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yelow tags


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I get my life time sportsman, bow hunting and muzzleloader licenses in the mail so all I need is my doe tags.  I stopped at the town clerk the other night and got my doe tags and she printed them on the yellow paper stating that she had talked to the DEC the same day and they said that they won't give me a hard time for having yellow tags not that ugly 2014-15 paper.  I talked to another guy I know and he got yellow tags too.  How many of you got these?  And I'm sure we'll hear some stories of people being given a hard time about having these yellow tags...

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I got my dmp's on Monday night at Walmart. I got yellow tags also. I read an article in the ny outdoors news (I believe that's where it was) that licensing agents can use the yellow paper until it is gone. A lot has to do with having problems printing the "new" colored tags on the printers that licensing agents have used in the past. The article said there would be no issues if you have tags that are yellow

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We are a license issuing agent, We were assured by DEC it was ok to use the yellow paper as the new valeron paper was giving trouble.BUT check thoroughly what tag you are using you can't mix up any of last years tags with this year tags. Remember its not the color thats important its what printed on it.Any unused tags from last year should be thrown out to avoid confusion

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yes this year you will see licenses printed on camo , yellow and even green! (2 years ago) DEC just wanted to make sure everyone got a license while they worked the bugs out of the new system.They have been updating it almost daily and its getting better and faster, you should start seeing more and more licenses on the new paper as time goes by

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Still waiting for my lifetime tags to show up..... squirrel starts soon what do I do when I don't have my new tags...

This is the last year where you can use last years license till Oct 1st.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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There will be a major headline during hunting season about someone being harassed for having yellow tags...the writing is on the wall!



why do you think this?  So a dec officer stops you to check. Where is that harassment?  I look at it as them doing their job.  Suppose they catch 10 guys who are trying to be cute and ticket them.  I also see that as a good thing.  Plus if you read a lot of posts on here, the dec officers are scarce and never around anyway.  Most people had no clue there was a possibility of getting yellow togs until they bought the new ones. Threads like this help them to see now that they can try to break the law.  However I seriously doubt that would happen much with the guys and ladies who are on here regularly.  But you never know with the lurkers.I think it will go smoother than most think.

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why do you think this?  So a dec officer stops you to check. Where is that harassment?  I look at it as them doing their job.  Suppose they catch 10 guys who are trying to be cute and ticket them.  I also see that as a good thing.  Plus if you read a lot of posts on here, the dec officers are scarce and never around anyway.  Most people had no clue there was a possibility of getting yellow togs until they bought the new ones. Threads like this help them to see now that they can try to break the law.  However I seriously doubt that would happen much with the guys and ladies who are on here regularly.  But you never know with the lurkers.I think it will go smoother than most think.


I would think if the DEC is telling people it's ok to use the yellow paper then they shouldn't be wasting their time checking on people with yellow tags. But then again, it is the state.

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