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NFA-ADK, how is it you choose to support Obama when he is as much of a traitor to America as Cuomo?


A lot of us hate the government because we love our country and despise what the government is doing to it, and it's citizens.



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Way ahead of you on that one. I love how the people who run away have all the answers on how we should move forward. Life must suck when your decisions are based on the all mighty dollar which rules your life.

For sure I'm the only one working for a large cooperation who has relocated to further his career. I mean, what ever happened with to the American dream of working hard to gain success?

And life is good. Comfortable and good. Thanks for your concern.

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NFA-ADK, how do you not see the government as a enemy? They have passed so my illegal laws that take our rights away. Like the EPA wanting to control all water in the US. They are trying to get a law passed that the EPA will own all water rights. If a farmer installed a drainage ditch, the EPA will own ditch and the water.The government is becoming the enemy, because they want to control everything.Why could I have to have a permit to own a pistol ? Why can't I have a 30 round magazine in NY? Because they (the government) says it for the children.But then they give rebels in other countries guns, that end up being used against us. The Government has created a lazy society that is dependent on the government to live. So what better way to control the people. They can pass a illegal law in a matter of hours, but then it takes years to fight it and try to get it repealed, but since the Judges are appointed by the Government most of the time, they rule in favor of the government.

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Truthfully I was not and am still not concerned. My simple point was since you decided to run what do you care what those of us who are standing up do this is not your fight now. Not that you ever intended to fight at all.

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NFA-ADK, how is it you choose to support Obama when he is as much of a traitor to America as Cuomo?


A lot of us hate the government because we love our country and despise what the government is doing to it, and it's citizens.

I support him because he is my leader and chief!  That does not mean I agree with everything he does or every law he changes.  I do not agree with him overriding the check and balances our government was set up to have with his pen.  There are many things he does that I do not agree with but when terrorist threaten us and he chooses action he has my support.  He is still the commander and chief and by that appointment on world views he has my backing.  Internal (USA) issues are another story.  Cuomo will hopefully never be on the world stage, he is just a NY idiot politician who will do anything for a vote including going back on his vow to protect the second amendment.


Getting back to the subject at hand.  This law that was passed to ban guns to save us from those horrible "assault weapons" , how many lives have been saved?  ZERO 


How about this:  If YOU where president, what laws would you create to stop another Sandy Hook from happening? 

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They need to look into to treating mental health. It seems to me 30 years ago or so we never had the mass killings. But what we did have was Mental Hospitals where people that needed help and supervision where committed too, because it was determined that they where a danger to them self or other people. Now they have closed most of these places and just dumped them in the real world to try and fend for them self. I know someone that works in the Mental Health Field and because of all the Government cuts to Mental Health treatment, he has been over run this year with patients. It is so bad that his budget for 2014 to provide housing is gone for the year already. And he has had to tell patients after getting them a place to live, that there is no money to pay their housing costs.   Sorry all people are wired different. Some people are book smart, other common sense smart, and some people just are slow at learn. Its not there fault its just everyone is different. Some people just need supervision, to help them with maybe taking there medication. But the big problem is you have all the bleeding hearts saying he are discriminating against them because them my be slow or have a mental defect, and it is wrong to put them in a mental hospital. Well sometime all the patients want is someone to be there, and they don't get that when the State just dumps them back in to society !

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I have to wonder ..... If the government is our enemy, who is our friend? Communists, the Taliban, or just who do we align with? Are the militias our friends? Which ones of those are we supposed to trust and align with? Do we now pal-around with terrorists? Do we now begin trusting one wacko after another in hopes that eventually we will get lucky and find someone with a "better" idea that we can hang with. I don't see the government as being a friend or foe. They simply are the tool of organization that our system uses. But when we start calling our government an enemy, then it is quite likely that suspicious but intelligent people may begin to wonder just exactly who we consider to be our "friends". Seems like a pretty logical question.

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Very good HectorBuckBuster! 


Anyone else?  Real easy to point a finger and say "he sucks" about a politician but when you are asked what you would do to resolve this issue it causes us to think a little more about what are the real problems. 


