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NYSRPA reporting fees for ammo background checks

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They have had contact with the State Police that there will initially be a $10 fee for ammo background checks with an increase expected to go up to $20. How is the cost of that box of hunting ammo looking now? Seems like they are promoting bulk purchases. Isn't that counter productive to what "they" would want?

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and it all goes into a data base. for what you say?  So they know what calibers you own.  Buy too much at once they magically appear at your door asking why so much and will want to have an unscheduled look around.


And everyone is going to buy too much because nobody wants to pay $10 for a single box or two. I'll be buying as many as I can to avoid that fee.

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buy in bulk get called a hoarder.  Plus the other wrinkle I have heard a lot of ammo sellers are going to get out of ammo including walmart state wide.  Not worth the grief they need to do to get it done.  Now they are saying due to not having a data base ready, it is being delayed.  sure it is people will get pissed off before elections in november.  It will be delayed until after then I guarantee it.  Kind of like obamacare delay the part that will piss people off until after the elections.   Funny how these politicians can take it upon themselves to change a law and no one questions it.  

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$10 raising to $20......

Well perhaps all the hunters who never cared much about pro gun issues( the Fudds as they are called) will start to care now when their box of slugs that go on sale for a few bucks as loss leaders will care when they add twenty bucks to the cost.

I'm almost looking forward to the car pools going down to Penn to buy in bulk, get our fireworks on the same trip,should be a fun Sat.

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Some are saying they called the hotline, and there is no fee. The state police are said to comment on this sometime this afternoon , where and just when we don't know.

Some feel its Tom King stirring up an old rumor , who knows.

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Could be. I wouldn't believe anything out of Albany at this point. They don't even know what system they will be using since they got shut down on NICS for this. seems like a fee wouldn't be a stretch to fund setting up a system. Hope they don't call Obama for suggestions on a software/site developer.

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I'm a little less worried about being traced... Though I don't like it. I could imagine their system getting hacked and it not working out so well in some sort of Red Dawn situation haha.

But the fee really bothers me. Ammo is expensive enough and throw in range/club fees that a lot of us pay and it encourages people not to shoot. Not to become proficient and safe with their firearm and to possibly even encourage the casual deer camp hunter to quit hunting. Lord knows gear and licenses have become expensive enough. I believe reloading is the answer for the minority, but not the majority.

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and it all goes into a data base. for what you say?  So they know what calibers you own.  Buy too much at once they magically appear at your door asking why so much and will want to have an unscheduled look around.


not at my place without a warrant to do so.

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This is gonna turn a lot of people into outlaws

They gonna start searching cars at the ny state borders

To for people goin out of state to bye ammo.....scarey times

But hey we still have the freedom of speech right...o wait

That's up in the air to...whoa what's next


I don't believe there is anything saying you can't go out of state and buy ammo.

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There are many deer hunters who buy 1 box of ammo every few years. They deer hunt maybe 3 days a year, and may never take a shot.

When I got into the bow, I had the same box of '06 rounds for years . I'd bow hunt, then if I felt like it in rifle season, I'd go .

I was different than some others because I needed other ammo, for my other hunting, but some only deer hunt. That's why they don't pay attention to it. If they have to pay more money every few years, they'll just live with it. It's just the way it is, not everyone has the passion,  hunting is just something to do .


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