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Becareful, Best laid plans of mice and men!

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Had disturbing experience last monday that hopefully this little story can help some people out on this site by creating a little awareness. My father who is pretty fit for an older gent and has decades of experience felling trees had a dead tree snap half way up come back and crushed him. Fortunately he is alive but broke his back in 5 places, snapped a rib and damaged his kidney. I know must of us realize the dangers of a chain saw and felling timber but added danger that he didn't anticpate was what happens after an injury. He didn't have his radio or phone but only his handgun. We all go by the 3 shot distress sysmtem on the MT but When the tree hit him it knocked his gun out of his holster and buried it in the mud. After regaining consciousness he pulled himself to his 4 wheeler and pulled himself up and was able to lay on it to make a slow drive to get help before passing out. The most experienced in the world can have a sudden accident like that occur and in case it comes back to always being prepared. First aid kit, radio, phone, and if possible someone else as well as prayer to whatever god you serve JIC!

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