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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Same here, it was my Viper HS that I run on my 308. It has been flawless. Bowshotmuzzleloader, look at some of the deals they have, you may be able to step up into a Viper series scope for not much more than you are looking to spend. The Viper line is some of the best glass I have ever used. Also, dont shy away from used ones, the lifetime warranty is fully transferable. Even if you bought one that had a problem, you just send it to them and they will ship a brand new one to you.
  2. Vortex hands down. The Crossfire 2 3-9x40 comes in at $199 retail, and you can usually find a bit better price on them at cameralandny.com or ebay. I just picked up 2 of them for my daughter and I to use on our Muzzleloaders. Great glass at a great price with one of the best warranties on the planet. You wouldnt regret it, believe me. I have seen a bunch of guys take the leap to Vortex after letting them shoot mine.
  3. The difference is night and day around me. Even on the farms that we keep as low impact as possible, their behavior changes significantly after opening weekend. Im not just talking about what I see in the field, but the activity on my cameras changes big time as well.
  4. I hopped on the Millennium website to find a price on some hanging brackets for the Millennium M100 that my girlfriend gave me this year, and I saw this new stand coming out. I think I am going to have to pick one up this year to try out. It looks like it would be great to put in the center of a clump tree with 3 or 4 trunks. http://millenniumstands.com/new-products/m360-revolution-treestand/
  5. That sucks, glad youre ok. That dog needs to be put down, and the owner held responsible by way of a lawsuit. When I used to jog every morning, I always kept my 380 on me for just that reason.
  6. Ill stick with the dictionary's definition of what the word sport mean over how some guy on liveoutdoors.com interprets it lol
  7. Please include an asking price for the item, per the Classifieds rules.
  8. 2 sport noun Definition of sport 1a : a source of diversion : recreationb : sexual playc (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (such as an athletic game) so engaged in 2a : pleasantry, jestb : often mean-spirited jesting : mockery, derision 3a : something tossed or driven about in or as if in playb : laughingstock 4a : sportsmanb : a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of sportsmanship a good sport a poor sportc : a companionable person 5 : an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue
  9. 2 - 3 weeks depending how busy I am. During deer season, I check them more often, usually if Im in the area.
  10. When you live there, yes. lol When I lived down there in my early 20s, there was an invasive species we always looked forward to. Spring breakers!
  11. No swap needed, I told you before that youd be more than welcome to head up here for a hunt.
  12. If you do a little looking into it, there are hundreds of them in that area, and thousands in South Carolina. They were put in the area of Florida back in the 30s to be an attraction of some sort. They escaped and have been spreading ever since. Its beyond me why the state doesnt do away with them. They have issues with Pythons down there already, these things will be another problem if they dont stop them. Youd be surprised at how many invasive species are down there.
  13. Ill shoot plenty of them in your sted. Before Nov 1 or after, doesnt make a difference to me.
  14. This seriously has to be the most odd turn a thread has ever taken on here. I seriously cant believe that Im having this conversation lol.
  15. When it comes to "Pro-Choice", yes. When it comes to making a conscious decision to abort a fetus, also yes.
  16. Pro choice has to do with abortions, human abortions specifically. Not animals, hunting or anything like that. Whats with the sudden rash of bambification around here lately?
  17. It worked for a second, then the screen refreshed and that popped up
  18. Huh. Guess Ill have to find something else
  19. Im down in Nashville this week, and they have been talking about it on the news here. Crazy. The amount of rain we have had this year has been ridiculous. Complete opposite of last summer.
  20. Not on a working farm where they are used to equipment running. We mow trails for horseback riding all spring, summer and early fall, so an ATV on or near a trail is completely normal to them. People walking around the woods is not as normal. Basically, I ride up, swap cards, change a couple of settings, and head out. Makes for a short, normalish incursion. Even during deer season, ATVs, tractors, etc are pretty normal for them, and this is pretty big acreage, so some of the stands way back in get ridden to part of the way.
  21. Ive seen a ton of them in 8H/8N
  22. If you have alot of rocks, Id advise against a tiller. Your best bet would be a disc with some additional weight on top of it. First you are going to need to make sure you are getting enough light in there. If not, you will need to take some of the trees down so that you do. Second, you should be killing off the existing vegetation. Round up does a great job with that. Third is going to be soil testing, and purchase of all lime/fertilizer that youll need. Then you can start discing and planting. One crop that I would suggest for a fall plot, would be Winter Rye (the grain, not rye grass) and Groundhog Radish (Daikon Radish). Both of which will do ok with a minimum of fertilizer and lime, and they will help to breakup the soil. Deer love them to boot.
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