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Red Coyote?


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This pic was posted on another site by a guy I personally know. He drove by this roadkill in Putnam County. Face looks like coyote, but hair coat is nothing I've seen before. I've seen pics of black and blonde yotes, but not red like this...

Thoughts? ?

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Probably a coy dog,Coyote mated with a local mutt.


According to the State of New Hempshire, coyotes come in red...no mating with domestic dogs required.  




Eastern Coyote (Canis latrans var.)


Eastern coyotes typically weigh 30-50 pounds and are 48-60 inches long, approximately twice the size of their close relative, the western coyote. Eastern coyotes have long legs, thick fur, a pointy snout, a drooping bushy black-tipped tail and range in color from a silvery gray to a grizzled, brownish red. The average life span of a wild coyote is four years. Though coyotes are often mistaken for a domestic dog hybrid, recent genetic research has attributed the eastern coyote's larger size and unique behavioral characteristics to interbreeding with Canadian gray wolves. Unlike the wolf or domestic dog, coyotes run with their tail pointing down

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I don't believe in coydogs....must be a coyote

I believe coyotes would eat a domestic dog



Dogs are dogs. Domestic or not they will crossbread. And you make it sound easy for them yotes to just " eat " domestic dogs and thats not the case. They dont want to fight for their food most of the time they take smaller animals and easy meals. Yotes are a problem for smaller dogs that look like a easy kill.


If thats not a Yote and fox mix I would love to know what it is cause its dam sure not a domestic dog.

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Dogs are dogs. Domestic or not they will crossbread. And you make it sound easy for them yotes to just " eat " domestic dogs and thats not the case. They dont want to fight for their food most of the time they take smaller animals and easy meals. Yotes are a problem for smaller dogs that look like a easy kill.


If thats not a Yote and fox mix I would love to know what it is cause its dam sure not a domestic dog.


I hate to break it to you: coyotes and foxes do not mate! It is simply a red color phase coyote, nothing more, nothing less.

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They don't kill other dogs to eat them most generally.. They kill them them because all k9s eat meat, they know a grey fox or red fox is eating there food source they take them out so there's more rabbits and such for them to feed on, they just happen to think the same about scruffy

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