Problems #1 Mental issues need to be addressed!  Much better than our society is doing right now! 


One proposal I would like to see:  Make the parents responsible for their kids until they are at least an adult- 18-21?  Back in the day cops did not need to arrest kids, they knew when the kid was brought home by the Police that the parent would ensure the kid was set straight.  Now the parents congratulate kids for being a bully and or getting into trouble at school or getting out of trouble with the law.  Yea not really a fix but it would make parents much more aware of what is going on.


As family values have decreased so has the value of life.  


OK time to watch some pregnant teenager on TV?  Or how about those NJ idiots?  Great shows to instill good morals.  Get Drunk, party, drive and have sex in that order, great values?  Where is SNookie?  O I forgot she had a kid...



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For sure I'm the only one working for a large cooperation who has relocated to further his career. I mean, what ever happened with to the American dream of working hard to gain success?

And life is good. Comfortable and good. Thanks for your concern.

How dare you leave NY for a better life, much better you stay for a less paying job and complain about what's going on here everyday....I'm sure your family would understand why you turned down an opportunity to better their lives.

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Problem #1 .. Everyone does as asked lol.


They say, fill out a registration form and you fill out a registration form.


They say, turn in all your mags and whatever firearms and you do that.


Well hell if its that easy can i borrow your wife lol.. Just sayin !?


 At some point you have to say no.

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Truthfully I was not and am still not concerned. My simple point was since you decided to run what do you care what those of us who are standing up do this is not your fight now. Not that you ever intended to fight at all.

Would you prefer all non-NY NRA members just ignore your cause? Do you not want the support of the other 49?

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I have to wonder ..... If the government is our enemy, who is our friend? Communists, the Taliban, or just who do we align with? Are the militias our friends? Which ones of those are we supposed to trust and align with? Do we now pal-around with terrorists? Do we now begin trusting one wacko after another in hopes that eventually we will get lucky and find someone with a "better" idea that we can hang with. I don't see the government as being a friend or foe. They simply are the tool of organization that our system uses. But when we start calling our government an enemy, then it is quite likely that suspicious but intelligent people may begin to wonder just exactly who we consider to be our "friends". Seems like a pretty logical question.


It is a logical question, but your assumptions are far from logical.  Our friends are the patriots in America who understand the Rule of Law and support and defend the US Constitution.  Doesn't matter what they do for a living, or what party they belong to.  But the reality of the situation is that a certain party is ignoring both of those things and trying to enslave all US citizens with total control of every aspect of their lives.  When they are in control of the government, it is not your friend.  The other party is guilty of not correcting the situation with the tools provided in the Constitution to correct it.


Pal around with terrorists?  Are you serious?  That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard when it comes to getting our government under control and stopping it's rogue run towards tyranny.  Trust wackos?  Have you no clue how this government was set up and how it is supposed to run.  There are 3 branches of government.  Legislative, judicial and executive.  The Constitution sets limits on each of these branches and sets checks and balances between them so no one branch can corrupt the liberty of the citizens by assuming too much power.


Our government is supposed to be filled with elected officials that represent the will of the people.  They represent us!  They work for us!  That is not the case today.  This current government is not your friend because it is ignoring the Constitution, and all of the protections in it, that would prevent all of what is happening today.  Our Federal government was meant to be limited, and it sure as hell has no authority to spend taxpayer money on most of the things it does to buy votes from people who are dependent on it.  The founding fathers expected this would happen one day, and put articles in the Constitution that would allow the people to correct the situation.  Those remedies are not being used and politics are ruining our freedom and liberties.


The electorate in America is full of complacent morons who have no clue what our government is supposed to be, how it should work legally, how it can be restrained if it doesn't, nor what their role in it is.  We have the government we have because it has been working on dumbing down the electorate for decades and it has succeeded!  It lies to the people and misdirects their attention from scandals and disasters looming on the horizon when it has it's own interest's at stake.  George Orwell's 1984 was never supposed to happen for real.  But even though it showed us what could happen, we let it happen anyway.


