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Registering for Confiscation

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This is only my opinion but being a NY state sportsmen we dont have to register to set up for confiscation.Albany already has our info,they may not know exactly what firearm's we own but us hunters will be their first target all they need to screw us is a warrant,they already know where we live.

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This is only my opinion but being a NY state sportsmen we dont have to register to set up for confiscation.Albany already has our info,they may not know exactly what firearm's we own but us hunters will be their first target all they need to screw us is a warrant,they already know where we live.

good point, very good point. just like every fishing lic purchaser more than likely has a fishing rod...the one thing about ammo purchases is that they know what caliber firearms they are coming to collect.

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This is only my opinion but being a NY state sportsmen we dont have to register to set up for confiscation.Albany already has our info,they may not know exactly what firearm's we own but us hunters will be their first target all they need to screw us is a warrant,they already know where we live.

I don't know about anyone else, but the last two guns that I bought, were sold only after they ran a background check on me. I'm sure that background check along with identifications of the gun I was purchasing are sitting somewhere in a nice handy database. If that database is not in Albany already, I'm sure they have access to it. That sounds like those firearms are as good as registered already.

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I don't know about anyone else, but the last two guns that I bought, were sold only after they ran a background check on me. I'm sure that background check along with identifications of the gun I was purchasing are sitting somewhere in a nice handy database. If that database is not in Albany already, I'm sure they have access to it. That sounds like those firearms are as good as registered already.

well doc it doesnt quite work like that......yet. right at this point and previous the back ground check tells the ffl if your eligable or not. the records are kept at store level unless a specific serial number is traced or an ffl goes out of buisness. we are at the crossroads that albany (maybe washington) wants those data bases. they cant go to the gun stores and out right take them (obama tried it in some southren boarded states and was denied) so they are attempting to create there own. hand guns ..check. semi autos.. check. which will be next, long guns or shot guns. then its personal property tax time until no one can afford them. liabilty insurance is just foreshadowing of things to come. this is why there is a rising backlash to ny gov. and ALL its departments. just remember, a disarmed society is a compliant society and it takes an armed society to correct this. im NOT a revolutionist or anarcist, im just a history buff and can offer no less then 8 past examples that an unarmed nation or group of nations needed our second ammend. rights to save there nations and way of life. thats why its so important to do everything we can to keep this from sticking or growing further.

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well doc it doesnt quite work like that......yet. right at this point and previous the back ground check tells the ffl if your eligable or not. the records are kept at store level unless a specific serial number is traced or an ffl goes out of buisness. we are at the crossroads that albany (maybe washington) wants those data bases. they cant go to the gun stores and out right take them (obama tried it in some southren boarded states and was denied) so they are attempting to create there own. hand guns ..check. semi autos.. check. which will be next, long guns or shot guns. then its personal property tax time until no one can afford them. liabilty insurance is just foreshadowing of things to come. this is why there is a rising backlash to ny gov. and ALL its departments. just remember, a disarmed society is a compliant society and it takes an armed society to correct this. im NOT a revolutionist or anarcist, im just a history buff and can offer no less then 8 past examples that an unarmed nation or group of nations needed our second ammend. rights to save there nations and way of life. thats why its so important to do everything we can to keep this from sticking or growing further.

Not to get too far away from the original topic, but one of the problems with relying on private arms to turn back tyranny is the realities of the effectiveness of the weapons that we are counting on. I understand that aspect of the 2nd Amendment and have used the same argument myself, but often I wonder about the realities of that thought. Deer rifles and shotguns against armed drones and tactical nukes? .... Really?? Every year that goes by brings on new unimaginable and unbelievable technology in the hands of the government. This isn't 1776 when the general population had exactly the same weapons as the government. I watched some of that footage that was being aired during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and simply cannot imagine going up against that kind of ridiculous overwhelming firepower with my new .270 or my 12 guage. You know, I think we have to work on that argument a bit .... lol.

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well doc it doesnt quite work like that......yet. right at this point and previous the back ground check tells the ffl if your eligable or not. the records are kept at store level unless a specific serial number is traced or an ffl goes out of buisness. .....

Lol .... I got so far out on a tangent with my last reply, that I forgot to respond to the initial topic.

But anyway, doesn't the first "F" in the FFL mean Federal. How tough would it be to siphon off each hit into a federal background database into a separate "sort" for some other agency's use? And as far as what is contained in that store clerk's database query, all I know is that the guy at the counter was typing for a long time and was putting a whole lot more than just my name and address in there while he was accessing it. Now, I have never used the system so I can't speak with any kind of authority, but it sure did seem to me that while he was logged into their database he sure was inputting an awful lot of info.

