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Tent Camp Deer Camp Food Question


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I know it's early. But I talked my buddy into a few tent hunting trips next season. So, I figured I would ask what food you would bring on a trip like this.


Will be bow hunting in the NZ, 3 night 4 day trip, 4 night 5 day trip, and the 3rd to be discussed.

Will be camping on private land and using atv's to haul gear in. The trick is, I will be hunting, but also camp cook. Depending on weather, I will try to cook at least dinner over the fire/coals. Breakfast will be easy, propane stove, eggs and bacon, coffee. Lunch, sandwiches, dinner.........


I am thinking for set up night, I will pre make some chili, and just reheat it, with some cornbread or French bread.

Night 2, maybe pork chops, veggie and some white rice, or a nice beef stew I make in advance and reheat as well.. Night 3, steak and taters, veggie.

Deer meet depending on kills.


We are only about 3/4 of a mile from by buddies parents house, and using atv's, we can get a little carried away with food. It will just be late dinners, cause the cook will be hunting.


If you made a trip like this, what would you bring for food? Just curious.........

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I've hunted out off wall tents in Montana , deep snow and lows of 6 ......

I could not tell you what we ate,took so much work just to get back to,camp,change clothes ,get the wood stove going eating was important but secondary , certainly did not want to spend a lot of time making it.

I'd go the chili route,in other words stuff you can just heat up.

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Camp fires are great for cooking when you  don't have anything else going on, but if you are tromping around all day it is way too time consuming. Pre cook a pot of chili or stew, spaghetti is an easy two pot meal, etc. Think filling, easy, quick to prepare and clean up.


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We take and do stews,soups,mac and cheese and whatever else we like and put them in gallon ziplok bags for dinners.Easy packing in and out.For breakfast do sausage biscuits and gravy,home fries and pancakes.We use paper plates and burn after a meal.Metal forks and spoons and clean after eating (don't burn plastic fine china!!) past that kill some deer and do the loins over the campfire,that's the meal you want to spend time on !!

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KISS? That's a rock band right? Yeah, I know what it means.


Think I will just make a big pot of chili for the set up night. Then, everyone do your own thing. It will most likely only be my buddy, his cousin, and myself. Buddy doesn't hunt, but can't cook either. So.....LOL

Thinking the chili first night, chip in for eggs and sausage for breakfast, chip in for bread and lunch meat, and dinner is on the individual. Less crap, and no one can whine that I like really spicy food and I don't cook with salt.


Never really thought about the whole hunting and trying to cook as well issue. The time of year we are planning for is early, so the sunset will be later. If we get a deer, then we alter the menu.


Thanks for the input people.

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It doesn't matter what time sunset is you'll be hunting up to it and coming back in the dark, I'd assume.

Spaghetti is a simple camp meal; meat sauce can be made up at home if you'd like and noodles boiled on site

Chili sounds like a winner too but that can really turn your (mine) guts inside out and make a mess of the general vicinity of camp. :) stew is east also as mentioned. Take it in frozen......

Lunch meat is cool, maybe some nice turkey breast, rye bread, tomato and lettuce. Or egg salad!

Eggs are also a PIA in camp. Cold cereal and instant oat meal are easy.

I'd love to bring that Ho Little Debbie for snacks! Dishes are a bite in camp.

Your biggest challenge will be having enough water.

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Will be long hunting days, early Sept. and mid Oct. .

Not sure how many like oatmeal. Good idea.

Spaghetti is a good idea as well. Make up sauce in advance. Same with stew.

I would have to guess if I cook the dinners in advance my buddy should be able to start heating it up around 7:30 pm or so, and I am sure he can boil noodles for pasta..



As for water, we are only about 3/4 of a mile from my buddies house, so he can ride out to get water during the day. So water shouldn't be an issue. Ice?....If the weather is like this year, we will need ice. That could be an issue I guess. I just don't want to be trekking to the local store every day. Other members in the group want to, have at it. LOL. I plan in being in my blinds or my stand all day.

