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Anyone else have property in the wind farm project zone?


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I travel two areas locally that have wind turbines and also see the damned things on the shore of Lake Erie. 


The flock in Wyoming County is enormous and stick out like a sore thumb.  I see them every time I head to my buddies in Arcade.


I'd see the turbines every time I spent a day or three at my uncles cabin in Naples.  I've turkey hunted near them and couldn't stand it.  I pity the people that have to look at the beasts daily............

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Wind power is not cost effective. If it wasn't for governmental subsidies at this time, they would not exist. A "Fad' just like the electric car will be.  Just a matter of years, and they will be an abandon eyesore on the horizon.


Who knows, they may just attract the public, like light houses do today.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Are people getting that rich off these windmills that makes them buy into this crap and destroy a beautiful landscape? What an eyesore. I don't think i could stand owning let alone hunt a property that had so many unnatural big unsightly objects all over. What a sad deal, the things people do to make a buck.

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Are people getting that rich off these windmills that makes them buy into this crap and destroy a beautiful landscape? What an eyesore. I don't think i could stand owning let alone hunt a property that had so many unnatural big unsightly objects all over. What a sad deal, the things people do to make a buck.


I think I remember hearing $10,000 a year per turbine??


Somebody please correct me if you know.

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Unless there was a tie that binds to the land, ie family heritage or something, I see nothing wrong with putting one or more of these up on the land I owned. If my kid goes to college for free off of it, or if I have a reliable income from it that would benefit me/my family, then its a no-brainer.


Do I think they are the most beautiful thing in the world? No. Can I blame the landowners for doing it? No.


At the end of the day, if you have the chance to grab life by the balls, get a handful.






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Are people getting that rich off these windmills that makes them buy into this crap and destroy a beautiful landscape? What an eyesore. I don't think i could stand owning let alone hunt a property that had so many unnatural big unsightly objects all over. What a sad deal, the things people do to make a buck.


I've hunted plenty of land that are now subdivisons. What a horrible way to destroy a beautiful landscape. What an eyesore. The things people do to make a buck.

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Unless there was a tie that binds to the land, ie family heritage or something, I see nothing wrong with putting one or more of these up on the land I owned. If my kid goes to college for free off of it, or if I have a reliable income from it that would benefit me/my family, then its a no-brainer.


Do I think they are the most beautiful thing in the world? No. Can I blame the landowners for doing it? No.


At the end of the day, if you have the chance to grab life by the balls, get a handful.


As far as a reliable income, maybe for the landownner, that's about it. That will dry up, as more are installed and the market get saturated.  As far as your kid going to college for free, you know there's no such thing, LOL.

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"I will say this though..for all the talk these initial companys have on setting aside decommissioning funds...most of that is just a drop in the bucket as to the real cost to get rid of them when they no longer are cost effective...so who do you think these towns will go after to accomplish this? I'm figuring the land owners"


and when that company declares bankruptcy!  then let the fun begin

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"I will say this though..for all the talk these initial companys have on setting aside decommissioning funds...most of that is just a drop in the bucket as to the real cost to get rid of them when they no longer are cost effective...so who do you think these towns will go after to accomplish this? I'm figuring the land owners"


and when that company declares bankruptcy!  then let the fun begin

might be time to start up a business that dismantles and removes them.......probably a few bucks worth of scrap metal as well.

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I think I remember hearing $10,000 a year per turbine??


Somebody please correct me if you know.

It depends on what size turbine goes up. $4,000 per/MW. Most turbines are 2.5 MW so you are correct $10,000 per turbine. 

I guess I'm just used to the tall skyscrapers of NYC and the many thousands of utility poles out in the burbs, the turbines don't bother me one bit. I bought my land in 2007.

It has a million $ view. In the view now is 27 turbines, they are at a distance of about 7 miles. It was interesting seeing them go up and really for me it doesn't deter from the view. 

This is my opinion and my cabin is my second home, then again most of the people that are signing are locals.  Our tax money subsidizes the oil business to the tune of 4.8 billion a year.

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As far as a reliable income, maybe for the landownner, that's about it. That will dry up, as more are installed and the market get saturated.  As far as your kid going to college for free, you know there's no such thing, LOL.


That's all that matters. If someone came to me to put up a turbine for $10k a year royalty, and at the end of the day the risks are mitigated with necessary contract provisions, it won't take long for me to sign on the line. I don't care if it doesn't provide reliable income to you, your mother, or your kids. I'm sorry, but I don't care. In all honesty, I might ask that they put up twenty-five of them on my ground for similar rates as long as I could be safely protected.


