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Expanded AR's Who is not excited?


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Okay I give up. What the h_ _ _ is AR? Maybe I am getting to old for this but all writers should spell out the meaning of all abreviations when first used in a paragraph. Not all of us are savy. For example:

For your Information (FYI) some of us readers are s_ _t out of luck (SOL) when reading your letters (LTRs)

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Good point, Sarge...

You are talking about things like COMCRUDESLANT... Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force Atlantic...<<grin>>...

ARs are antler restrictions...As an example, a buck may need 3 points of at least one inch on a side to be a legal animal..

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Antler Restrictions (AR's)

Good point, Sarge...

You are talking about things like COMCRUDESLANT... Commander Cruiser Destroyer Force Atlantic...<<grin>>...

ARs are antler restrictions...As an example, a buck may need 3 points of at least one inch on a side to be a legal animal..

LOL, I know what you mean defrazzle. I cant figure some of them out either. This one i know... AR = Antler Restriction

Thanks guys.....now I really feel old! (or just dam thickheaded!)

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For those of you that don't get Growing deer.com e-mails.... please go to the site and click on age deer on the hoof...I believe you'll find the video interesting...

If one of you techy type guys could make getting this easier..... I'd appreciate the help...I couldn't pull the link over

Grow - This link?


I love that site btw...

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if AR's work then great however only keep it in affect for a few seasons. then go back to normal for a few then bak to AR's when needed. idk. I dont have this probelm in the area that I live and do most of my hunting. I only encounter this when I go to my sullivan county spot once a year. thats when it gets frustrating.

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if AR's work then great however only keep it in affect for a few seasons. then go back to normal for a few then bak to AR's when needed. idk. I dont have this probelm in the area that I live and do most of my hunting. I only encounter this when I go to my sullivan county spot once a year. thats when it gets frustrating.

Yes your in a good spot as acess is hard to get and there is so much housing for the deer to hide in where you can not hunt. However a lot of folks kill yearling bucks in that area aswell

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To me, without taking into account the specific area, its deer population, and how heavily hunted it is, discussing ARs is moot. The guys who think it should be done everywhere, without regard for these things, are silly. If a guy hunts an area where there are very few other hunters, and therefore, very few bucks killed each year, AR is pointless. killing a spike or a 4 pt here or there is not going to make or break the age structure of the bucks in the woods, nor the quality of your hunting experience. If it does, you are clearly not in the proper frame of mind.

On the flip side, those guys that say they could care less about shooting a monster, and are just in it for the meat......we;ll thats pretty insane too. your telling me that as a hunter, you don;t get charged seeing/shooting a beauty buck? gimme a break.

Somewhere theres some common sense in the middle ground. I currently hunt Long Island and 3A and simply do not see the need for AR in those areas. I used to hunt 6A, while i was in college. In the 4 years I hunted there, neither me or my two buddies shot a buck with more than 4 points. I don't even think we saw more than 2. I guess I would have supported it for that area. Though poaching may have been the real problem up there. I dont know.

Growalot, I liked your point how nice bucks seem to be shot at many areas of the state each year. Obviously, some areas are more challenging than others, but all things considered, most areas of NY have some big bucks, thank god.

One last comment, some people say "they are all trophies". I think people who hunt areas where there are and always have been plenty of deer may not truly understand the phrase. I've had years in the catskills where the deer population is way down and/or we get lousy weather for the majority of my 8-10 day hunt. If, in the course of busting my butt up and down mtns all week long, a spike is my only shot opportunity and I take that deer. That deer is earned, and valued beyond deer with much bigger racks. That is truly my trophy and it sux that "the government" would take that deer and the experience away from me.

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I don't believe that the DEC is considering complete envelopment of NY for AR's... most of us that have been following deer management and the importance of AR's in management do not support just implementing them "just because"... good management is a thought out process based on habitat, food source, hunting pressure, herd size, etc. To just put out a blanket regulation without taking those things into consideration would be irresponsible. Hence the reason that AR's are only currently in selective areas... those areas were showing high yearling take and low sighting of larger antlered bucks. They made for good test areas, and the program seems to have shown signs of improving that situation short term.. we'll see how it goes from here.

Edited by nyantler
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About Reporting: I have heard from a couple people, as some of you posted here, that many hunters do not report their deer (or other reportable game?).

I think this can be dealt with to some extent by a couple of changes. First stress the importance of reporting in hunter ed, teach the kids what it is used for, and why it is important.

Second use an incentive as they do with reward bands for waterfowl. One way to do it is to require hunters to check their deer at sporting good stores (they will welcome the business & advertising, has worked in Jersey for many years) Enter every checked deer into a drawing , something like one winner per year, $1,000. The state can handle a grand a year and that is plenty of incentive...

