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101 horns on a stump..


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Great stuff, lots of leg work on that pile.

This is true.

Y'all have heard of the Atkins diet..? I call this the antler diet,lol!

Since January I've lost 20lbs (+/- a few)

....I really can't afford to lose that kinda weight at 160 so I've got 6 months to pack on some winter fat reserves before next season.

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Very cool, is your total 100 or are you saying you found 100 again this year? Either way thats alot of searching.

101 in my posession right now. These are within the last 5yrs.

Over the last 20yrs or so of doing this, my lifetime total is right around 300+ with these included.

I sold off my old collection when I was going through my divorce.

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That is COOL!!! I need to start shed hunting... OK glue them together then send it to me so I can make a lamp. I will send the 20$ shipping fee, lol. Wow that is a lot of work right thier, you are a true outdoorsman Wooly! I am jealous!!! :search: Why have I not been shed hunting, arg. Mabe the house, truck, work, bills and playing around with my bow on Sundays has something to do with it... I need a time machine or a transporter... Or a winning lotto ticket!!!

VERY VERY COOL thanks for sharing!!!

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Thanks fellas!

I enjoy the off season just as much, if not more than hunting season itself.

Between horn hunting and chasing critters with my camera, I bring home more trophies than I could in a lifetime of hunting alone.

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