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special youth firearms season


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Safety isn't the biggest issue for me.


My concern lies with the way kids are introduced. I support the special season as it stands, but I'm not sold on how everything has to be "special" for a kid. Eventually, kids are no longer "special" and must be lumped in with the masses. That's a shock based on my experience; some kids navigate it well...others not so much. I think youth programs don't pay enough attention to this aspect.


The good old fashioned opening day was pretty darn "special" to me without a need to be "special" with my own weekend.

Edited by phade
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there were  2 fatal injurys last year overall


the orange underwear was a joke... lighten up


if the only way you can get your kids off the couch is by an (special) early hunting season you have much bigger problems

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My daughter is 14 and she we are looking forward to the youth hunt this year! 


In regards to the youth season, I think the DEC could have handled things differently, that would have made more people happy/less concerned. IMO, they should have made it an antlerless ONLY season and limited it to 1. That would have allowed the kids to experience the thrill of the hunt and get their first "taste". THEN, the regular season opener would still be "special", in hopes of getting their first buck. I think this would have satisfied a lot more people!

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NOT to get off the subject, but I just noticed something on the DEC link on the original post. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/46245.html


  • Junior Hunters may also use a crossbow during the youth deer hunt.  (October 12-14, 2013)


Did I miss something? I thought crossbows were no longer legal in NYS in any season? http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html

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I hunt a very large piece of public land and didn't even see anyone out during last years youth season. I hardly even heard any shots off in the distance.

my son and I hunted it last year, all on public land........not only didn't we see any other youth's hunting, but we never ran into any bowhunters or small game hunters.

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