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Everything posted by Swamp_bucks

  1. Well we set @REDNECK4LIFE32 stand for saturday. All good to go with fresh rubs near by and beds.. on the way off the stateland we saw a 4pt. We will be out in the am to try and fill some doe tags
  2. I have some running around to do in the morning the meeting up with @REDNECK4LIFE32 when he gets into town for the opener with me and my friends. Then we are headed to the opening day spot throw his stand up and get out until Saturday. redneck4life32 and I will be hunting a swamp Friday morning before I have to head out to start getting ready for my chili dinner Friday. I stopped at the store tonight for that stuff. I love bow hunting but there is just something different about opening day of gun.
  3. If I'm only going for a couple hrs it's usually sunflower seeds or apple and water. All day sit is a sandwich, trail mix,apple, something with peanut butter and 2 or 3 bottles of water.
  4. That's awesome look at the look on that kids face. Congrats on the deer and a great memory.
  5. Escape routes near thick cover. I'll be in the same spot I've sat the last 3 years it's nice because I cam just pick a different tree for any wind. Killed one on opener 2 yrs ago and had another buck chasing a doe in there last year just couldn't make out what it was.
  6. Some nice ones rob. That one 4 point sure is an odd looking buck.
  7. I would say pretty average year however besides a nephew during youth I'm the only one to put a tag on one in my immediate group. I also have been out 2 or 3 times since shooting my buck on the 27th.
  8. Hopefully he comes past this weekend for you
  9. I would say 500 just to be safe.
  10. 30-06 on stand because it's so short and my mossberg 500 20 for walking
  11. 30-06 put it on the shoulder 90% of the time they crumble right there or make it 20 yards. Same with my 20 if it's in the chest they aren't going far and usually leave enough blood you can track then in a hurricane.
  12. Great story and nice rifle. I've been thinking about adding one to the collection. I hope when I'm your age I can still get out and do what I love.
  13. Food and unknown pressure is what I usually guess on the pieces I've hunted that go hot to cold. any logging on that piece this year,new trails,new houses near by?
  14. I don't know recipes but if you making pickled heart I will gladly taste test it for you. Lol
  15. Sat until 430 and it was pitch black in the pines. Got down to check the private field behind me. Nice big 6pt at 80yards he was out to his ears. Watched him until he started walking and his front left leg is messed up. Looks like it's broken bad.
  16. You've had one hell of a week!! This on your 7p piece or the main piece you hunt?
  17. 10'-16'. I don't see the need to be up 20plus I choose cover over height.
  18. It could of been a small stick that deflected it you couldn't see on the shot. My guess is if it sank that far in he's dead somewhere. Hopefully not far.
  19. My single shot 30-06 is the same way. Hates copper rounds but shoots the cheap lead rounds great. I switched from the core-lokts to federal because of 2 misfires and one year I shot a buck square in the shoulder blade and had a pin hole going in and going out the other side. The round never really expanded like they had in years past.
  20. Congrats to your brother on a nice deer
  21. So this is year number 2 for my opening day chili dinner. It's already more than tripled in size from last year. We had 12-15 last year and will almost be if everyone shows up we will be at 40 if not more this year. Its so big we had to move it to our local American legion. Their bar is open so they will make money on the beer sold plus renting it out to us. My goal was to start a tradition for the people who lost their hunting traditions and make some for the kids coming up. I've had people asking about it since August even people that I don't really associate with. A place people could tell their stories of the year and years past. Watching the older generation and the younger ones last year was my favorite part. Giving us crap for needing all this gear when they used to do it in flannel and jeans. Nobody bashed who shot what, what they used or their hunting tactics. Was there ball busting? Of course because it has a deer camp atmosphere. It was a place spouses laughed at the hunters for being excited like kids on Christmas eve. So why this post? Obviously not this year but next year if I chose an organization to donate to hunting related and gave some to my local legion. Would people be interested in coming to it for $10 to enter? It would be great to have a spot for hunters to come to. I have plans to make it a chili cook off competition,get local companies to donate for raffles and more. Just let me know if it's something anyone would be interested in coming to? It would be based out of my home town of Oxford. Which is 45mins north of Binghamton. Thanks for reading.
  22. Yes. But she's not that bright atleast once a week she gets so excited running around the yard she runs into my truck or wife's car.
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