Coffee, is an issue. I can't have caffeine, so my coffee is just that I love the flavor. We always use instant, I know it's not the same, but......I digress.....


Talked to my buddy this morning and he said we should just do Mountain House Meals, everyone bring their own. That way people eat what they like. Same with libations.

I will meet the other dude for the first time tomorrow. A little concern on that one. I have some natural ground blinds set up, and really won't be happy if he uses them. But, not my land and I am not paying to hunt it, so I am not gonna be worked up about it.



As for eat what we kill? Not many rabbits or squirrels on the land. Yote's get them. Turkey won't be open yet. So we have to take food and water.



Think I might do a test camp for spring turkey. That will be more of a camping trip though. Only hunt until noon, then use the rest of the day getting a really big stockpile of wood.

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I would bring for myself if you like I know I do good ole peanut butter and a spoon,some water about 8 liter and some hot chocolate.If near a fishing stream/lake a rod and some lite tackle maybe some salt and some foil.Also some fire starter.Dry clothes is a must

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I would bring for myself if you like I know I do good ole peanut butter and a spoon,some water about 8 liter and some hot chocolate.If near a fishing stream/lake a rod and some lite tackle maybe some salt and some foil.Also some fire starter.Dry clothes is a must


Good ideas Dom.


I was leaning more towards the food though. Making sure everyone is happy with food and gets a full belly.

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Been doing a camp hunt with several friends for longer than I can remember.  Sometimes there is 6 or more of us.  We have community campfire meals.   I tell you we keep it sort of simple but we eat well.  Everyone looks forward to eating around the campfire and sharing the years stories.  Everything is cooked on the campfire.  It does not take any longer than cooking it indoors on a stove, taste way better over open fire, I mean way better.   Its a community camfire meal because we all bring food and share it.  Hamburg, chicken, sausage patties, OF COURSE VENISON, steak you name it if it gets cooked we have had it.  Now if a guy brought spaghetti he would get laughed out of camp.  Pasta salad for a side is good but no spaghetti for a main course lol.  Do the campfire cookout, make a tradition of it and you wont be sorry at all.  Good time, good food, good friends sitting aroung the firepit after a days hunt, Life is good!

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 Everything is cooked on the campfire.  It does not take any longer than cooking it indoors on a stove




It doesn't take longer?  Lets see.........turn the propane on, light a match and your cooking. 


How about wet weather?  I can (and have) cook under a tarp.  How's that open fire working in a sprinkle?  Or a downpour?


Open fire cooking is so romantic but just not practical............If I'm hunting the last thing I want to do is dick with an open fire.  I'm there to hunt, not for a kumbaya session.

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Will be long hunting days, early Sept. and mid Oct. .

Not sure how many like oatmeal. Good idea.

Spaghetti is a good idea as well. Make up sauce in advance. Same with stew.

I would have to guess if I cook the dinners in advance my buddy should be able to start heating it up around 7:30 pm or so, and I am sure he can boil noodles for pasta..



As for water, we are only about 3/4 of a mile from my buddies house, so he can ride out to get water during the day. So water shouldn't be an issue. Ice?....If the weather is like this year, we will need ice. That could be an issue I guess. I just don't want to be trekking to the local store every day. Other members in the group want to, have at it. LOL. I plan in being in my blinds or my stand all day.

Coffee, is an issue. I can't have caffeine, so my coffee is just that I love the flavor. We always use instant, I know it's not the same, but......I digress.....


Talked to my buddy this morning and he said we should just do Mountain House Meals, everyone bring their own. That way people eat what they like. Same with libations.

I will meet the other dude for the first time tomorrow. A little concern on that one. I have some natural ground blinds set up, and really won't be happy if he uses them. But, not my land and I am not paying to hunt it, so I am not gonna be worked up about it.



As for eat what we kill? Not many rabbits or squirrels on the land. Yote's get them. Turkey won't be open yet. So we have to take food and water.



Think I might do a test camp for spring turkey. That will be more of a camping trip though. Only hunt until noon, then use the rest of the day getting a really big stockpile of wood.