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Not to get too far away from the original topic, but one of the problems with relying on private arms to turn back tyranny is the realities of the effectiveness of the weapons that we are counting on. I understand that aspect of the 2nd Amendment and have used the same argument myself, but often I wonder about the realities of that thought. Deer rifles and shotguns against armed drones and tactical nukes? .... Really?? Every year that goes by brings on new unimaginable and unbelievable technology in the hands of the government. This isn't 1776 when the general population had exactly the same weapons as the government. I watched some of that footage that was being aired during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and simply cannot imagine going up against that kind of ridiculous overwhelming firepower with my new .270 or my 12 guage. You know, I think we have to work on that argument a bit .... lol.

Another way to look at this is, look at all the firepower that was unleased during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (plus the Syrian revolt, plus the Russkies in Afghanistan) and we never did completely pacify those areas. And if there are tactical nukes being used on American soil we have got bigger problems than anyone ever imagined.

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Tactical nukes would be self defeating for the government, so they wouldn't use them. The achillees heel of any organized force, is urban warfare. It takes a hell of a lot of resources to fight in urban environments. Just to clear 3 houses, takes a platoon of troops. To clear just one block, takes a full company.

All the firepower in the world, can still be useless against a determined enemy. Most notably, when it comes to guerrilla warfare scenario. Vietnam, Afghanistan, and other war zones, have shown that it's no cake walk.

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Tactical nukes would be self defeating for the government, so they wouldn't use them. The achillees heel of any organized force, is urban warfare. It takes a hell of a lot of resources to fight in urban environments. Just to clear 3 houses, takes a platoon of troops. To clear just one block, takes a full company.

All the firepower in the world, can still be useless against a determined enemy. Most notably, when it comes to guerrilla warfare scenario. Vietnam, Afghanistan, and other war zones, have shown that it's no cake walk.

which is why the gov is scared to just totaly outlaw guns all at once... they know we would fight back, so they do it slyly and in ways that make gun owners say "Oh well i dont own one so why should anyone else"

or "well they will 'never' take away MY guns so its OK for them to take yours, after all those AR-15s dont REALLY have a sporting purpose"

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My thought is that if we ever had to engage in an armed revolt against an oppressive government, we had better hope that some other foriegn entity bankrolls and supplies our effort and provides us with some real weapons. Those deer rifles and shotguns in the cabinet just simply aren't going to hack it.

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Tactical nukes would be self defeating for the government, so they wouldn't use them. The achillees heel of any organized force, is urban warfare. It takes a hell of a lot of resources to fight in urban environments. Just to clear 3 houses, takes a platoon of troops. To clear just one block, takes a full company.

All the firepower in the world, can still be useless against a determined enemy. Most notably, when it comes to guerrilla warfare scenario. Vietnam, Afghanistan, and other war zones, have shown that it's no cake walk.

thats if you could find a company of even a platoon to clear an urban area on domestic soil. as our military is finding out in irag and afganistan just because they wear a government uniform dosent mean they arent playing for the home team.

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thats if you could find a company of even a platoon to clear an urban area on domestic soil. as our military is finding out in irag and afganistan just because they wear a government uniform dosent mean they arent playing for the home team.

I agree. Being a vet, I know this very well. What people also fail to realize, is that there are states that would actually side with the people on this issue. Texas, is a prime example, not to mention other states in the South. These states, of course, also have their own military's, who are under the jurisdiction of that state, first and foremost.

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thats if you could find a company of even a platoon to clear an urban area on domestic soil. as our military is finding out in irag and afganistan just because they wear a government uniform dosent mean they arent playing for the home team.

I saw some disturbing video from Louisiana after Katrina hit, showing some guys that were just "following orders" as they leveled their weapons toward the mid-sections of some innocent civilians while they gathered up the legally and privately owned guns.

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I saw some disturbing video from Louisiana after Katrina hit, showing some guys that were just "following orders" as they leveled their weapons toward the mid-sections of some innocent civilians while they gathered up the legally and privately owned guns.

I saw the same video, looks like it was the National Guard as well as the Police who were partaking in this confiscation...the one Marine also said they would do it if ordered to do so, obviously it's not just the Police who would fold and do this if ordered as many have suggested.

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My thought is that if we ever had to engage in an armed revolt against an oppressive government, we had better hope that some other foriegn entity bankrolls and supplies our effort and provides us with some real weapons. Those deer rifles and shotguns in the cabinet just simply aren't going to hack it.

They only have to "Hack" it once. At that point you acquire the weapons of the foe. Many Rusian soldiers were killed with the weapons taken from the fallen Russian soldiers. Not ideal by any stretch but it seems to take place whenever a situation like this arises.

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They only have to "Hack" it once. At that point you acquire the weapons of the foe. Many Rusian soldiers were killed with the weapons taken from the fallen Russian soldiers. Not ideal by any stretch but it seems to take place whenever a situation like this arises.

