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I have been sitting for my job for over a week and it is so hot the sweat is just dripping off me. Gross. Must be over 100 in that school

Paula, at first I thought you didn't know better when you said THAT word in the other thread, but now, I think you get a kick out of describing things like, "sweat is just dripping off me". :D

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I am afraid to look at the temps for the daytime.  My central air went out at home and I am relying on a single window unit for the living room and dining room.  Just have a fan in the bedroom.  Had 3 window units before bought the house.  At least I still have the one.


Just happy the A/C works in the office or I would be shutting down the servers and yelling at everyone to power off their PC's and monitors.


According to the weather channel, it is supposed to be 88 at my house - means it is probably around 80 in my living room and 90+ in my bedroom.  Hope there is still something cold in fridge to drink.


This heat has me getting up at 2:30/3:00 in the morning to re-hydrate, and then going back to sleep.


Can't wait for it to cool down some without anymore thunderstorm threats so I can take the canoe out to one of the ponds or lakes around me.


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Paula, at first I thought you didn't know better when you said THAT word in the other thread, but now, I think you get a kick out of describing things like, "sweat is just dripping off me". :D

Whoa........easy Shawnhu . I know I owe you one , but I like her descriptions.

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I was digging a hole down town buffalo yesterday 42" diameter by 4' deep the sun cooked me the entire day and to top it off I had to hand dig threw an old drive way the an old brick foundation from a house boy was I pissed al the stone and well over 100 of those old orange bricks came out of the hole This heat sucks

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I was digging a hole down town buffalo yesterday 42" diameter by 4' deep the sun cooked me the entire day and to top it off I had to hand dig threw an old drive way the an old brick foundation from a house boy was I pissed al the stone and well over 100 of those old orange bricks came out of the hole This heat sucks

Find any old bottles or relics? Bottle digging/relic hunting is another one of my many other hobbies.

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We live in a modified A frame...which means a lot of brown shingles soaking up the heat and have no A/C...I've closed up all windows in the morning... opened the basement door and have a fan blowing on high speed....we run a dehumidifier  and it keeps the basement several degrees cooler than the house....Routine has been work a couple of hours come in,  rest re-hydrate then head out..cool showers before bed so We can sleep....whens November getting here?!!!!


God bless the guys working Asphalt...I remember those days...and roofing ...puts it in perspective...lol

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had 100 yesterday, its 90 right now at 12:21...

you think working in the field is hot? come stack hay in the mow with me!!! I felt like i was gonna die yesterday!!! musta gone thru 2 or 3 gallons of watter...

been there done that !! and I'll have to do again and again !!

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Find any old bottles or relics? Bottle digging/relic hunting is another one of my many other hobbies.

. I didn't find any bottles just stone and old bricks but When I use to work for a fence company we use to find old bottles all the time when digging threw out buffalo. Especially down town it seems like they never remove anything just burry everything
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