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The problem with that is, alot of the areas where people hunt are quite a drive to a sporting goods store. New Jersey is different, in that there isnt as much rural area, and what rural area they do have, is fairly close to a developed area. That makes it easy to do something like that.

For example, I live in an area thats a 1/2 hour drive to the closest sporting goods store. I hunt on the same property I live on. It would make it extremely inconvenient for me to have to take my deer (potentially in 70 - 80 degree weather in the beginning of October) for a @ 2 hour excursion to check it in. Now say I have to do this 3 - 5 times a year, and its going to make me not want to bother.

You will end up creating an environment in which less deer are accounted for. Guaranteed.

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I just don't get it...the legal deer already has the tag on it...how hard is it to call that #?..Now I can see if a guy thinks he's going to get jammed because he missed the dead line for calling...so make it clear it is important enough to report...don't worry about getting it in even a week late as long as it's done.... no problems

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I just don't get it...the legal deer already has the tag on it...how hard is it to call that #?..Now I can see if a guy thinks he's going to get jammed because he missed the dead line for calling...so make it clear it is important enough to report...don't worry about getting it in even a week late as long as it's done.... no problems

I agree. I will say that a fiend of mine and his father never report their tags. They dont because they think that the DEC has no idea how many deer are there, and may not allow them the tags if they know how many deer they are taking. We are talking between 5 and 10 deer a season off their property dont get reported, Im the only one that calls them in when I shoot one there. I have tried explaining to them that their thinking is flawed, and that it only takes a few minutes to do, but they have no incentive to change their ways. Id be willing to bet that line of thought is more prevalent than you think. These guys arent outlaw poachers or anything like that, they follow the rules and seasons besides that one.

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I agree. I will say that a fiend of mine and his father never report their tags. They dont because they think that the DEC has no idea how many deer are there, and may not allow them the tags if they know how many deer they are taking. We are talking between 5 and 10 deer a season off their property dont get reported, Im the only one that calls them in when I shoot one there. I have tried explaining to them that their thinking is flawed, and that it only takes a few minutes to do, but they have no incentive to change their ways. Id be willing to bet that line of thought is more prevalent than you think. These guys arent outlaw poachers or anything like that, they follow the rules and seasons besides that one.

So, you didn't turn them in why? Did you also tell them that not reporting their deer is a better way to get your license pulled. Sorry, but that kind of stuff pisses me off... my friends know way better than to do something like that and tell me... it's not up to us to decide which rules you want to follow and which you don't.. whether we like the rule or not... that is exactly how things got the way they are.

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So, you didn't turn them in why? Did you also tell them that not reporting their deer is a better way to get your license pulled. Sorry, but that kind of stuff pisses me off... my friends know way better than to do something like that and tell me... it's not up to us to decide which rules you want to follow and which you don't.. whether we like the rule or not... that is exactly how things got the way they are.

Im not the guy to hang someone for trespassing without talking to them about it first, if you catch my drift. They dont take any more deer than they have tags for, and their tags are filled out. If they were poaching, yeah, then Id have more to say about it, but they arent, so I just mention it to them each season.

So if that kind of thing pisses you off, I would think youd support a change that would force people like that to report. Like I said, these people are most certainly not the only ones in the state that do it.

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All successful hunters are required by law to report their take of deer, bear, and turkey within 7 days of kill. Technically they are poaching... a deer is not considered taken legally until all requirements are met including tagging and reporting. You knowing it and doing nothing about it makes you an accessory.. friends don't put other friends in those kinds of situations.. they could at least not tell you so you don't have to be involved.

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It doesnt make me an accessory just because I know about it. Using that logic, you are an accesssory to someone speeding when you saw them or heard of them doing it. I have never been there when they have killed a deer. I have reported every single one I have taken off of their property.

They told me one time that they dont bother reporting, etc, and have never said anything to me about it since. I on the other hand have busted their chops about it every season since.

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All successful hunters are required by law to report their take of deer, bear, and turkey within 7 days of kill. Technically they are poaching... a deer is not considered taken legally until all requirements are met including tagging and reporting. You knowing it and doing nothing about it makes you an accessory.. friends don't put other friends in those kinds of situations.. they could at least not tell you so you don't have to be involved.

I would be willing to bet there is no poaching violation there. They would be ticketed for other than poaching. I also now guys from years back that felt the DEC would cut back on deer harvest numbers so they didn't report does either. Old mentality. I don't get why this is so tough. you call it in. When new licensing time is here you bring in unused tags. they are scanned intothe system . better be all there from the reported ones to the unused ones. if not...you don't get that tag that year. lose you unuse either sex? not this year. forget to report it...fine. bring it in and after the fine you get the new years tag. Let the computers and the stors selling the license do the work. No extra ECON officers needed. I would think with the automated system this would be a breeze with the bar codes
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