The mass media has become a tool of the Left and no longer reports anything to the people that would be a threat to Leftists controlling the government.  We are now seeing people being persecuted by the government for even saying something that isn't politically correct.  That's thought control.


Sadly, when we do have leaders arise that speak the truth to the people, and champion Liberty, the Rule of Law and the Constitution, they are attacked with lies by those who's power is threatened by the truth, and the majority of the idiot electorate rallies behind them.  We get the kind of government we deserve because of them.


If you do not see how the government we have now is not your friend, you cannot help restrain it.  You may be suspicious, but you are far from intelligent.

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The electorate in America is full of complacent morons who have no clue what our government is supposed to be, how it should work legally, how it can be restrained if it doesn't, nor what their role in it is.  We have the government we have because it has been working on dumbing down the electorate for decades and it has succeeded!  It lies to the people and misdirects their attention from scandals and disasters looming on the horizon when it has it's own interest's at stake.  George Orwell's 1984 was never supposed to happen for real.  But even though it showed us what could happen, we let it happen anyway.


The mass media has become a tool of the Left and no longer reports anything to the people that would be a threat to Leftists controlling the government.  We are now seeing people being persecuted by the government for even saying something that isn't politically correct.  That's thought control.


Sadly, when we do have leaders arise that speak the truth to the people, and champion Liberty, the Rule of Law and the Constitution, they are attacked with lies by those who's power is threatened by the truth, and the majority of the idiot electorate rallies behind them.  We get the kind of government we deserve because of them.


If you do not see how the government we have now is not your friend, you cannot help restrain it.  You may be suspicious, but you are far from intelligent.

Well, that certainly is a wonderful speech. Totally devoid of substance but very long on whining. Hey, that's not a problem, I can whine and complain right along with the best of them. But I do understand that some point all the whining just becomes meaningless noise and at some point, right or wrong, you really do have do your best to accomplish something or at least try to do something (and whining is not "doing something").


But back to your claim that the U.S. government is your enemy, I have to point out that old saying that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and so I am guessing that many of the enemies of the U.S. government are your friends. I was just curious as to which of those enemies you align most closely with. I know that you claim to have all these friends who are "patriots in America" who apparently share your hatred of the U.S. government. By the way how has that association been working out for you .... lol. I know of many others who share your hatred. Some we have seen in the news. And a lot of them also have labeled themselves self-styled patriots. Understand that I have no illusions about all things done by the government as having pure and honest motives or intentions but when you start using words like "enemy", you automatically put yourself in a very large and inclusive league of characters that most of the time definitely have no use for constitutions, freedoms, or the well being of this country's occupants or values.


Oh and by the way assuming you still vote (that may be an incorrect assumption), I have to point out that you too are a member of those "complacent morons" that you label the American electorate. So while you are out there complaining about the American citizenry, understand your inclusion in that group as well. And from what I have seen in your posts so far, I have to say that those whose entire substance is mere pathetic whining and complaining with no action or positive direction other than flight from inconvenient situations, truly do fit that "complacent moron" definition.

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Well, that certainly is a wonderful speech. Totally devoid of substance but very long on whining. Hey, that's not a problem, I can whine and complain right along with the best of them. But I do understand that some point all the whining just becomes meaningless noise and at some point, right or wrong, you really do have do your best to accomplish something or at least try to do something (and whining is not "doing something").


But back to your claim that the U.S. government is your enemy, I have to point out that old saying that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and so I am guessing that many of the enemies of the U.S. government are your friends. I was just curious as to which of those enemies you align most closely with. I know that you claim to have all these friends who are "patriots in America" who apparently share your hatred of the U.S. government. By the way how has that association been working out for you .... lol. I know of many others who share your hatred. Some we have seen in the news. And a lot of them also have labeled themselves self-styled patriots. Understand that I have no illusions about all things done by the government as having pure and honest motives or intentions but when you start using words like "enemy", you automatically put yourself in a very large and inclusive league of characters that most of the time definitely have no use for constitutions, freedoms, or the well being of this country's occupants or values.