If your looking for an amazing instant coffee, look to Starbucks Via.  You won't be dissappointed..........................


I've never had Mountain House Meals and am in no hurry to try them.  You guys don't need them, your hunting in your buddies backyard!  You can make three trips with the 'wheeler and bring the damned kitchen sink!


Once again.........KISS


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It doesn't take longer?  Lets see.........turn the propane on, light a match and your cooking. 

How about wet weather?  I can (and have) cook under a tarp.  How's that open fire working in a sprinkle?  Or a downpour?

Open fire cooking is so romantic but just not practical............If I'm hunting the last thing I want to do is dick with an open fire.  I'm there to hunt, not for a kumbaya session.


Never been a problem yet in rain or clear skies for I dont know 15 years or more.  Has nothing to do with being romantic lmao.  Its just plain good fun, theres hot coals in the firepit the whole time, just slap some meat on the grate and done.  What else you going to do after a days hunt, sit in the tent and play paddy cake?  The whole experience is more than just a hunt, its good friends sharing the passion of hunting and spending some time around a campfire shooting the breeze.  If it was less than that why wouldnt he just stay at his friends place 3/4's of a mile away, sleep in a bed, cook on a stove or order in pizza?  Sounds like he is looking for more of an experience than just waking up and going hunting to me. 

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OK but I'll pass on the nightly cookout.I like my Coleman stove and a couple propane bottles. Pretty easy to pack and no messing with wood. I could imagine you'd go through a pile of wood for all your cooking and cleaning needs??   


Cleaning is pretty simple, paper plates etc.  We sure do burn a fair amount of wood though.  The important thing is to enjoy the time whether its  campfire cooking or a coleman stove.

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Don't ignore those packages of dried food that you can buy at Ganders, Bass-pro, Field and stream stores. Yeah it's pricey, but damn good. I know you have ATVs, and you aren't all that far back in, so cargo space and weight is not a concern. But that stuff is pretty darn tasty and convenient and offers a heck of a variety. Even if you carry in some fresh and canned stuff, the addition of some of that dried food can add some great change-ups in diet.

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OK! Before this turns into yet another p match...........I stated this would be early seasons.  


Law has some good points. And Lawd knowz, I am not a fan of his. The next time he KISS me, I am reporting him for sexual harassment. I like the idea of propane. That time of year we/I will be hunting long hours. Sunrise will be around 5:30 am, and sunset will be around 8 pm ( this is APPX times! not etched in stone. so please keep your thongs untangled! ). So the time for sleep will be scarce. I get the propane thing. Even with premade meals, it will be quick to heat up. So, we can eat, have a beer or two, get some sleep and hunt the next day.

Now, the Starbucks? Really? Really? Camping? Deer camp? Where the men are supposed to be men and the women kill the deer? For me, I will stick to Folders Instant.



Wow, even I just got lost in the mayhem that's taking over this thread. 


I think I need to start droppin a few before I post in here....................

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Law has some good points. And Lawd knowz, I am not a fan of his.


No schit.  Say what?  I always have some good points, sometimes I'm a little rough but work with me.....


You PM me an address and I'll send you a tube (still sealed of course) of the Starbucks Via.  You NEVER had instant like this.  Really..........................


(oh, and I can tell you are becoming a fan) 




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No schit.  Say what?  I always have some good points, sometimes I'm a little rough but work with me.....


You PM me an address and I'll send you a tube (still sealed of course) of the Starbucks Via.  You NEVER had instant like this.  Really..........................


(oh, and I can tell you are becoming a fan) 






:rolleyes:  :pleasantry:  LOL. I don't know about a fan. But, you do have ideas that I agree with. Like the ladder thing from another thread .You have your moments Law, I give you that. Now lets quit the warm and fuzzy $chit.




Paula, ++1, ya can't have a deer camp without some alcohol. Beer is my choice, I don't drink liquor anymore. But to each their own.




I thought of two other good meals for dinner. Chicken with rice and peas or carrots, or beef with rice and corn.

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