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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Wow, look what I missed today lol. I honestly dont care what anyone says about the way I have things in my house. The way it is here, is that my handgun is easily accessible to me at all times, unless we have company that includes kids, then the gun goes into a safe area. When my gun is out, it has a full clip, but not one in the chamber. There would be no way my daughter or any small kid could chamber a round in the gun, and the pinch safety would make it next to impossible for a kid with small hands to fire it easily. My daughter is being raised with guns, she knows what they do and is not curious about them at all. She goes out with me to shoot and sits with me when I clean them and I teach her about the different parts, safe handling and what to do if she sees a gun. She has gotten to shoot in the past and will probably be getting her first BB gun for her birthday this year. I have very little worry about her not being safe with and around guns. I firmly believe that anyone that owns guns should teach their kids in the same way, and if they did, these pretty rare cases would become even more uncommon.
  2. Or maybe the kid should have been taught about guns early and reminded often, so as to curb the curiosity of them. Like anything else, early education is key with guns. Having a handgun for protection isnt going to work too well if its locked up at all times. Antis havent been waiting for this to happen, it happens across the country every year due to irresponsible people.
  3. If you want, Ill move the pics unless you want to post them up in the shed thread. Its in the Deer Hunting section at the top.
  4. LMAO, that would make it Dasher then, right? Merry Christmas Bob.
  5. My advice, dont bother buying a new bow, check on Archerytalk.com in the classifieds section, there are usually great deals on used bows and packages in there. Dont buy on Craigslist, they are almost always more money on there than on AT or ebay. Before you buy, make sure to get sized at a good proshop. Find out what your draw length is, etc. Other than that, once you get setup, practice, practice, practice, and practice some more. Then, when you think youve practiced enough and are getting pretty good, practice more.
  6. Some members have been finding sheds already so I figured Id start a thread where we can all post pics of sheds from this year. Please, no past sheds.
  7. Sheds already? Geeze, gonna have to start a thread....
  8. What did everyone get for Christmas that is outdoors, hunting or fishing related? Ill start. So far I got a snow camo hat and gloves for predator hunting and a pair of Scent Blocker Bone Collector "Brotherhood" boots. There will probably be more, but the rest of the gifts have to wait until Tuesday when my daughter is here.
  9. Ive shot running deer plenty of times. Now I wont shoot at one running full out, but one trotting across a field, sure. Only one time have I ever shot at a running one and wounded it. I felt terrible and spent two days looking for the deer. It was not a wound that would have killed it and the deer survived. Every other time that it hasnt been a clean miss, the deer went down quickly. I shoot alot of skeet and clays, it is similar with less of a lead. BTW, Culver is right, alot of the times they will stop and/or turn and run right toward you. I have had both happen many times.
  10. Maybe its the other way around and he doesnt want the celeb type treatment. There are alot of guys that wont talk to anyone about it anymore because they are afraid they will end up getting harassed by everyone.
  11. Crap! Maybe they will still have it going tomorrow.
  12. Very nice, Ill buy a copy of that when its ready!
  13. Merry Christmas everyone! VJP, I love that pic, been talking about duplicating it every year since I saw it. I dont think my better half would let me actually do it though. ;D
  14. Jee whiz, it seems like the x-bow is the solution to everything for you? I could care less if they make the x-bows legal during bow season, gun season or any other season, but to think any gun hunter would be happy giving up a week or two of their gun season for a bloody x-bow is the silliest thing I ever heard! Plus they would have to spend another $500-$1000 for the darned contraption just to hunt those weeks they lost from their gun season. Just how would this possibly make any gun hunter happy??? Will NEVER happen in NYS! You dont read or comprehend things very well all the time steve. I have never said it was the complete solution, but once again you cherry pick one comment and go off on your tangent. BTW, I have never, ever said I dont like gun hunters. I started out gun hunting and only got into bow hunting a handful of years ago. I have never hunted with a x-bow and unless they change the seasons up similarly to how I have mentioned, it will be a long time before I do. The reasons why I say the gun season should be shortened is because I dont have my blinders on, and can see what would make for better quality hunting for everyone. Dont try and misconstrue that to mean bigger antlers either, there are plenty of bucks in NY with big racks now, and I have my share of encounters with them every year. Ill never understand people that dont want things to get better even when hunter numbers drop every year.
  15. I figured you were hanging one out there for me hahaha
  16. Best advice you can get! Shut your mouth and appreciate the thought and effort behind the gift.
  17. Take a look at Vortex, you wont be sorry. you can get real good deals on them at swfa.com
  18. I wear my Predator fall gray camo, but before I got that, it was an old leafy, light colored jacket and pants. The guns we use are either my Remington 700 with a Vortex Crossfire 4-28x50 scope or my buddy's Rockriver Arms AR15 with a Simmons scope on top. Both are 223. We mostly use his Fox Pro for a caller, but I also have a small e-caller that I use when Im by myself. We carry 2 Cyclops LED spotlights with red filters. Each of us has phones that we can use Google maps with and GPS and get ariel photos of where we are, so we can tell where surrounding buildings are so as not to shoot in that direction. Better safe than sorry.
  19. Last night afte work, my friend met me at my place and we headed out for a few sets. It was still just getting dark when we go to the first spot, so we sat down and turned on the Fox Pro. We sat and called for about 15 minutes, scanning with the spotlight, but no luck so we picked up and headed to the next area I had in mind. No luck there either. Next we hopped in the truck and headed over to a spot I found with a couple of fox dens close by and had been seeing lots of fox and coyote prints during deer season. After a few minutes of calling, we had a fox barking from the area where the dens were, but it wouldnt come out, so we changed the call to a rabbit in distress and immediately had a yote howl off to our west. Unfortunately, there is a wide, unfrozen creek between us and where the howl came from. We sat for a bit and tried to get the fox to come out, but he never did, so we picked up and headed out. We were happy to get some kind of action, but were really hoping to get something to at least come in to the call. A couple of sets later, we got what we wanted. We were sitting in some trees on the edge of some cut corn that sat above a creek bottom with a wooded hill backing it up, looked like a perfect spot. After a couple of minutes, eyes appeared on the back side of the corn, just out of the woods. It was about 125 yards out, and just would not come any closer. I had the eyes in my scope, but could not make out just what it was. Then it started running up through the field, but still would not come in very close, I could see it was a yote and he was trying to get our wind, so when he was about 100 yards away, I was trying to find the crosshairs (my buddy's scope doesnt have illuminated reticules) and once I did, I got them on him and pulled the trigger. Somehow it went just over his back and he was gone. We looked for any sign of a hit, but there was none so we headed out. A few sets later and we were in a huge hay field sitting in front of some hay bales. After a couple of series of rabbit calls, eyes popped up over a knoll at 80 yards. I immediately saw it was a yote, but he kept moving behind hay bales that were spread through the field. He was also in one of the no shoot zones where I knew there were some barns about 1000 yards downrange and I didnt want to chance a shot. We were hoping for him to get past that area before he left, but he didnt. We did a few more sets after that and headed home. Even though we didnt get any fur on the ground, it was a great night. Its quite a rush to have those beady, glowing red eyes bounding in toward you in the dark with a creepy sounding distress call going! Im gonna give some daytime calling a try on Friday, as I have the day off and will be home alone.
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