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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. More... http://www.yellowbook.com/s/feed-mills/surrounding-allegany-county/
  2. Looks like theres a place in Franklinville called Agriculture Pride. They are listed as a wholesale feed company. Somewhere to start... https://www.manta.com/c/mtr2dyw/agriculture-pride-inc
  3. Look for local feed stores, farm supply stores, etc
  4. Not a strip bar at all. I actually have way more fun at Tootsies than any strip club Ive ever been in. If youre ever in Nashville, pick a night and go there, its the best dive in town. http://www.tootsies.net/
  5. Congrats on the wheeler moog, now get that food plot started lol
  6. Ill be in Nashville that weekend, most likely having a few too many at Tootsies lol.
  7. He is probably the offspring of the piebald doe, but hes not the one being conceived last fall lol.
  8. Great deer, would be nice to see him as a 5 or 6 year old. Hes a stud for sure. The height on the other buck is crazy.
  9. Smokey and the Bandit! It starts with "Let me have" though. Thank you nice lady!
  10. You watched Blackhawk Down yesterday too huh? lol
  11. I have a short list of things.. First I need a new safe or something, mine it too full to put anymore guns in right now. Once the new safe comes though... AR varmint rig, most likely a Stag or Ill build something Springfield X D S 9 bitone Gonna finally pull the trigger on a Browning Maxxus Dedicated turkey/coyote shotgun, most likely a Winchester SXP Longbeard
  12. Cut avocados in half lengthwise, remove pit, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and fresh coarse ground black pepper. Grill on flat side until nice char lines form and edges start to char, flip and leave on for around 8-10 mins, the bottom of the rind will char. Remove, fill pit hole with fresh pico and sour cream. I like A bit of hot sauce too. Enjoy!
  13. Better pic of the avocados. These things are amazingly good.
  14. Grilled chicken, potato salad and grilled avocados
  15. One of my favorite summer salads is Cucumber Blueberry salad Slice up some cucumbers, throw them in a bowl, add some blueberries, baby spinach and feta cheese, then pour in white balsamic dressing. Very tasty on a hot day.
  16. Ill take this heat any day over winter. I was just on vacation in Florida a week and a half ago. Ill be down in Nashville in a couple of weeks as well. I cant wait to move down south again.
  17. Walmart has them in the toy section
  18. Estes Rockets are still available anywhere, as are Red Ryder BB guns
  19. I pull most of mine out late winter, with the exception of a few here and there that I may put in new areas that Im looking at or if I have a bait pile going for yotes. I may have a couple out in the spring, but late June or early July is when I really start running them to get an idea of what deer are around. In late August or September, I start moving them to certain areas to either watch food sources, or get a better understanding of how deer are using specific areas, and which deer are using them. Most of my stands are in certain areas, but If Im looking to put up a new set, I may adjust my plans based on what cams are showing. I generally check them every 2-3 weeks, and I keep them in spots where I can get to them directly using my ATV. I even prefer to make it so I drive right up to them and swap cards/batteries without ever getting off of the ATV. It may sound silly, but it really cuts down on abnormal scent near the cams, and I have found that since I started doing it, activity in those areas have increased or not slowed down through the season. This year is going to be more of me using most of my cams to figure things out on my new property, and just a few in known hotspots over at the farm just to see whats around.
  20. I use braided line on everything, no special rods or reels. If Im snagged up to the point I cant get it loose or bul whatever its snagged on up, I just cut the line. No special scissors required. I have used Fireline and SpiderWire, both are good. These days I use Power Pro.
  21. Honestly, I like every gun I have, but theres only 1 that I can never part with, and thats my first one, a cheap Mossberg 500 20 ga. The rest of them really are open game to selling or trading. The older Ive gotten, the less attachment I have to things.
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