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$350 Refund Checks In The Mail

Cabin Fever

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If you'd like to see my tax return I can assure you that with even just 1 child I have forked over my fair share of tax dollars

I raised a couple of my own, so your not telling me anything new about paying taxes. However, I never had the government handing me back some of that tax money simply because we happen to be fertile. That's kind of a new concept that will take a bit of getting used to. At any rate, my comment was meant more as a joke than a real complaint. But I must say that this blatant political ploy of buying votes with my tax money is something that I find a bit irritating.

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I guess I'm a little surprised with the anti-family posting in this thread. I believe we're all on the same page when it comes to social program abusers, but as a community that generally is considered very family oriented, pass it down, teach the youth etc... A few of you sure do look bad...

Look, don't be confused into thinking that this is some kind of Cuomo pro-family plan. It is a simple scam to buy votes with public tax funds and that is as bad a "social program abuse" as I can think of. And no, I do not believe that just because you are fertile you deserve a government handout. I'm not really sure what is so "family oriented" about that kind of government give-away, but to me that is simply another welfare grant .... that is if I chose to ignore the obvious political motivation that tells the real story about this give-away.

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don't people with children under 16 already get a child tax credit when they file their taxes? I have kids and will be getting this life changing $350.00, but something seems out of wack......

I agree something is out of whack. If the government has extra money to give away they should collect less to begin with.

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This looks like a new spin on Hoover's promise of "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage". You just get to have your chicken before the election this time around. lol


I'm not usually a fan of potty humor but a friend of mine told me to watch the movie "Idiocracy". I did, and sadly as the saying goes "many a true word is spoken in jest". 

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Look, don't be confused into thinking that this is some kind of Cuomo pro-family plan. It is a simple scam to buy votes with public tax funds and that is as bad a "social program abuse" as I can think of. And no, I do not believe that just because you are fertile you deserve a government handout. I'm not really sure what is so "family oriented" about that kind of government give-away, but to me that is simply another welfare grant .... that is if I chose to ignore the obvious political motivation that tells the real story about this give-away.

When you use terms like "government handout"  or "government give-away" you make it sound like the people who are being sent these checks, expect them or feel entitled to them, just like the generational welfare abusers do. These people are being used by the king in an attempt to buy votes. Thats pretty obvious. I don't think we should be talking down to each other because this little prick decided to pull this stunt. I have a check coming and yes its bull crap. No I don't deserve it but the king is playing me.  


What would you do if you had a check coming Doc? Honestly.

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When you use terms like "government handout"  or "government give-away" you make it sound like the people who are being sent these checks, expect them or feel entitled to them, just like the generational welfare abusers do. These people are being used by the king in an attempt to buy votes. Thats pretty obvious. I don't think we should be talking down to each other because this little prick decided to pull this stunt. I have a check coming and yes its bull crap. No I don't deserve it but the king is playing me.  


What would you do if you had a check coming Doc? Honestly.

We have had a few replies that do express feelings of entitlement. But really, is there really any doubt that this is a government handout or give-away? How else can you describe it? It is not a tax "give-back" because there is selectivity as to who the recipients are. I think we even know the purpose, and it really is absolutely no different than welfare handouts. The government discovered a long time ago that perceived gifts from the government result in votes for incumbents.


As to what I would do with it if I had a check coming, there is no question that I would have no problem spending it. But the suggestion previously of donating it to the Astorino campaign certainly sounds like something I would be interested in. To go along with that I would also send a note to Uncle Andy as to the fact that his bribe was being sent to his competitor...... just to rub his nose in it.


Look if there is indeed a surplus in collected tax money, then handle it the right way. lower the collection rates for the future so that it doesn't happen again, and then let the surplus dwindle from natural attrition. There is no real need for all this election year grandstanding. But that is not the way our state government thinks.

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Even more confusing to me is if there is this surplus of money they have to give back, why did I get a bill for another 55 dollars that I supposedly shorted them that had to be paid this September. Or else!!! So the message I get is, we have all this extra money but we need you to send us more despite the so called surplus. How about giving the money back to the people that actually paid it!

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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This state's gov't is definitely f'ed up. Though i do look forward to reciving a check. (Couldnt come at a better time) i still feel its senseless and irresponsible of them to use it as an election gimmick... not that they would ever admit that it is.

