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Going to be windy this weekend....


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So the local weather here in the CNY Syracuse area and surrounding are calling for good temps, but the SSW winds of 20-30 MPH has me a little nervous.  I will probably go out windy or not, but my stand choices are all in the wind, the only difference is one area is in a valley that runs North to South, and the other is up on top of a hill where I had luck last year during late Muzzleloader.  I have a 3rd stand option thats sort of in between the two, but I call that my "bad luck stand".  Any thoughts on what would be the best option as far as these high winds go?



Thanks for any input.

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kinda makes me glad that i will be hunting for turkey but even that will be a crap shoot. that being said and like i said earlier.... I HAVE NEVER hunted with a bow so i guess my opinion is worth about nothing but....... can you hunt or set up in any creek bottoms, draws, or other low lying areas where you will still have the wind in the equation but not as much as you would if you are up 10 foot in the air in a tree overlooking a field? just a honest to God question...... like i said im not a bow hunter.

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I hate wind. It really does suppress daylight deer movement and those that are moving are on super full alert. However, I'm not real crazy about those dead calm days either when the deer can hear every crinkle of clothing, and any sound that your bow can make on drawing. And for those that use treestands, there is always that little telltale squeak as you shift your weight to set up. I also find that on those calm days, the scent seems to meander around covering every direction evenly.

But one thing is for sure. We can't control the wind, so we have to just put up with whatever Ma Nature sends at us.

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My brother set up a ladder stand at the bottom of my property late summer. Last weekend I kicked around the idea of hunting out of it. Got down in the afternoon and had wind gusts to 25mph. This area is wet with a lot of runoff from the hill. The tree is swaying back and forth and I'm getting a bit uncomfortable. I look down and see the roots of the tree exposed. I look around and see several trees fallen, all looked like the roots were exposed at the surface. I got the hell out of there and put the stand off limits. Could you imagine having a tree fall and being tied into it with your safety harness!!!! yikes!

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I killed my best bow buck in the wind on the edge of a field gusts to 30+ and snow showers. I admit I had to be talked into sitting in the stand( my gut told me to go the other way and hunt deep in the valley)Thanks G-man. I also shot a nice non-typical on a windy afternoon 30mph. I set up on the down wind end of the woods. Now that I've triggered those memories I think I will get my butt going and hit the woods.

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