Walk down the Main Street of any city and watch the tons of blubber waddling down the sidewalk. Now picture these people as being our saviors in arms ..... lol. It would indeed make an excellent theme for a hilarious comedy. Yes I have seen the movie ("Red Dawn" or something like that?) where the highschool jocks organize and become the new armed resistance (The Wolverines). These are the movies where the good guys never miss and the bad guys go through most of their ammo without ever touching one of the good guys. It made a very entertaining story, but all the while I was watching that I was thinking about the reality and the actual liklihood of that ever really being able to happen. I know we often have a very fond view of invincibility when it comes to our imagined abilities, but the fact is that a totally unprepared force against a well armed battle-hardened enemy usually turns out to be a pretty pathetic one-sided affair. One of the unhappy truths is that most of today's more effective weapons couldn't even be operated by the average guy on the street if you did happen to capture one.

The real answer and the one that has the only realistic chance of succeeding is to remain vigilant and proactive against these kinds of measures ever being needed. Because the chance of an army of untrained people off the street armed with deer rifles and shotguns ever successfully turning back a professional organized high-tech government military are very very slim at best.

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Walk down the Main Street of any city and watch the tons of blubber waddling down the sidewalk. Now picture these people as being our saviors in arms ..... lol. It would indeed make an excellent theme for a hilarious comedy. Yes I have seen the movie ("Red Dawn" or something like that?) where the highschool jocks organize and become the new armed resistance (The Wolverines). These are the movies where the good guys never miss and the bad guys go through most of their ammo without ever touching one of the good guys. It made a very entertaining story, but all the while I was watching that I was thinking about the reality and the actual liklihood of that ever really being able to happen. I know we often have a very fond view of invincibility when it comes to our imagined abilities, but the fact is that a totally unprepared force against a well armed battle-hardened enemy usually turns out to be a pretty pathetic one-sided affair. One of the unhappy truths is that most of today's more effective weapons couldn't even be operated by the average guy on the street if you did happen to capture one.

The real answer and the one that has the only realistic chance of succeeding is to remain vigilant and proactive against these kinds of measures ever being needed. Because the chance of an army of untrained people off the street armed with deer rifles and shotguns ever successfully turning back a professional organized high-tech government military are very very slim at best.

Doc you missed my point. i had the honor of speaking to someone who served in iraq. he said they were just as concerned about where the owner of the door they just broke down could send a bill as they were about cleaning out the bad guys. our service men and women are simply good americans, and if given an order to take an american city from americans, my money would be on them be americans first. lets hope to god we never find out. and as far as farmers with hunting rifle? ask the soviets what they thought of the afgan farmers.

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Doc you missed my point. i had the honor of speaking to someone who served in iraq. he said they were just as concerned about where the owner of the door they just broke down could send a bill as they were about cleaning out the bad guys. our service men and women are simply good americans, and if given an order to take an american city from americans, my money would be on them be americans first. lets hope to god we never find out. and as far as farmers with hunting rifle? ask the soviets what they thought of the afgan farmers.

Afghanistan is a country with a long and continuous history of warfare and turmoil. Those citizens of that country were already battle hardened, not a couch potato softened population such as ours. Also, the insurgents were trained by neighboring countries (China and Pakistan) and bankrolled with billions of dollars from America, Great Britain and Saudi Arabia. They were not characterised as "farmers with hunting rifles".

I watched video of the government and their personel aiming fully automatic weapons at the mid-sections of U.S. citizens as they forcefully disarmed them in Louisianna, and I don't recall any follow-up stories about mass desertions, or any armed citizen rebellion occurring in the aftermath. That one historical episode spoke volumes of just how prepared and equipped to go up against trained military styles of opposition. It just is not going to happen.

I'm thinking that we have to start taking these movies of American uprisings for what they are...... entertainment and fiction. This is not 1776, and any conflicts with governments are not muskets against muskets happening from behind trees.

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Doc you missed my point. i had the honor of speaking to someone who served in iraq. he said they were just as concerned about where the owner of the door they just broke down could send a bill as they were about cleaning out the bad guys. our service men and women are simply good americans, and if given an order to take an american city from americans, my money would be on them be americans first. lets hope to god we never find out. and as far as farmers with hunting rifle? ask the soviets what they thought of the afgan farmers.

ask the brits what they thought of the american farmers.... it happened once it could again

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Doc, you failed to take into account that the youth of America have been spending countless hours playing military themed video games preparing for this type of thing.....so don't worry, we're in good hands.

Oh yeah!!!! Call Of Duty Dark Opps III we're prepared!!!! to bad you cant restart game in real life when you get shot....

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ask the brits what they thought of the american farmers.... it happened once it could again

And I repeat, the next conflict will not be muskets against muskets. Kind of different when you are aiming your 30-06 at a battery of Patriot missles, or an unmanned, armed, drone aircraft. Do you see a "slight" difference? I do.

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