway sells out od corn, salt licks, c'mere deer and oats-grain by the midfle of September! Go figure..........
  14. Sounds promising! Good luck! Nothing like the smell of a hemlock woods!
  15. Many years ago, my buddy saved all summer to buy a brand new Ithaca Deerslayer. Opening day came and about mid morning I heard him shoot down the ridge from where I was. After an hour or so and not seeing anything myself, I went down to where he was. Sure enough he had a buck down and was so happy with his new gun. He made a perfect 75 yard shot in a small opening in a swamp. So we get ready for the long drag up hill and I grab his pack and gun as well as my gear to bring up the hill, and he says don't drop my gun! I made two steps before slipping on the muddy slope and sticking the barrel about four inches in the mud and bent the crown of the barrel. He has never let me forget it!!!
  16. Could the barrel be fouled? If not try some different ammo. Might just be an easy fix.
  17. I don't think I owe anyone or DEC an explanation if I decide to pass on a doe and shoot a buck. Any time of the season as long as I am within the regulations. As far as the DEC, they have their head in the sand and have no idea of how many deer are in the area I hunt. With my boots on the ground, I do have an idea. I have no problem shooting does. But given the CHOICE, I will shoot a buck. I will always give another hunter a hearty hand shake, smile, thumbs up and way to go for ANY deer they have killed. Buck,doe small or large. So don't crucify me for being a horn hunter. We need to respect the fact that we all hunt for different reasons.
  18. The reds here will start dropping in a couple of weeks and start dropping in earnest come mid September.
  19. I just gotta shake my head at the infinite wisdom coming out of the DEC in the last few years.
  20. I agree Gman, it's on my bucket list to shoot a big old boar bear. Have had some chance encounters during deer season with some smaller bears and just let them walk. Have eaten bear meat a few times and liked it. So a dedicated spring season would be ok with me. Especially since our turkey numbers have taken a dive in recent years too.
  21. grampy


    Bountiful apples, hit and miss with the acorns and hickory nuts starting to drop now. A few does and small bucks on cam so far.
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