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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. I missed three days since October 1st on two farms. Thirty miles round trip to the other farm. Hunted there 10 days. I'll walk on an average of two mile a day easy. Thank goodness the Muck boots feel like bedroom slippers.
  2. We had a flood of deer visit overnight. Some big hoof prints which has me excited for the upcoming shed hunting. Last couple days of deer hunting. Maybe one set of sheds may just hit the ground attached, LOL. I hope!
  3. Got into my veins along time ago. Theirs another thread on starting the youth out at an early age that nails it for me. I went out hunting pheasant, rabbit, woodcock, and coon with my relatives back in the 60's. It"s apart of who I am and what I stand for. I stand tall and proud to say I'm a hunter. Way beyond the veins today, it's in my blood!
  4. I'm sure they can set anyone up on a payment plan. Wonder if they can charge interest?
  5. The list is published for a deterrent. Think it works?
  6. That is really a nice knife and sheath. Surely, one of a kind. The mirror polish looks like new. I trust you buff every so often the way it looks.
  7. I think my Tubbs snowshoes are ready for wall mounting. The woods starting to crack and the lacing sstarting to look like icing. Been looking at the Redfeather aluminum ones. They have some kind of a pivot action which makes we wonder on the durability. My Tubbs are 48" which keep me treading snow pretty decently. The longest I see are 36" in the Redfeather. I'll sink, LOL.
  8. This, without a doubt wins " Best Thread Of The Year Award". What a nice way to say goodbye to the 2014 deer season!
  9. Weather is overcast with light southwest winds. Add some light rain sprinkles, to top off the cake. A number of nocturnal deer tracks all over. Had a fiesta in the radish before dawn. Sure is fun to track in the snow. Shed hunt mode has hit the veins, LOL. We're catch' em again out in the light before close Tuesday.
  10. We'll since hunting season is coming to a close, I been in search of antler gold for a while now. I been seeing some promising signs of finding some so, I thought I would try this journal stuff. Their is one buck in the area, that I have 2 seasons of shed antler history with. I am quite excited with finding his 3rd set, knowing he has got through this season. ( With a little help from me, LOL). Gives me that extra jump start. Last year was the first time, I found 10 antlers in one season. I put high hopes in finding more this year. I wish any other antlers seekers success in their quest. Good Luck and happy finding!
  11. Heading out, 3 deer were along a brush line in the alfalfa field. One was a good size body. Moved in closer to try to get a better look, but crunch, crunch, crunch in the snow. Deer became alerted and went into the woods. Did a fair distance tracking not seeing anything, but fox. My legs felt like I had 200 pound weights on them. Never did see the deer again. Came in and sipped some Nestle hot chocolate. Plowing the laneway for some easier walking.
  12. Six inches of fine fresh Atlantic powder on the ground here. The snowshoes are going to work just fine.
  13. We have zero snow on the ground. Nasty north wind. Deer moved early. I did find 3 nice fresh scrapes right around some young oak trees in a triangle pattern, say 8 feet apart. Never seen that before. In the same area where I found the 120"s sheds in March.
  14. No deer. I did thought they would move tonight, before the storm comes in, LOL.
  15. The harvest numbers sure prove that. It would be nice if New York would extend the bow season into January.
  16. can't get the required numbers?
  17. The past deer harvest threads seem to vanish into thin air, don't they? LOL.
  18. Long story short, yesterday afternoon, multiple deer- 1; landtracdeerhunter- 0 . All I have to say is we have a lot of deer at large yet. Morning crunch time, LOL.
  19. Congrats! Do you know what his body weight was?
  20. It's October 1st all over again, but this time the rules are a little different.
  21. Lined up on a nice doe tonight at 60 yards. Just as I pulled back on the hammer,I saw antlers in the scope. Now shoot the doe, or wait for a clear shot on the buck. Muzzleloader starts tomorrow, LOL.
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