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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I had a Remington 700 SPS-V in 223 that was a great rifle. I sold it a couple of years ago and bought a 700 VTR in 308. The VTR is similar to the SPS, just a different barrel. Great guns. The only complaint I have is the matte finish tends to get this rusty looking haze to it if you dont keep it cleaned constantly. Ill be curing that with a Cerakote job on mine. Both rifles are tack drivers. My 223 would shoot almost through the same hole with factory ammo at 100 yards, and Id hit golf balls all day long at 200. My 308 is sub-moa at 100 with factory ammo.
  2. Check the DEC website, they maintain a good listing of them
  3. Ive always been a real tree kinda guy, but I think this is gonna be the last year for it. I just honestly dont care if its real or fake anymore, and Im tired of cleaning up the mess each year and always having pine needles in the house for eternity. I never can seem to get rid of them all. The day after Christmas this year, I plan to go buy a nice prelit fake tree when they are on 60% off sales.
  4. I have no interest in registering it at this point. I can use it at ORV parks, etc the way I have it now. Thanks for the offer though. My guess is NY is currently writing up some cockamamie law that will require registration of the bigger side by sides anyhow. They need to get their money on everything eventually. I wish they would make it so you could add a few things and get them street legal like a few other states do. Id have one of the Yamaha YXZ1000Rs in street trim for driving when its nice out.
  5. How did you get your Can Am registered? If its over 1000lbs you cant register it. I asked the DMV about my Viking when I bought it, and the answer I was given is the one I commented about. I do have insurance on it though. We also run a Gator at the farms I hunt, has a triangle on it, and we run it down the road when we need to like any other equipment.
  6. Some bucks travel a long way this time of the year. I know of one buck that I had on camera that was killed around 5 miles away from the camera site. Do some searches on GPS studies on deer. Lots of good info out there.
  7. I use neck roasts for doing pulled pork style venison in the crock pot. Love it.
  8. I make fajitas with them. I slice them up thin, like you would a green pepper, just make sure to trim the fat off of the outside, and basically cut the top of it off. You will also run into little stringy tendons that you will want to slice out. I then fry it in olive oil along with garlic, peppers and onions (start those first) and season with homemade fajita seasoning (google a recipe). I serve it up on tortillas with sour cream and hot sauce.
  9. TC Encore Whitetail Extreme Frame/Pro Hunter 50 cal Barrel/Custom Laminated Stocks Bushnell 3-9x32 scope 250 Grain SSTs or TC Shockwaves 70 Grains by weight BH209 CCI Magnum Shotgun Primers
  10. Later in the season can be tough for me as well. Either my freezer is full and I start losing motivation that way, or I havent seen much and it frustrates me to where I stop putting forth the effort. I have to remember that the majority of the really big bucks I have seen have either been bow season or the last weekend of gun.
  11. It depends on its weight. If its over 1000lbs, its the same as a tractor. Orange triangle is all you need. If its under that, you are SOL at this point in our lovely state. Just search the DMV website for the info.
  12. The only way to be sure you wont fill your tag, is to not go hunting. Your luck can change in an instant.
  13. Out group has found 3 bucks so far this year while doing drives. All 3 have been at the bottoms of gullys. One was just a few days old and the other 2 looked to have been a couple of months ago. We have found some does as well, maybe 3 or 4.
  14. I use whatever is handy and soft. In the field its usually the end of the sleeve of my base layer. My glass has a lifetime warranty on it. If it gets scratched or the coatings are damaged, Ill send it back for a new one. When I clean my guns, I have a microfiber cloth.
  15. I have a few spots that are close to a road. What is acceptable to me is whats legal and safe.
  16. Recap of this past weekend. Saturday I got down to the farm to meet up with some of the guys around noon. They wanted to do a couple of drives on the farm that has been extremely unproductive this year. The deer have been around, sign and cam pics verify this, we just havent been seeing them while we are hunting for some reason. Something has changed there and we just cant seem to put our fingers on what it is. Anyhow, we did the first drive and 9 does came out. Only 3 offered anyone shots, and one of the guys made a good shot on one of the big does. Next up, we pushed the typical escape route from the last drive back the other way in case some of the deer that bounced out of the first one holed up in there. One doe came out but offered no shot. The pushers ran across a deadhead buck, probably from bow season, in the creek bottom. After that I just wanted to go sit for the afternoon, so I headed up to the other farm and met up with two other guys that would be there that evening. We all headed to our stands after figuring out where we would be. I ended up seeing a couple of fawns, and nothing else from my stand. One of the other guys saw 20+ deer and ended up taking 2 nice does. Sunday Morning I was a little late getting to the farm, but we had a super thick, soupy fog and you couldnt see more than 25 to 30 yards anyway. I sat in a stand overlooking a food plot and some of the cow pasture for a while, with no sightings. I decided I would go do some still hunting around 10:30. I started out on one end of the farm and headed to a large gully where we usually see alot of deer activity. Immediately upon sneaking in there and getting a good vantage point, I saw a deer in the bottom. I checked it and it was a button buck. I watched him browse around before he headed into a thicket. I stood for about 20 minutes and ended up getting a glimpse of a couple of big does on the other side of the ravine, heading to a large open field on the neighboring property. I headed back the way I came, and then stalked over to another area to overlook a different section of the bottom. Immediately after coming back to the main path along the pasture fence, there was a young doe standing 30 yards away. She saw me, stood there for a minute and then took off. I headed over to the spot, and watched that section of the ravine. I saw a small fork horn move through before I decided to head to a different area of the farm. Once I got to the next area, I started slowly walking through and noticed a fawn doe browsing in a thicket. I kept moving and didnt see anything else there. It was noon by that time and I figured Id head to the truck and go grab some food. On the walk back, I came over a rise and there in one of the food plots was a decent doe munching on some turnips. I got my gun up and dropped her where she stood. Got the ATV and went to pick her up. She looked to be a good 1 1/2 year old, not huge, but would be great table fare. I got her taken care of and loaded up to head home. Once I was home, she was skinned out, quartered and in the fridge within an hour. That puts me at 4 does so far this year. The freezer is looking good, but Id really like to take one more doe. Hopefully next weekend. I saved a DMP so that I could try to fill it with my daughter. That will be the name of the game next weekend to cap my season. I doubt Ill be doing anything with ML season seeing as my freezer should be plenty full and I cant shoot a buck anyhow, but who knows.
  17. I have the guys at Agway drop it right into the bed of my truck when I buy it, then I slide it off the tailgate into the bed of my UTV once I get to the farm. I slice the bags open and use the dump bed to offload into the trough feeders I use.
  18. Yep, if you want to. No different than towing a disc, plow, or any other farm equipment down the road.
  19. Just hunt it if the conditions are right.
  20. Its not illegal. Well, you have to have a orange triangle, but in NY UTVs are not considered ATVs at this point due to weight. They fall under the same class as tractors.
  21. You can get a good hot dog recipe online and do it yourself for far less. Im not saying the Constanzas isnt good stuff, but his prices drove me to learn to make sausage myself.
  22. Each hunter can now use 4. They changed it this year.
  23. 1 reg season 1 bow/ml either sex 1 bow/ml antlerless 4 DMPs 2 signed over DMPs Now, if you want to add DMAPs into the mix, I have access to 2 properties with them, and can use 4 per property.
  24. I could take 9 without using DMAPs
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