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So what about Zimmerman?

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Yeah , the prosecution is on right now, and already stirring the pot. I hope their sour grapes, don't start any riots, that could eventually get people hurt or worse. Real professional....real responsible ...

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Simply put the prosecution failed to meet it's legal burden of proving the crimes charged "beyond a reasonable doubt". The defense did it's job in putting such doubt in the minds of the jurors. There were so many inconsistencies between the testimony of all the witnesses and even some prosecution witnesses' testimony was favorable to the defense. How could the jury find otherwise?

The constitution and the amendments ensure due process. This is what our country is supposed to be about. Or we could switch to a system where you are presumed guilty and you have to prove innocence like most third world countries....

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You can rationalize all day about whether or not Zimmerman should have followed Martin, or if Zimmerman is a "cop want'a be" or if he's a "pussy" or if he should have taken more of a beating.

It all comes down to whether or not Zimmerman acted in self defense, when he shot Martin, and the jury found that he did.



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that's the big question, did the beating he supposedly get warrant dpf................from all I've heard he wasn't getting a severe beating nor did his injuries even remotely suggest he did.

No beating required in a "Stand Your Ground State" ...what part of that is so hard for you to comprehend.  For that matter no beating even required in a none stand your ground state like NY, If you have no escape route and someone is approaching you when you have your gun drawn and that person refuses to stop you can shoot him, no broken noses, no head lacerations, nothing....I give Zimmerman credit for even taking the beating he did, which even confirms to me he was jumped.

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I sincerely hope that you never have to suffer the death of a child or grandchild at the hands of someone like Zimmerman.

Early, no one ever wishes the death of a child or grandchild on someone else. There is never a bright side to cases like these. But the law is the law and the prosecution clearly did not meet it's burden here. No one knows what happened that night other than Zimmerman and Martin. The witness accounts were not reliable as was demonstrated during the trial. Too many inconsistencies on both sides. Merely the fact that the police did not arrest GZ until 44 days after the incident that in and of itself showed the start of the doubt.

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No beating required in a "Stand Your Ground State" ...what part of that is so hard for you to comprehend.  For that matter no beating even required in a none stand your ground state like NY, If you have no escape route and someone is approaching you when you have your gun drawn and that person refuses to stop you can shoot him, no broken noses, no head lacerations, nothing....I give Zimmerman credit for even taking the beating he did, which even confirms to me he was jumped.

so you're telling me, that in NY, if you are a 6ft 200lb male and a 5ft 100lb female or an 80lb 15 yr old is just making verbal threats against you, and you have no escape route, you can draw your gun, order them to stop and shoot them when they refuse your order? good luck with that one.

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I sincerely hope that you never have to suffer the death of a child or grandchild at the hands of someone like Zimmerman.

I hope my kid doesnt turn out to be a drug dealing wanna be thug that thinks he has the right to attack someone whenever he feels "disrespected". That way, I surely wont have to worry about him being killed by someone defending themselves against him.

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I hope my kid doesnt turn out to be a drug dealing wanna be thug that thinks he has the right to attack someone whenever he feels "disrespected". That way, I surely wont have to worry about him being killed by someone defending themselves against him.

Most people don't realize that he was staying by his father's because he was suspended from school by his mother's for fighting. He was involved with drugs and the prosecution was able to withhold pictures of jewelry that he took with cell phone that no one knows how he got. When you act like a thug, you get treated like a thug! This was definately a tragedy for both sides, however, not all tragedies are crimes. Like someone else here already said, there are two ruined lives and hopefully others can learn from this!

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so you're telling me, that in NY, if you are a 6ft 200lb male and a 5ft 100lb female or an 80lb 15 yr old is just making verbal threats against you, and you have no escape route, you can draw your gun, order them to stop and shoot them when they refuse your order? good luck with that one.



The way things are going in Ny we will not have to worry about anybody having a gun on them to be able to use it if you are being beat up or ripped off.  Pepper spray sales will go up i guess!

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Most people don't realize that he was staying by his father's because he was suspended from school by his mother's for fighting. He was involved with drugs and the prosecution was able to withhold pictures of jewelry that he took with cell phone that no one knows how he got. When you act like a thug, you get treated like a thug! This was definately a tragedy for both sides, however, not all tragedies are crimes. Like someone else here already said, there are two ruined lives and hopefully others can learn from this!


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Zimmerman should have just stayed in his car and did as the 911 dispatcher told him to do.  Instead, he felt he needed to take a little bit of the law into his own hands.  It was a real jacka$& move.  But totally legal.  It is not against the law to follow someone and approach him and ask him some questions.


Trayvon was a wanna be thug but he was followed by some creep at night.  I could understand putting in a pre-emptive strike and then running but it's also against the law to just beat up someone because they look like a creep and is following you.


What happened that night was a jacka$% ran into a low life and one ended up dead and the other's life is forever ruined.  But legally, Zimmerman (based on evidence provided) didn't break any laws.

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I agree...keep your lord, whoever she may be, out of this.  It is apparent from responses here that racism is alive and well in the good old USA.


so because we agree that zimmerman didnt do anything wrong we are racist.  You need to get your head out of your ass.  I dont care two shits what color zimmerman or trayvon are White, black, brown, yellow, purple, or green.  As a matter of fact my wife is half black so before you go spouting racism you might want to know a thing or two of what your talking about.  Did Zimmerman racial profile?  Maybe and quite possibly.  Was it illegal for him to do so?  Nope.  Was it illegal for him to follow Trayvon?  Nope.  Was it illegal for trayvon to attack zimmerman? Yup.  Trayvon was the first to break the law.  HIs name could have been bubba and as white as snow for all I care.  My answer would have been the same.  And obviously a jury of his peers thought the same thing.  Gotta love it that every time we pass judgement on someone who happens to be black we are racist.  Just plain pathetic and shows the IGNORANCE OF AMERICA.

Edited by jesse.james
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It would be proper to wish that all you Trayvon Martin haters never suffer the loss of a child/grandchild to such senseless violence, but.....In my weak moments, I hope you all do!!!



So because some agree that Martin was at least partially responsible for his own death by assaulting Zimmerman, and that Zimmerman (according to a court of law) broke no laws, YOU hope children die?


Just spoke volumes about your character.

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The race war will never end. Wether your racist or not the pure factual numbers don't lie on criminal actions and other things. Cnn had stated a few years back on live tv the percentages of whites, blacks hispanics and orientals of by the the age 25 how many would be dead or in prison. Guess who topped that list and guess who bottomed the list out? The media fuels it very much so. Either way the kid was a punk wanna be gang banger and I feel no remorse for him. You go looking for trouble you better expect to pay the ultimate price. How many honor students get shot? Pretty simple case of ones life choices becoming their demise. Oh well. One less person to cause the state to spend more money on in future court dates and probable incarnation.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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The race war will never end. Wether your racist or not the pure factual numbers don't lie on criminal actions and other things. Cnn had stated a few years back on live tv the percentages of whites, blacks hispanics and orientals of by the the age 25 how many would be dead or in prison. Guess who topped that list and guess who bottomed the list out? The media fuels it very much so. Either way the kid was a punk wanna be gang banger and I feel no remorse for him. You go looking for trouble you better expect to pay the ultimate price. How many honor students get shot? Pretty simple case of ones life choices becoming their demise. Oh well. One less person to cause the state to spend more money on in future court dates and probable incarnation.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

I'm gonna guess the Orientals topped the list...........or did you mean to say Asian?

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