Oh and by the way assuming you still vote (that may be an incorrect assumption), I have to point out that you too are a member of those "complacent morons" that you label the American electorate. So while you are out there complaining about the American citizenry, understand your inclusion in that group as well. And from what I have seen in your posts so far, I have to say that those whose entire substance is mere pathetic whining and complaining with no action or positive direction other than flight from inconvenient situations, truly do fit that "complacent moron" definition.


Doc, there is a big difference between saying the government is not your friend, and saying it is your enemy.  I don't believe I ever said that.  If you do not see the substance in that post, you are really not very intelligent.


What conservatives are trying to accomplish in America is a return to lawful governance.  That's not whining, that's imperative!  And the average voter has to be aware who will do that when elected, and who won't.  Those who vote for the wrong people are morons, and that is more than 50% of the uninformed, oblivious voters these days.  It's not a hatred of our system of government that I have, it's a hatred of this current corrupt administration of government that is claiming to be representing our best interests while destroying the very foundation our freedom rests on.


Your response is typical of Leftists who try to minimize, demonize, or misinterpret, any thought of calling out the government's lawlessness by attacking the speaker as radical, or worse.  None of your insinuations are accurate, and I believe you know it.


You may not think of yourself as a Leftist, but they think of you as one of their useful idiots.


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You may not think of yourself as a Leftist, but they think of you as one of their useful idiots.




Honestly, if anyone is an idiot around here, it's YOU.  All you do is bitch and moan about the government being your enemy.  Get over it already.  In a system like ours, with a two party system, (or any other for that matter) sooner or later the other party will be in power, and they may look at things differently than you do.  Get used to it.  There would be no need for elections at all if everyone thought the same way, and if everyone trusted one party only.  That's not the way it is, however, (and never was) so GET USED TO IT ALREADY.  If you can't, then you need to take the advice I gave you last time and look for an island to purchase in the south pacific somewhere that has not been claimed by any other nation, that already has a form of government in place.  Good luck with your search.  That may be your only escape from your misery.  The rest of us will continue on with life and not let politics consume us into a state of paranoia.

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Doc, there is a big difference between saying the government is not your friend, and saying it is your enemy.  I don't believe I ever said that.  If you do not see the substance in that post, you are really not very intelligent.


What conservatives are trying to accomplish in America is a return to lawful governance.  That's not whining, that's imperative!  And the average voter has to be aware who will do that when elected, and who won't.  Those who vote for the wrong people are morons, and that is more than 50% of the uninformed, oblivious voters these days.  It's not a hatred of our system of government that I have, it's a hatred of this current corrupt administration of government that is claiming to be representing our best interests while destroying the very foundation our freedom rests on.


Your response is typical of Leftists who try to minimize, demonize, or misinterpret, any thought of calling out the government's lawlessness by attacking the speaker as radical, or worse.  None of your insinuations are accurate, and I believe you know it.


You may not think of yourself as a Leftist, but they think of you as one of their useful idiots.


Ha-ha .... playing with words. You really aren't all that good at it. Also, I hope you will not take too much offense to my doubting your credibility on judging intelligence. There is nothing in any of your posts that would make anyone believe that you are much of an authority in that department.


Your little tirade about Conservatives vs. Liberals has certainly missed the mark by a mile. You have absolutely no idea what my ideology is and have stupidly made some bogus assumptions in that area. I have been a registered conservative for likely more decades than you have even known what the word means. I completely reject your coupling of a very legitimate ideology (Conservatism) with some of your wild ranting that tends to give the legitimate Conservative movement a bad name. The Conservative Party is a legitimate part of the very government that you hate. There is no one in the Conservative Party that endorses your style of extraction from the government. We are people who work from within the system that you hate so much. Your Terry Nichols style of rhetoric has the capability to destroy the Conservative movement.  The sweeping statements that you and your buddy try to peddle here and the annoying level of arrogance that you display while offering nothing positive to offset your aggravating whining, irritates the hell out of me, especially when you now try to couple that nonsense with the legitimate representatives of the Conservatives. Frankly it is becoming tiresome and if you are indeed associated with the Conservative party in any way, I have to tell you that you are a complete embarrassment.

