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Broadheads? What do you use?


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Over the years, I have used a lot of different broadheads. Back in the 60's and 70's, the broadhead of choice was the Bear Razorheads. And I have used those same old heads as recently as 2003. I also used Barries Rocky Mountain Razors (Both three and four blade) during the 80's. More recently, I have used Spitfire 125's, and the last couple of years I have been using the Magnus Stingers. Over a period greater than 40 years, I have not really been too much on changing broadheads as you can see. I have never lost a deer because of a broadhead, regardless of which of any of those I was using. I have often had flight challenges from some of them that took a bit of work to straighten out, but most of the upgrades only occurred after many years and a thought that maybe I was getting behind the curve in terms of broadhead advances. As it turned out, that was never significantly proven to be the case. So, I will probably finish out my years shooting these Stingers.


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I am always trying new ones out because I havent found any that I really, truly like everything about. The ones that I have used on deer were Crimson Talon XTs and Wasp Jakhammer SSTs. Both worked well and I would use them again. I have Rage 2s and Grizz Tricks waiting for this season.

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I have been using Muzzy 130 grain 4 blades for the last 10 years They are they only broadhead that have filler blades you can insert in the main part of the broadhead and shoot the same as the blades, I took 3 deer with them this past season, Talk about blood trails  :) ..


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I have the rage 2 blades, haven't had a chance to test them out yet, but from the reviews I have seen online they are great.

I bought some Rage 2-blades and tried them for one season.  I wound up selling them to a friend.  The darn things kept deploying every time I bumped the arrow or popped one out of my quiver.  They just were not solid enough for me.  I bought some of the Epek XC-3's and I like them better.

The broadhead that I use the most are 100 gr. Slick Trick mags.  I looooove these broadheads.

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I have the rage 2 blades, haven't had a chance to test them out yet, but from the reviews I have seen online they are great.

I bought some Rage 2-blades and tried them for one season.  I wound up selling them to a friend.  The darn things kept deploying every time I bumped the arrow or popped one out of my quiver.  They just were not solid enough for me.  I bought some of the Epek XC-3's and I like them better.

The broadhead that I use the most are 100 gr. Slick Trick mags.  I looooove these broadheads.

I've switched to Rage 2 blades and did lots of homework with them, you need to put an orthodontic rubber band (the ones for braces) around the middle of the broadhead and this will prevent those accidental deploys in your quiver. This also is important if you are shooting a faster bow (300 fps or greater). These faster bows will cause the rage's to deploy in flight and will greatly effect the flight path of the arrow.
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Thats a good idea, where did you get the bands?

You can get them from any orthodontist office (if you ask them nicely they will usually give you a few packs of them) or it helps to have kids or friends with kids that have braces.  The bands do not alter the flight of the arrow or the operation of the broadhead. I've tested these from 10 - 60 yards with no problems.
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Being a traditionalist I make my own arrows, usually Doug Fir woodies and Doug Fir with footed shafts of exotic wood like Bubinga or Purplehaert. As such, I use only glue on blades. I used to shoot Magnus 2 Blades, then Magnus Vented 2 Blades (less finicky in tuning and less apt to wind plane). Currently using STOS 2 Blades with a 3:1 Length:Width ratio - they cut like butter and fly like field tips.

I have tried various 3 Blades from Wensel Woodsmans to Snuffers and found 2 Blades tune easier and provide better penetration. 

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Being a traditionalist I make my own arrows, usually Doug Fir woodies and Doug Fir with footed shafts of exotic wood like Bubinga or Purpleheart. 

Wow! Those sound too pretty to shoot. I'd like to see a picture of them.


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I'm surprised noone has even mentioned thunderheads.  I use 100 grain thunderheads. I've been using them for 17 years never switched to any other brand.  I practice shooting up to sixty yards with them and fly good.  I have killed plenty of deer with the old school thunderheads.

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