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I'll say it again..... It shouldn't have to be a party line issue. Come on people take a few moments to find out who your State Senator and State assembly man are, and then go see how they voted. Once you have done that, you know exactly who the culprits are, and you know how to vote in the next election. That is the very least you can do if you are really upset by this law..... the very least! Forget the lazy man's way of trying to vote party lines. Do a little bit of research and punish the right people. In fact I have a state Senator (O'Brien) that has to go, so next election, I am going to do a bit of election volunteer work to help ensure that he's out of here. All you people who are truly outraged by this law should be thinking of similar things to do in order to exact the proper punishment against the proper people.

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Honestly, one of the two parties have sponsorsed and authored 99% gun control bills over the last 20 years both statewide and nationally and you want me to believe it isn't a party issue?? Pro-gun democrats are becoming as rare as deer with wings!

Edited by adkbuck
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  On 1/15/2013 at 8:15 PM, Elmo said:

I see...so when you're shooting up a bunch of innocent people, you're only going to load 7 rounds at a time because you certainly don't want to receive a fine!

correct. In theory though, you can also no longer buy, sell or transfer a 10 round mag... so in theory they will all be gone in 60 years.

Edited by Belo
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  On 1/17/2013 at 1:46 PM, arrow nocker said:

this new law pretty much makes most popular hand guns used in self defense by legal permit holders illegal.And what about guns that have a tube in them like the marlin 22's that hold like 15 in the tube?Then they are illegal also?

your currently owned handguns and guns are not illegal. to comply, you may only load 7 rounds in a magazine and register the longguns. The law does not address tube fed guns so they are still legal. The issue is going forward... most popular handguns and certain rifles are illegal. Reality is though, those guns you own that can no longer be sold will eventually be sold out of state or confiscated as those are your only legal options. The only confiscations that will take place are pre-ban 10+ round magazines. You have 1 year to sell out of state or hand them in.

Edited by Belo
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  On 1/17/2013 at 1:46 PM, arrow nocker said:

this new law pretty much makes most popular hand guns used in self defense by legal permit holders illegal.And what about guns that have a tube in them like the marlin 22's that hold like 15 in the tube?Then they are illegal also?

You can keep 10 round magazines, but you can only load 7 rounds. So you can take comfort knowing that the murderer will only load 7 rounds into his 10 round mag. Tube fed semi-auto .22s are exempt based on my reading of the law.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adolf Cuomo and his buddie Mussolini Bloomburgh are all for total control of NY, then it will be off to the Whitehouse.All for doing background checks but look at that gut who kidnapped the little boy, he was already a fellon had recentlly shot at other people and the local DA didn't go after him.Thats the real issue go after the crooks and the honest will stand by you 100%

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I have a Ruger Mark I. The clip holds 9 rounds! My NYS Trooper told me just don't load more than 7 rounds and you will be OK. The real question will be whether or not all the manufactureres will now onstruct and sell clips that only hold 7 rounds......just for NYS? I don't think so. Welcome to 1 of 50 Communist States.....

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very pooly written. the law states you cannot have a grenade launcher, pistol grip, barrel shroud ect.ect. but it does not apply to lever, pump and bolt. now a grenade launcher is an nfa class 3 device. NY is not an nfa claas 3 state. since this is the newest version of the law, does that mean a class 3 grenade launcher is now legal as long as its not attached to an ar or ak? goes to show you the jack **** that wrote this law didnt know the law to begin with, had no knowledge of the subject and left alot of NEW loopholes. now where can i get a launcher mount for my muzzle loader???

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clarification, please. So this 7 round limit also applies to handguns as well, right or does it not?

Was at Gander the other day. Gander has a big sign over their one remaining AR-15 and the sign read "This AR is FAKE. Not for sale" But saw a bunch of handguns for sale. Many of which uses magazines with over 7 round capacity. Heck, even some 22 revolvers hold more than 7 rounds in their cylinder.

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I spoke with a friend of mine who is a Lieutenant in the NYS Troopers and he told me that the larger clips, whether for hand gun or rifle can still be used, just don't load more than 7 rounds total in the clip/gun.

Please note that tubular and/or other fixed ammunition holders are not clips. So, your .22 rifle that holds 15-18 rounds in it is perfectly legal, as well as your lever action .30-.30 or other lever caliber. I own a Henry .22 and a Glenfield .22 both with tubular magazines and they are still legal.

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  On 2/22/2013 at 6:13 PM, Elmo said:

Clarification, please. So this 7 round limit also applies to handguns as well, right or does it not?

Was at Gander the other day. Gander has a big sign over their one remaining AR-15 and the sign read "This AR is FAKE. Not for sale" But saw a bunch of handguns for sale. Many of which uses magazines with over 7 round capacity. Heck, even some 22 revolvers hold more than 7 rounds in their cylinder.

They can still sell them up to April 14th.

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Exactly what he told me. Also, if you read the entire law that was passed, which I did of all 32 pages, you will read that many of the provisions do not go into affect up to one year from now. Some earlier, some later. I attached the law as a PDF file.

NYS GUN LAW 2013.pdfFetching info...

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  On 2/22/2013 at 7:29 PM, defrazzle said:

Exactly what he told me. Also, if you read the entire law that was passed, which I did of all 32 pages, you will read that many of the provisions do not go into affect up to one year from now. Some earlier, some later. I attached the law as a PDF file.

For financial reasons, I won't be able to get a CC right away but will do so once the oppurtunity comes up. With the long process that it takes, I won't be able to purchase any time within the next year or so.

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