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Doc, your ideology is in every post you make.  You need to educate yourself on the Constitution and Rule of law.  If you don't think it is the most important document this nation has, or that it is the foundation of our liberty, or that it is under attack, you and your so called Conservative friends have no clue what liberty and freedom are all about.


BTW, like I have never called the government my enemy, I also have never endorsed "extraction" from the government.  What I endorse is regaining control over corrupt, illegal government.  


You seem to be blinded by your hatred of anyone you decide is not on the same page as you are.  You cannot seem to grasp the concept this country is in grave danger unless we get control of this government.  You can't see any way to do it other than violent ways, and assume anyone who talks of it must be a violent terrorist.  why has the GOP not done anything to restrain the current administration, that has broken numerous laws, as well as violated many of the Constitutions provisions from it's first day in power?  We impeached Nixon for one thing, lying to Congress.  we impeached Clinton for the same thing.  Obama has lied to congress many times.  Why has he not been impeached by now?  Today's GOP, and many Conservatives have no desire to do anything other than wait their turn at power.  That is really sad.  That's also why, if Cuomo is thrown out of office, nothing he put into law will be changed.


You will never have any impact on regaining control of this government, because you refuse to believe it is out of control.


Work within the system all you like.  It's been corrupted so much that is what it wants you to do.  Unless enough people in this land adopt the mindset that this government is NOT working in it's citizens best interest and we throw out every incumbent that doesn't believe in the Constitution, the Rule of Law, individual freedom and liberty for every citizen, and limited control of every aspect of our lives, nothing is going to get better.  You can be certain it is going to get a lot worse!


You guys can hate me all you want.  I take it as a badge of honor that I'm rattling the cages of the misguided.

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Doc, your ideology is in every post you make.  You need to educate yourself on the Constitution and Rule of law.  If you don't think it is the most important document this nation has, or that it is the foundation of our liberty, or that it is under attack, you and your so called Conservative friends have no clue what liberty and freedom are all about.


BTW, like I have never called the government my enemy, I also have never endorsed "extraction" from the government.  What I endorse is regaining control over corrupt, illegal government.  


You seem to be blinded by your hatred of anyone you decide is not on the same page as you are.  You cannot seem to grasp the concept this country is in grave danger unless we get control of this government.  You can't see any way to do it other than violent ways, and assume anyone who talks of it must be a violent terrorist.  why has the GOP not done anything to restrain the current administration, that has broken numerous laws, as well as violated many of the Constitutions provisions from it's first day in power?  We impeached Nixon for one thing, lying to Congress.  we impeached Clinton for the same thing.  Obama has lied to congress many times.  Why has he not been impeached by now?  Today's GOP, and many Conservatives have no desire to do anything other than wait their turn at power.  That is really sad.  That's also why, if Cuomo is thrown out of office, nothing he put into law will be changed.


You will never have any impact on regaining control of this government, because you refuse to believe it is out of control.


Work within the system all you like.  It's been corrupted so much that is what it wants you to do.  Unless enough people in this land adopt the mindset that this government is NOT working in it's citizens best interest and we throw out every incumbent that doesn't believe in the Constitution, the Rule of Law, individual freedom and liberty for every citizen, and limited control of every aspect of our lives, nothing is going to get better.  You can be certain it is going to get a lot worse!


You guys can hate me all you want.  I take it as a badge of honor that I'm rattling the cages of the misguided.

VJT- I do not hate you at all. I just think you are an arrogant individual consumed with imagined self-importance and desperately looking for attention, but one with nearly no substance or useful direction beyond the constant whining and complaining. You can't hate someone for that. Maybe a bit of sympathy and perhaps a little concern as to where your phobias and paranoia might take you. It may be a bit irritating, but certainly nothing that gets to the level of hate.

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