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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Rain gauge had 2 6/10" in it this morning. This is how dark it was yesterday in the woods.
  2. A flying deer. Whats in the water up there? LOL.
  3. I'm forcasting cloudy conditions with light NW. winds and temps in the low 60's. Good luck and may deer be on your horizon.
  4. That was a great shot. Broadhead got a nice size hole. How far did she go?
  5. I'd say, he hugh. You're gona need a bigger boat, LOL.
  6. That sure was a dandy 12 point, he harvested. Always a great time at the awards dinner. I got to meet a lot of new people from around the state. Did u meet nyantler? Aweful nice fella! I believe in 2011, A new NT bow record was set in NY.. Was that deer mount at the awards?
  7. Dig a hole and bury them in the fresh earth. Cover tops with bread bags and rubber band.
  8. I rub my cloths on deer hides. Nothing like natural deer dander.
  9. quote] Hope u got a chance to meet nyantler. Don't forget the pics? I sent for my 2013 BBC book. Some real beauties in it. We went a couple years ago. Had a great time seeing all the mounts. Some real trophys show. Dinner was delicious too. Hope the family can get an entry for next year.
  10. We'll just got in working through an inch of rainfall. Seems like everything takes that much longer to do when dripping wet, LOL. Stayed rather dry except the brim of my hat. Took the hacksaw with a couple extra blades as 10 year old deck screws, strip the heads, and don't like to come out. The noon whisle blew, I then decided to take advantage of the wet conditions to get some scouting in. Very heavy Shag Bark Hickory nut crop, and I did find out where the turkeys roost. The DIY section will have the R & R of the treestand upon completion. And we have had 2 1/4" of rain since 2:30 this morning.
  11. Yeah, I decided to get the old rain gear out, as Doc mentioned, take the cordless drill and get it done. We'll see how 10 year old deck screws come out of treated planks. Once the deck and ladder rungs are remove, an old pinch bar ought to have the sides on the ground. If you don't hear back from me, the rest of you will know not to move a permanent stand in the rain, LOL.
  12. Nothing meant to anyone here, but the general tractor buying public lack the skills to operate a modern "clutch" model tractor. Todays clutches are built with about 10% extra engineering and will not withstand much abuse. I agree, a hydrostatic driven tractor will use extra HP. to drive the unit., but are far more forgiving in power train failure. Hydraulic oil line leakage is also a problem with hydraulic driven tractors, no matter who the manufacture is. One other thing to consider about a hydro is the more you blow the high pressure relief cartridge,( high pressure saftey) the shorter the life span will be in that cartridge.They are replacable for a heafty fee. Hydros are very nice around the buildings and on the road, but not so good for much field usage.
  13. Well, today was the planned day to move a permanent stand to another location, for reasons unmentioned. Raining here heavily right now, and looks like a lot more is on the way. ( I know, this should have been done months ago) Showers wouldn't be so bad. Don't mind moving stands in that, and may be better to do so.
  14. Deer are where the best protien and carbs. are found, right now.
  15. A few months back, replaced a 2004 Chevy Impala auto,bought bran spanking new, which was getting 25 MPG local driving with a 2013 Kia Hamster mobile standard, ( I kid my wife she now has found Soul) that's averaging 34 MPG through 8000 miles. We really fought the dealership to get 4 grand out of the trade, having 102,000 mi on the Impala which also had a fair amount of mechinal background with me. Finally we think we won, LOL. It's sure nice filling 12 gallons every 400 miles, waving at the gas stations at $4 gas. I have serviced my families vehicles for years. Everything from power train, electrical, fuel intake, exchaust, etc. etc. etc.. We will typically keep a vehicle to 9 years or so, 100,000 miles. I consider all vehicles the worst, money burning, investment a person can make. Lawdwaz, a family member has a Venture van which I need to replace the power steering line that rusted away. Went through all front wheel bearings, left side twice. It's got 112,000 miles. I seem to be working on it weekly, LOL.
  16. The old stone wells are the ones that worry me. The drilled ones usually stick out of the ground. Neighbor had what he thought to be a sink hole develop on his property. Tuned out to be a 4' old well casing that someone had pulled the 1st tile and filled in the rest, they thought.. Previous owners use to water the cattle and sheep out of it.
  17. It's all about food. Plants are maturing, dying back, and deer are looking for protein and carbs. They find something green, they show! I'd bet you plant something that not in the area, comes up quickly, you'll draw deer. The question is what can be planted that will come up well enough after the crops are harvested. I'd shoot some oats in. They like cool wet weather and will grow into November , certain years. Deer like sweets just as well as the of us, LOL. Give it a try, what do you got to loose?
  18. Joseph, you only live once so get out there and enjoy yourself, for heaven sake, LOL. I've got a couple hundred bales to put away. Great haying weather but the dew sure falls early.
  19. The most inportant post this year! Thanks Cabin. And remember people, treestand saftey harnesses and ropes have a shelf life. Replace every 5 years under " Normal Use." Extreme conditions like mine, I go with 3 years. And make sure, you destroy your old, so someone else doesn't use.
  20. Bow season slow to start off, but picks up quickly during any type of breeding activity. The big boys start showing say third week of October. This continues right into gun, slows for a few weeks, then hits a second high during late November second breeding cycle.
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