Call me whatever you want, I'm better securing my family's future or significantly contributing to a quality of life improvement. If they put 25 on there, I might be able to move and not have to look at them anyway, lol. Being emotionally attached to something that you would be better served by looking at as a business transaction usually ends up with you on the losing side financially and reducing the quality of life. Whether it's buying a car, buying or selling a home, or with land. Sure, sometimes peace of mind is worth a lot. I'd rather go crazy and give my kid a head start over yours any day of the week. Cruel, but that is reality. Not everyone gets a trophy in life.

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"I will say this though..for all the talk these initial companys have on setting aside decommissioning funds...most of that is just a drop in the bucket as to the real cost to get rid of them when they no longer are cost effective...so who do you think these towns will go after to accomplish this? I'm figuring the land owners"


and when that company declares bankruptcy!  then let the fun begin


  National grid and other energy companies are paying hugh taxes for unrelated projects, unrelated to the generation of power. I'm sure the state would be happy to tap into their account for the removal of these structures as well.


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That's all that matters. If someone came to me to put up a turbine for $10k a year royalty, and at the end of the day the risks are mitigated with necessary contract provisions, it won't take long for me to sign on the line. I don't care if it doesn't provide reliable income to you, your mother, or your kids. I'm sorry, but I don't care. In all honesty, I might ask that they put up twenty-five of them on my ground for similar rates as long as I could be safely protected.


Call me whatever you want, at the end of the day, I'm better securing my family's future or significantly contributing to a quality of life improvement. If they put 25 on there, I might be able to move and not have to look at them anyway, lol. Being emotionally attached to something that you would be better served by looking at as a business transaction usually ends up with you on the losing side financially and reducing the quality fo life. Whether it's buying a car, buying or selling a home, or with land. Sure, sometimes peace of mind is worth a lot. I'd rather go crazy and give my kid a head start over yours any day of the week. Cruel, but that is reality. Not everyone gets a trophy in life.

 Nothing against you Phade, but that kind of mindset disgust me.



I know of this mindset these days all to well "what's in it for me."  Hell, that's how this countrys got where it is today. To hell with the neighbor, that pays their fair share in taxes, just as well as eyeryone else. And if the towns don't go along, with it. we'll just elect the kind of people that will.


I blame the teaching profession for the materials taught to the students in the public schools today. Kids are young and can be modeled in any shape, way, or form. Some of our mentors just plain stink!

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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 Nothing against you Phade, but that kind of mindset disgust me.



I know of this mindset these days all to well "what's in it for me."  Hell, that's how this countrys got where it is today. To hell with the neighbor, that pays their fair share in taxes, just as well as eyeryone else. And if the towns don't go along, with it. we'll just elect the kind of people that will.


No offense taken. The mindset of being neighborly at the significant expense or detriment to my family's well being/pursuit of happiness is equally if not more disgusting. That's about as hypocritical as one can get - pot calling the kettle black.


People who have not trying to take from those who have is exactly how we got to where we are today. It's why the president is in office.


Would I want one next to me? Not for a second, but I can't sit there and get pissed at the neighbor; he's doing the right thing for his family and I commend him for that.

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We were just talking about this the other day...they are having problems with the ones out our way...the blades don't fit properly ..from what I'm told...anyways one let loose in these high winds...landed a mile away...Talked to the cresw they bring in..not local mind you to repair then when they go down...they go down a lot... Last year the guys were in T/CFarms buying rain gear and many many tarps...they were not to impressed with how there made...

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We were just talking about this the other day...they are having problems with the ones out our way...the blades don't fit properly ..from what I'm told...anyways one let loose in these high winds...landed a mile away...Talked to the cresw they bring in..not local mind you to repair then when they go down...they go down a lot... Last year the guys were in T/CFarms buying rain gear and many many tarps...they were not to impressed with how there made...


The interesting thing is I think many of them are made in foreign countries when the subsidies were designed to allow them to be built in the US. Somehow the companies found loopholes to have them built and imported.

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Ya.... until a blade breaks and kills one of your family members ..right?  Or until you find out that the constant humming they make or even the electric field generated cause learning disabilities in your children in the long run...


Wouldn't be my children. I'd probably move to Iowa or an island and have the residual income allow my kids to go to Yale and drive more expensive cars than their teachers in high school.


You take things equally as far as I do on the opposite end of the spectrum, lol.

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