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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. What are the legal requirement for keeping lobster?
  2. Welcome to the site. Here's a list of trapper ed coarses below . Look toward bottom of page.. Going for my coarse end of month. Have some problem critters to thin when hides prime. hunter trapper coarses.htm
  3. Proposed Deer Youth Hunt October 6, 7, and 8, 2012; Columbus Day weekend.
  4. Out of that front, we got little more than a wetting. At 6:20pm. last, we received a welcomed, 4/10" in about 10 minutes. Some places on the western side of the county got 2" on Saturday in 10 mins., had flood warnings. Farmers never shut off the irrigation equipment here. The Erie canal is dry from Niagara- Orleans county line east for 25 mile, due to the bank washout in Albion. Repairs on going round the clock. Farmers, who need the canal for irrigation have no source of water.
  5. Congrats to both, nice looking mounts. What about the story? Behind every hunt, is a nice story.
  6. We'll haven't messed with trapping for, lets say 30 + years. Going to get back into it, but no old license so off to the hunters trapping coarse this month. Kind of excited to see the new trap designs, and maybe learn some new techniques.
  7. Glassed 2 hens this morning, one with 5 poults, the other with 4. About size of a bantam chicken. Cleaning up grasshoppers. Nice to see.
  8. Anyone have any info? Sister in law called tonight, said trees were down on Ferry st.. no power, a lot of wind damage. Hit around 8:45pm..
  9. Agree Splitg2. Like to get oats in here last week August, wheat always goes in 1st week September, catch those late summer rains, maybe. With grows shady areas, might slow growth down a lot though. Don't know if these will do well in shady areas. And to update, new batch of army worm in the birdfoot, clover, timothy mix here. Got field of crows cleaning up. Just can't win, lol.
  10. II get seed oats from a local grower, plants a few acres every year. Gearing up to have some seed for sale next. Found a combine to harvest. Fanning mill to clean. Getting sick of looking for seed. Buckwheat, oats, wheat, rye, hay seeds others. Grain and straw, some mad $.
  11. Run over to local feed mill, buy some feed oats, get'em planted. Once u plant oats in the fall, u create a deer magnet. Their's no difference in buck forage oats to regular oats, harvested local. Long as they aren't dried.
  12. I prefer winter wheat to rye. Rye grows very tall and tends to fall over this time of the year.. Wheat shorter,stands better. Deer are feeding heavy in it. Also, people pay more $ for clean wheat straw. When heads are gone, I'll bale it. Last year, got 100 bales, sold for $4 a bale. Help pay for costs.
  13. A Sassafras tree. Are those the ones that smell like root beer? I don't have the nerve to ask for pics, lol.
  14. Sadly, I believe the youth hunt is the DECs start to get gun In archery season. It's been stated that archers don't harvest near enough deer in some WMUs, at least what DEC wants harvested. The goal, I believe ,is to get an early muzzleloader season in early southern zone archery. This is the only regret to an early youth season, opens the door, and I really don't want that door opened.
  15. Body wise, he looks in better health too. That drop tine by his right ear is unique. One nice animal.
  16. Starting to read this thread, I expected to see pics of him 2012. It really great that u took that attitude. Some hunters would be all po. Been nicer on your wall, but hey; u got pics and at least Mr. Cotter found him. Any idea what he scored?
  17. Could someone post a link on 2012 DMP, thank u.
  18. Never thought hunting pigeon was such a popular sport. Thanks for all the replies. Took the 20 ga. out a few evenings. Almost forgot to replace the turkey choke . They hovered over the wheat field, but were very shy come in gun range, like they knew. Had a lot of morning doves kooing at me. Seem to have a flood of black birds. Think their still eating army worms. Hum, wonder how they taste? Using pheasant load. Maybe we'll get a crack at'em another. Was great to get a gun in hand since turkey.
  19. No matter how bad I wanted a deer, never would I take that kind of shot. However, a farmer friend always shot them in the head, always tines, no matter how big, but he never missed. Like the picture quality.Those Coverts sure take nice pics. Hay looks good in those pics.
  20. The amazing thing about that doe, she only had 42 lbs of meat, neck meat included, deboned. Had so much fat, and mixed in with the meat. Fatty most doe I've ever done up. She was prepared for a hard winter,lol. Maybe her age made that. I dislike processing does.
  21. The way this years going, with everything a month ahead or better. I'd say flipping a coin will give you as good a choice. It might be snowing on Holloween To me, with the way this years going, all bets are off. I'd hate to be in your position with the choice, u have to make, but for what it's worth, good luck.
  22. One word- family. The memories will last a lift time. Your kids grow up so quickly. Enjoy the hunting experiences with them. I am so glad, I did. It does make a big difference with them when they grow up, believe me. I applause people taking their kids afield. I know your enjoying every minute of it, and they are too.
  23. Wouldn't anyone call the law right away? Get a report on file in case any problems down the road. Let law enforcement handle. It's their job.
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