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Coyote Den near my property.... need help


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I let a buddy hunt my property yesterday, he's deerless for the year and had the day off. He called today and reported no deer sightings, but he did find what he said was an active coyote den near the property line.  I didn't think coyotes used den's at this time of year, but to be honest im not really sure.


I'm inclined to go out there and start shooting them this weekend, but dont know if its worth the drive down. Anyone else ever come across a den this time of year? will it be like fish in a barrel shooting or what?

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I let a buddy hunt my property yesterday, he's deerless for the year and had the day off. He called today and reported no deer sightings, but he did find what he said was an active coyote den near the property line. I didn't think coyotes used den's at this time of year, but to be honest im not really sure.

I'm inclined to go out there and start shooting them this weekend, but dont know if its worth the drive down. Anyone else ever come across a den this time of year? will it be like fish in a barrel shooting or what?

you have till March 31 st to get them I'd wait till after ml season.
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Did fair chase go out with deer season? Bombs and cocktails, really?



I let a buddy hunt my property yesterday, he's deerless for the year and had the day off. He called today and reported no deer sightings, but he did find what he said was an active coyote den near the property line.  I didn't think coyotes used den's at this time of year, but to be honest im not really sure.


I'm inclined to go out there and start shooting them this weekend, but dont know if its worth the drive down. Anyone else ever come across a den this time of year? will it be like fish in a barrel shooting or what?

No it will not be like shooting fish in a barrel, but if you want to boost your hunting prowess then go set up in full camo and try to coax them into range.

This will not be just sitting in a tree waiting on your prey to walk past. When you call coyotes they are hunting you and will come in looking so be still.

 Their home range are usually around 10sq. miles so they may be gone for days at a time.

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Predate...I will not hide the fact I don't like them...to me they are no better than the voles I dislike...destructive and serve no purpose in my world.....though even voles serve as food to other predator birds...Fox.....so to treat yotes as the vermin they are is not unreasonable....no one would have  a problem  using wood Chuck bombs on wood chucks....as nasty as ground bees are...they serve a great purpose in the eco system...pollination and I believe some insect predition if memory serves...though no one has a problem with wiping out whole  hives...I don't sell furs...nor eat their meat....they for me deserve as much fair chase as a mouse  in my house....

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I let a buddy hunt my property yesterday, he's deerless for the year and had the day off. He called today and reported no deer sightings, but he did find what he said was an active coyote den near the property line.  I didn't think coyotes used den's at this time of year, but to be honest im not really sure.


I'm inclined to go out there and start shooting them this weekend, but dont know if its worth the drive down. Anyone else ever come across a den this time of year? will it be like fish in a barrel shooting or what?


I'm guessing he found a fox den and either misread the sign or coyotes are looking around for a quick meal, this actually happens pretty often


there's some trappers on this site, and some callers and a few houndsman, you'll never get rid of them, however if you want to thin them down a little you might want to try reaching out to the guys with the equiptment, depending on where your property is located someone might be able to help you

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I see coyotes as formidable quarry and hunt them often.

 IMO their presence conditions prey species to be more elusive and then when the fair weather hunters don't capitalize on bagging "their deer" or "their turkeys", it gets chalked up to the coyotes killing them all. The simple truth is that the prey are just evolving into smarter survivors. In the great scheme, us deer hunters may actually benefit when deer get bigger by staying more secluded. Honestly, would we really want deer,turkeys, etc. just wandering around without a care? I wouldn't. I enjoy a challenge.


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Try calling them in its an experience you will never forget. I have to warn you its addicting as hell thou and you better have funds available. LOL The coyote is one of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and the eastern coyote has red wolf genes which makes it more leery than its western counterpart. I have been calling them for about 8 yrs I have only gotten 5 by calling. The key to setting up is stealthy approach and SET UP DOWN WIND of the call if using electric call or have a partner. ( You wanna have a hunter 50 to 100 yds downwind of the call).They almost always circle downwind to confirm whats making the distress or vocal. You could get lucky with a hard charger. If you need help I'm not that far from you really maybe predate and I could help you. I have to warn you it's very addictive once you call in a predator. Deer hunting doesnt excite me anymore.

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My problem with them has little to do with the deer or turkey...if that were the case there would have been a whole lot of dead fox and I'd be out...(when able) tearing up as many raccoon as possible..


Some times they will move on their own...they were sick here a few years ago but you can see when they move off...because you get a healthy fox population back...... as well as ground birds and rabbits....Then again I had a neighbor tell me he had a guy with a backhoe come in and actually dig up a den 2 years ago...he said the thing went on for yards and didn't realize they got that big...neither did I ...but there has not been the problem we had before since that excavation ...

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