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need answer fast, doe in yard


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Yeah whatever you say...Read the post. I stand up for a persons choice on where and how a person hunts just as this case played out. Just because i showed a different look at what could have been the case, compared to Grow;s means nothing. Hence the words..Enjoy the bounty.How many high fence hunts have you been on to have a clue to the fact of how one or the other may operate? At least you got the last word in your post.

I have seen these kinds of hunts on TV and they are obviously different than any fair chase hunt. and we ALL know you were sarcastic with the enjoy your bounty comment.... your aren't fooling me

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I have seen these kinds of hunts on TV and they are obviously different than any fair chase hunt. and we ALL know you were sarcastic with the enjoy your bounty comment.... your aren't fooling me

Wrong again. I have done the same here on my farm. You can spin my post any way you like. Means nothing to me. Bottom line is she was there and he took and tagged her. Nice 20yard shot on a deer standing perfectly broadside after being walked up on. 

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My scenario was based on that doe cruising his property... not the neighbors....How many times do I have to say this what deer do around one area does not mean they act the same in all areas,,,he may have dogs that run loose and the neighbor doesn't...they could be home out and about during the day and the neighbor not...or the reverse...point is..... his situation still has it fall as a hunt...he spotted her....readied a weapon...actually had to sneak around..unlike in a blind or stand and take a kill shot...that is a hunt!   People that live on there hunting lands ..in the woods among the deer just have different options...like it or not...than the guys that have to drive 1-3 hrs to hunt...

Did he have to ask NO...... and I think he really didn't give a rats back side what anyone really thought...it was a conversation starter on the internet. Just guessing here, but the moment he saw her the stalk had already begun in his mind...for all we know he wrote that after he shot her to get the reactions...if so ..hahaha kudos to him

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Coming from the high fenced deer farmer/hunter



Four Seasons was only pointing out another side, a side that hadn't been mentioned. I'm not even sure the OP even thought of this scenario.


Who are any one of you, to judge the ethics of one hunter to the next? Yes, some don't agree, but like it on not, it's going to be different for each and every hunter.

I can say however, that personal attacks are uncalled for, Period!

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I wonder how this would play out for many if while away at hunting camp, they look out the window and see a huge buck on the property that could easily and legally be shot by opening the door and shooting from the porch..........oh wait, I already know the answer.

Edited by jjb4900
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I wonder how this would play out for many if while away at hunting camp, they look out the window and see a huge buck on the property that could easily and legally be shot by opening the door and shooting from the porch..........oh wait, I already know the answer.



The hunter needs to have at least his socks and pants on to be ethical.  LOL

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I wonder how this would play out for many if while away at hunting camp, they look out the window and see a huge buck on the property that could easily and legally be shot by opening the door and shooting from the porch..........oh wait, I already know the answer.

NO way out the door. too noisy. Windows are much quieter and don't let as much heat our from the wood stove.

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I don't want a deer that bad that I'd have to lie to my wife about



You never, ever lied to her? Not even a small fib?? Anyway killing the deer in the yard wouldn't exactly be lying, it would just be stretching the truth a little.  Just like when most guys tell their wives that they only drank milk at hunting camp.

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You never, ever lied to her? Not even a small fib?? Anyway killing the deer in the yard wouldn't exactly be lying, it would just be stretching the truth a little.  Just like when most guys tell their wives that they only drank milk at hunting camp.

Just busting some chops and i only drink orange juice at camp as I'm lactose intolerant : )

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Which begs the question: if you're not sleeping with your pants an socks on is it really a hunting camp? :D



Of course it can still be hunting camp.  I sleep buck naked no matter where I am.  Sleeping buck naked at hunting camp you get to have entire rooms or areas of the cabin all to yourself.  No one dares to get too close to you.  They are afraid of all the ramifications and innuendos that might be directed at them for getting too close to another naked man.  LOL

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I don't know what happened here in 5 pages, but if your sole purpose is to fill the freezer and it's legal and you get a good shot than why not? It's not unethical in my book.


I myself enjoy "the hunt" and would continue to hunt how most of us do, but don't see an issue with this either. Doe or trophy buck, i'm not sure it matters.


I will add too that in the last 2 houses I've lived in I've had doe families and young bucks constantly in my yard. They're nice to watch and I probably wouldn't take them for that reason. But it's a personal choice that I wouldn't argue with someone else over for taking the opposite approach.

Edited by Belo
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out of like so ...congrats on a good clean kill and being able to sneak out of the house and around to get the shot...I know she knew she was in a active area and was highly alert to movement and dangers


perhaps our experiences with backyard deer are different, so I would argue the deer in my yard are a lot less jumpy then those in the woods. They see us everyday and have survived it.


Again, I'll say congrats on filling the freezer, but I do not consider this "hunting". Filling the freezer is not why I enjoy hunting, but it's a big perk to it.

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One of the guys in our 'camp' comes out butt naked every evening asking for a tick check. He's 6'-4", bald, and weighs 350 lbs. We steel ourselves for this nightly event through generous libation.




Holy JEEZUS, now that could be traumatic!!  Only if there was a drum big enough to fit this lard butt.  Hell, I'd pay $5 a gallon to fill it up with gasoline, so that he could soak in it for a while and have any tick drown in it, instead of me having to lift the many folds to try to find some on him.  The horror!

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 Hell, I'd pay $5 a gallon to fill it up with gasoline, so that he could soak in it for a while and have any tick drown in it, instead of me having to lift the many folds to try to find some on him.  The horror!


Holy Hanna Steve...You really did think on that one too long....lol

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Holy JEEZUS, now that could be traumatic!!  Only if there was a drum big enough to fit this lard butt.  Hell, I'd pay $5 a gallon to fill it up with gasoline, so that he could soak in it for a while and have any tick drown in it, instead of me having to lift the many folds to try to find some on him.  The horror!


Actually not a lard-butt by any means. He's just a big dude, and relatively fit. Pretty comical when I get into a pic with him because I'm 5"-6" and weigh about 135#. Wouldn't be 'camp' w/out him! He's good at dragging deer, too.

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Actually not a lard-butt by any means. He's just a big dude, and relatively fit. Pretty comical when I get into a pic with him because I'm 5"-6" and weigh about 135#. Wouldn't be 'camp' w/out him! He's good at dragging deer, too.

My brother (not technically) is 6'5 300# big guy and he saves my 5'7 self a lot of work many times a year lol....always nice to have a big guy in the crew
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I would of done the same and nice going meat is meat nice going as for the hunting



hunt·ingnoun \ˈhən-tiŋ\

: the activity or sport of chasing and killing wild animals

: the activity of searching for something


i think you filled the base deffinition you see it you shot it and you looked for it  works for me


good job


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