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Doc, i have to say for being 66 you do have some very good typing skills... most guys in thir 60s dont even know how to use a computer. not to date yourself lol

Well, I am starting to get a bit behind on the computer and technology front. I don't have any of those tech-savvy guys up to work any more who used to keep me moving forward. It's not all bad though. I no longer try to keep up with the latest and the greatest tech gadgets. That helps with my new "cheap-skate" attitudes.....lol.

Ha-ha .... you won't see me walking around with ear-buds stuffed in my ears bopping down the sidewalk, or working the arthritis into my thumbs texting someone. I still use a camera for taking pictures instead of my phone (although my phone does have that capapbility). I still buy CDs, and even use tape cassettes in my older car.  :)  We,ve got to have some things to tell one generation from the other.... ;D .


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im feeling younger every day at 41

I remember 41. That was the time when that saying about, "If I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself", became my motto. That was also about the time I took a look at my retirement planning and realized that I had none. That was the year the "great cheap-skate" was created and a mad, panicked financial plan for the future was born....ha-ha. All that just in time I might add. 41 was very important to me. That was when I realized that I just might actually live to become old and maybe I had better have that eventuality covered.


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