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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. This year we did an acre of each. One 1/2 acre plot of beans (got wiped out by the neighbors cows when they were out for 5 or 6 days) and then the other 1/2 acre of beans strip planted into 2 corn/bean plots. All of the corn (3 plots) has been doing well. We just got ahold of a planter this year so we are experimenting.
  2. He's getting a shipment of rape and radish in soon. Talked to him yesterday afternoon. I'll be down buying my stuff this weekend.
  3. I stopped at Gander last Friday. The discounts still aren't that great. I saw a few items that I had been watching that all of a sudden had "original" price tags on them, whereas they never had them in the past. Then they took the percentage off of that price. One item ended up being $5 more on Friday than it was 3 weeks ago when I looked at it. In the last 4 times I've gone there to see about picking up a deal, I've purchased 2 things, and only one of them was any real deal. Work boots for $32.
  4. I went to the farm yesterday to check cams. The corn is looking pretty good considering it went in pretty late. It varies between waist and chest high. The beans are there, but the deer have been hammering them. The fall plots are all tilled and will be planted this weekend weather permitting.
  5. I broke mine years ago. Bled like a stuck pig. Had 2 black eyes for a week or so.
  6. I've found that hair color has little to do with aging a buck. I'm not quite to the point where I'm letting 3 year olds walk yet. Well, except this year, I have a specific target. It would take a complete monster to get my focus away from him.
  7. He's actually only a 3 1/2 according to the jaw bone. He seemed to be a pretty aggressive buck from the trail cam footage I had of him.
  8. He is my hit list this year unless something crazy wanders in from a neighboring property.
  9. I'm hoping to end a 3 year chase this year.
  10. Cliff Weitzel. Whitetail Creations.
  11. He's actually turned slightly to the left, just the same as he was when he first came in before I killed him.
  12. I got my bow buck from last year back last weekend. I think he turned out great.
  13. I would consider them a form of baiting, but they are quite a bit different than feeders, piles of food, salt blocks, etc. Depending on their size, they aren't much different than hunting a crop field, orchard or any other food source.
  14. I had a York rake, and we tried using it the way you are talking about. It did not work for us at all. It would get clogged up within just a few feet and then everything else would just go under the mini brush pile it was pulling around, and get missed anyhow. Now we just put the brush hog on the ground, chop it up as best we can and till it in after that. We walk around and grab the bigger stuff that doesn't till in. After a couple of years any woody stuff is gone.
  15. We're running a little later than normal this year due to the wet weather. We got 1 corn, 1 bean and 1 corn and bean in late. The bean plot was completely wiped out by the neighbors cows that got out. The other two are doing good though. No pics of them. We are going to start spraying the brassica and wr plots soon.
  16. Adkhunter got it right. As far as weight goes, it doesn't matter much. I won't be packing it in or anything. It would be used for semi permanent stand sites.
  17. LOL, I think I was pulling down on the hide. The guy on the left of the deer looks like hes about to shank it.
  18. A guy your size ought to be holding the deer up over your head by its back legs in one hand and inserting the gambrel with the other
  19. LMAO where did that pic come from? Outlaws is right! Bunch of holligans in the building that night!
  20. The second a dog sinks its teeth into my body, its going to die. If I see one attack one of my kids, its going to die. I dont honestly give a rats ass how much someone loves it. If one of my dogs did something similar and someone shot it, I would understand. Sure Id be a little sad to lose a pet, but as soon as said pet becomes aggressive to the point of biting someone that is not provoking it, something has to be done about it.
  21. Im sorry to hear this Larry, my condolences to you and yours.
  22. Our dogs have invisible fencing, the deer seem to know their limits. The dogs will stand there barking less than 20 feet from the deer, at the edge of the fence signal and the deer could care less.
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