I am a father of 5. Ages 10-18... 1 daughter is type 1 diabetic and my wife just found out she has lopus so she is not working.

I work hard and pay my taxes and struggle to pay my bills... im just over the income threshold for any sort of assistance.... and i have never been on welfare.

What really pisses me off when i see all the lazy scum that live off the system... in govt housing driving brand new suv's and knowing that they will receive a check for absolutely nothing.

They should be sending checks to all that paid taxes. And not to any that have been on the welfare system for more then 3 months in the last year or 2...

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Look, don't be confused into thinking that this is some kind of Cuomo pro-family plan. It is a simple scam to buy votes with public tax funds and that is as bad a "social program abuse" as I can think of. And no, I do not believe that just because you are fertile you deserve a government handout. I'm not really sure what is so "family oriented" about that kind of government give-away, but to me that is simply another welfare grant .... that is if I chose to ignore the obvious political motivation that tells the real story about this give-away.

I agree with everything you say, but you sound like you have a chip on  your shoulder for those who  are receiving the checks. My point is that it is out of their hands. This arrogant little prick "Governor" decided to use them to buy votes. Its out of the recipients hands.

I might be reading you wrong, but thats how it seems to me.

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I agree with everything you say, but you sound like you have a chip on  your shoulder for those who  are receiving the checks. My point is that it is out of their hands. This arrogant little prick "Governor" decided to use them to buy votes. Its out of the recipients hands.

I might be reading you wrong, but thats how it seems to me.

No, I have a chip on my shoulder about blatant abuse of government funds, and the corruption of buying votes with public tax resources. Bribes-for-votes paid for with my money does kind of upset me a bit. The whole give-away program has a disgusting odor to it.

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if a $350.00 check is going to sway someone's vote, we're in a lot more trouble than I thought..........

I'm afraid it is just another expression of welfare mentality. This whole country has a sub-culture of entitlement, and way too many people judge the value of government by the level of benefits they receive from them. For those people with that mentality, it's not the size of the bribe, but simply the fact that there is a bribe.

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And you guys wonder why people pay no attention to the safe act.  hell they do not even know they are getting a check from the king.  I envision a bunch of ostriches with their head buried in the sand.  When it is a surprise, it is much better welcomed.  Wait until January, after he buys your vote and you will be very surprised. 

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So there you have it. When celebrating the fact that the Texas is continuing to boom; Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher attributes it to pro growth policies, and with a smile on his face admits their social programs are not good. With the same smile he followed that statement with, people come to Texas to "work".  


The message behind the message then is what? People who want to work go to states like Texas, and those who don't go where? Any guesses?

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Hey Paula. I was drinking my Sunday coffee and had FOX news channel on when I saw this interview. It left me thinking just where do people who want good social programs go? Likely, they go to the places that give out the most free stuff!


So I guess in my mind the question about whether people let freebies influence their votes, I think the answer is a pretty obvious yes.  Remember though, it is Sunday morning and before my coffee was in my system! lol

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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Hey Paula. I was drinking my Sunday coffee and had FOX news channel on when I saw this interview. It left me thinking just where do people who want good social programs go? Likely, they go to the places that give out the most free stuff!


So I guess in my mind the question about whether people let freebies influence their votes, I think the answer is a pretty obvious yes.  Remember though, it is Sunday morning and before my coffee was in my system! lol

it does make sense, much like motivated people who relocate for better jobs that pay more and to better their lives, there have got to be people who chase better public assistance programs.

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Look, don't be confused into thinking that this is some kind of Cuomo pro-family plan. It is a simple scam to buy votes with public tax funds and that is as bad a "social program abuse" as I can think of. And no, I do not believe that just because you are fertile you deserve a government handout. I'm not really sure what is so "family oriented" about that kind of government give-away, but to me that is simply another welfare grant .... that is if I chose to ignore the obvious political motivation that tells the real story about this give-away.

The family oriented part is that you only got the rebate if you had a kid. I'm not sure what's confusing about that. And for the final time, I will assure you this is no handout to most families who contribute far more in 1 month to taxes then this $350 is giving back. I do not disagree this is a vote buying scheme.

Fwiw, Pataki did the same thing. Even sent a letter with it.

My $350 was deposited Friday and I'm happy about it.

Edited by Belo
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